Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Welcoming May 2017

It is already going 2 be the second week of the month. Lagi la cpt. And just how fast it is that my baby is now actually 25 weeks already. I dont really keep track weekly. I just remembered that it was 20 or 21 weeks the last time i actually checked through the pregnancy calculator. Hahaha.. Mesti la ada check kan. Takkan takde at all. Was so cute. Now the size of timun. Most baju n seluar mmg tak muat lah. Already washed some maternity clothes. So boleh lah pakai. Baju kurung not really can wear. Ingat nak cari baju maternity lagi. Tapi rasanya tak perlu kot. Sbb i tgk semlm dlm beg tu mcm bnyk je lagi. My sis gave a pair to me as well. Maybe undergarments kot i nak kena beli nnt. Guess what? Now the baby is jumping all around in my tummy. Excited and wondering apa yg dia buat nnt ye. :)

Anyway, i wanted to update our short vacation. To the next post ye. Tata!!

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