Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, May 22, 2017

Eating activities for my weekend

U know never had this feeling through out my previous pregnancy. With the so HOT weather. I mcm suffocate sgt. Donno whom to talk to. Rs nk balik umah my mum je. Mcm sejuk sket kat hall dia. It was like here dari siang smp malam air cond je. Rs dehudrated pun ada. And my tummy mcm doesnt feel good. Is it baby? I guess so. Husband wanted to apply the oitment tp i rasa tu bukan sbb angin. And i dislike it when ppl say angin angin angin. It is NOT an inherited sickness okay. Geram je. Tapi towards midnight it is getting better. Tu la i berblog kejap ni. Anyway, why i say full of makan. Because since hari tu, mcd with zara, pizza with kids, nasi beryani and kuah kurma, satay, roti canai, cake and mcd again for bday party. Kann bnyk tu namanya. If larat boleh je puasa tp cam tak tahan je. Tgk dulu mcm mana nnt.

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