Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Port Dickson - Lexis Hibiscus

Another day here at PD. Let me update 1st before i actually can post bout something else.

Well, after the kids enjoyed themselves very much at the waterpark, balik rest kejap, mandi pack and check out to the next destination. We had our lunch at Muslim seafood restaurant. Costly sket la. Ingt nk pg tmpt selalu tu. Tp jln jam teruk so husband decides to go to the nearest makan place or else we will be wasting time. Anyway, it was a public holiday. Labor day to be exact. We checked in to the hotel around 4pm. And the kids dah  really excited sbb from lobby to the room kena naik buggy plak. Tu yg dia rasa syok and pelik. Hahaha.. Cute kiddos. Sampai room, i was impressed. Tp lps tu ada kabut sket sbb our bfast katanya not included. Check check pastu rupanya ada. So settle kap kat situ for around 30 minutes before we all round the room. I will share the pic here later ok. Experience lain sbb room ni mmg tgh laut btol. And got private pool and got a small glass in the middle of the room on the floor. Basically boleh nmpk laut lah. Kids tak sabar nk masuk pool. Terus tukar baju and get in the pool. Sejuk sket tp they all enjoy it so much. Well, at first told hubby kalo dia in need of money tak yah lah pg holiday kan..save je duit tu. Hurmm.. Semua money money money. Setel pool, kita gi dinner early. Dlm tu jgk. Ada food court by the side of the sea
. Food options not bad. Tp mahal sket lah. Of course mahal sket. Nasi goreng cost around rm9 satu pinggan. Tapi sbb nice and beedap ok to pay for the price. Husband kata malas nak keluar. So kita explore and makan dalam hotel je la. Balik room kids dah ngantuk. Penat swimming lagi. Semua pun flat. Tido awal. Rsnya b4 10 kot. And then in d middle of d nite, i terjaga sbb zafran nk susu. Jalan kat atas glass mirror tu. Ishh tgk bwh gelap je. Laut ni. Wanted to go out and see tp sbb pregnant tak jadi lah. Dah lah tgh mlm kt tgh laut. Mcm2. Anyways i do enjoyed myself as well. Thank you husband for treating us.

Next day bfast. Try not to eat all la sbb perut cpt mengah sekarang ni. So decided to mkn yg btol2 nk mkn. Nasi lemak is not exceptional. That one mesti nak try eventhough mana2 hotel pun. Well, around 10 stop get in the room. Kids swim balik smp dkt 11.30. Not that hot la. Very nice view. Pastu i pun sama join. Masuk sauna sekali ngan zara. What an experience. Dah tu hbs mandi semua packing packing and time to go back to reality. Hahahaa.. Kids were like mummy boleh tak nak tinggal sini lama2. Takyah school. Boleh mandi swimming pool hari2. Syok. I said ehh.. Dok sini pun kena gi school. :) balik lunch dulu nasi ayam bakar. Pastu balik lah. End of story. Ok here is the pics. For me to return back here, mmmm i would say WHY NOT? :)

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