Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, May 22, 2017

I donno whether it is true or not

I was checking my touchngo balances when i came through husband's trx. I mcm jadi suspicious plak. Kenapa he is already here midnight 17 tp dia smp rumah on 18. Where did he sleep for the night? Dia overnight ngan sape? Yesterday i asked him pastu he was telling me ada dispute kat trx touchngo dia. And he refers to his colleague pun penah kena macam tu. And i was like ok ni another story to create ke? And he said that kalo dia blk 17 mcm mana nk claim kat ofis. Hurmm.. Ye ke? I just rasa inside he is lying. Creating stories over stories. Bukannya setting my mind ckp dia tipu tapi my feelings je rasa mcm apa ni. Takyah la tipu2. Kalo betol if u wanna get married, tell me, takyah nak do nonsense. Hate it ok. He said he will check with touchngo about the dispute. I pun ye kan je lah. My concept is: apa2 je lah. God is there. I just doa. Kalo btol he did wrong, show it to me. God is fair right. Jangan smp i merajuk nnt. I lari baru tau. Hahahaha... Syian busyuk i dua orang tu. Si manja dgn si busyuk. Kesian tgk diorang. Tapi i rasa sedih kalo btol dia tipu i. Haisshh.. Doa je la banyak2 yg i mampu. Sbb tu yg boleh calm n make me peace. Rs mcm x nak depend on anybody. If that buat u sakit hati. Treating my heart to say SABAR and SABAR. Okay Shim. What comes around goes around. Okaylah nak tido dah. Enough of emotional part tonight. Praying for a better day tomorrow. Inshaallah. :)

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