Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Port dickson - Tiara beach resort

Ok. Husband said, we chose this place sbb nak bagi kids enjoy the waterpark. The apartment is just situated next to it. Tp nk masuk waterpark kena byr fees lah. Rm20 per person. Kids really enjoying themselves. Tapi nak smp situ. 2 kali waze bwk gi jalan pelik. Kitorang lagi lah pelik. Apahal bawak pegi situ. We all stay one night kat Tiara tu. For one night ok lah. Just to rest for the day. If u wish to spend the whole day, in the room, u can choose some other place. Only rm150 per night. Beds dusty a bit. Before tido kena kebas2 ngan selimut sket. Coz boleh rasa pasir atas katil dia. Air cond bocor sket. Others ok lah. To rest lps activity siang. Tapi kids suka je. Enjoy themselves. Pegi hotel. :)

Waterpark boleh tahan. Banyak slides and games for kids. Mmg diorang suka lah.smp dh dekat 12 noon pun tak nak balik lagi. Dah chitam dua2 budak kecik. I tak mandi sgt. Dok tepi tu je. Rendam kaki. Daddy yg bnyk tgk diorang. Pegi sana sini. Jaga kids naik slide. I'll share some photos here.

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