Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, February 2, 2008


new day of new month. dah satu bulan berlalu dalam tahun 2008. so fast kan. sekejap je i rasa. that day bz with year end reports now start bz balik for normal month end reports. cny pun dah dekat. a few more days. i dah lame tak blog kan. bout 1 week plus. hehe.. juz don't have the time to go n type type type.. takpelah.. when i got time i'll write.

1st feb. public holiday for kl coz it's federal teritory day. cuti.. yahhoo!! then yang syok tu bout i did last night la. me n my colleague zurina.. went for SHEILA MAJID IN CONCERT. best la. n i think it's worth it. at first i dah ajak faiz pegi tapi him like huh? sheila majid? not interested i pun =( then round 2 days later zurina asked me eh..shima jom tgk concert sheila majid nak. as well donating to ijn.. so we all pun tanpa berpk panjang next day decided nak pegi. so on that day, friday kan. we all check la website to find out where to find the ticket. ingat dekat ngan ofis je. then makan la. ard 1.45pm gerak sane skali samapi situ takde pun tix for sheila majid tapi futsal. aler.. then we all dah sedih. so on the way back to ofis.. supposingly friday masuk 2.30 kan. we all 2.30 dah depan ofis trus gamble gi istana budaya nak beli ticket. lucky jalan tak jam sgt. at last dpt jgk akhirnya. smp ofis blk 3.30.. hahaha.. takpela.. buat muka selambe je. then seperti biasa i tak sabar sabar la nak gi tgk concert tu. sampai la hari yang dijanjikan. i went out from house 6.15pm. smp klcc ard 6.40pm. tak jam sbb kl cuti. parked my car, jalan2 then had dinner at kfc. pastu dah setel, pray sume pegi la kat hall tu. then that time we saw only noryn aziz. the other artiste tak nampak pun lagi. ard 8.20 take our seats tapi cam tak best la sbb seats atas yg depan sekali cam terhalang dgn bars keselamatan tu. tapi walau bagaimanapun.. really enjoy the show until like 30 min later. everyone from level 3 turun bawah.. to join the empty seats for tix price @ rm350. we all duduk almost depan la. same row as tun mahadir n other vvips. hahha.. dekat gile.. n i'm very happy. we enjoyed ourselves there. sing along. tepuk tangan.. joget2.. hehe.. sebelah i ni cam uncle la.. tapi segan la sket.. hehe.. towards the end.. sume lagu best2. nyanyi n nyanyi n nyanyi.. hahaha.. gelak2. then sheila annouced some familiar faces like chef wan, dayang n anuar zain. habis almost 12 midnite. sumer orang really had fun.. she ended the concert with among my favourite song.. LAGENDA.. habis je kak zurina send me back to car park. i masa nak balik tu dah tersalah jalan sebenarnye. tapi i just make an affirmation.. takpe i akan jumpa jgk jln nye nnt. so at last i tembus balik istana budaya then from there i kno where to go to.. haha.. reached home round 1.15am. alhamdulillah takde pape on the way home. sampai cleaned up.. minum.. borak with brothers.. then the next thing i know is i have to wake up by 8am to go to clas... but nvm my heart feels nice..

i like lost giler sbb kena bangun awal. tido ard 2.30. bangun2, mandi, breakfast, tgk keta takde,, mintak my fren's favor to fetch me. masuk clas ard 9.45am. haha.. then class sejuk giler.. oh i met my old school mate. sheri. she still look the same. so sit next to her. pastu rushing balik sbb haizum nak balik kampung. got home rest jap.. makan mee goreng yg mum masak. a bit weird coz she you know la. juz take it easy this time. tapi i tau i'm getting thinner coz i'm stressed la kat umah. supposingly kat umah tak stress.. nyampah sungguh.. hmm.. biarlah.. but last nite's feelings stil ade lagi smp skang. hahaha.. very happy ..

sampai la satu sad moment tadi.. malas nak cite.. if nak tau sile tanye muhamad faiz marican sbb he know most of it. i cried .. sedih sgt. i don't expect him to say those words.tapi i'm sorry. i'm really sorry. i love u so much b. really n i mean it. love u.. love u.. love u.. but now my emotion a bit ok. just follow the flow.

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