Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, June 30, 2008

last day @ MAAKL

sad! sob*sob* it's my last day @ MAAKL. after serving for 2 years, it's time for me to leave and go one with my life. banyak i learn through out my life. in terms of work, friendship n 1 more important thing, never ever mix up personal and work or else ur work will become sucks. i got a gift from my finance team. a TEDDY BEAR. hehe.. love it. will give a name to it later. bertambah la collection anak patung i. cuba ingat balik sumenye. i got Lala, sLeePy, Barbies, Maize, Fishy, Doraemon, Patrick n now the new TEDDY. maybe i'll call it TED. hehehe.. thanx a lot for the cute gift. really love it sooooooooooo much...
lunch time tadi gi makan ngan Suney n Bihah kat Charlies. i ordered charbroiled sirloin steak. kenyang. thanx. pastu masa makan borak2 masuk topic mainly on malaysian political. banyaknye aku tak tau sbb aku blur. kena update myself ni. surat khabar pun jarang baca. ape la nak jadi kat our country ni. skang pegi mane2 tmpt sumer corrupted, a conspiracy. mane yg safe pun kengkadang tak tau. top top ppl bz with political agendas, yg suffer citizen. dgn inflation lps minyak naik, tu naik ni naik... isshhh..iisshhh...
before balik tadi, kemas2 barang pastu snap2 photo ngan ofismates. sad la. tapi takpela. mus pun ckp life must go on. kak yan pun ckp the same thing. insya-Allah juz jaga myself okay.
balik tadi gi dine ngan hubby kat shikin seafood. we ordered tomyam, udang goreng tepung, ikan bawal sweet sour n nasi. i asked for air suam je. alhamdulillah kenyang..
oklah i ni nak tido. esok start keje baru kat tempat baru. wish me all the best. nite nite!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

flying without wings

..u've got to fight for every dreams..

farewell lunch

after surveying n surveying then my sis gave an opinion of y not go to eden for lunch. so we decided ok la. semalam my dept gi makan kat eden kat chulan square. sumwhere depan pavillion. senang je nk pegi. bukan la susah sgt. masa nak gi tu lalu la satu hospital baru buat. prince medical centre eh name die. nampak so cantik. dekat ngan area istana terengganu. mesti mahal kan if admitted to that hospital. dkt tgh tgh town. we all smp ard1. pastu tak tau nak makan ape. sbb dh lapar so decided to makan nasi. we all [me, husna, sya n akma] ordered steam rice. pastu we all ordered tiger prawn, chicken salad, dory fish fillet n mushroom soup. i had orange juice with no ice. pelik kan. pastu boss ckp aiyaa.. kalo nak makan lauk pegi la restoran seri melayu. haha.. i ckp takpe la.. we lapar mah.. the dishes actually western pastu mkn ngan nasi. tapi very full la. tmpt die cozy. first time gi sane. tapi service tu lmbt la. ibukannye ramai customers but it's a bit lambat la. semalam kat ofis main2 je bnyk. dok email email ngan sya n akma, ntah pape mengarut. gelak2 la. then shirley lukis lukis gambar itik kat husna punye drawing of pokok kelapa. hahaha.. =) pastu masa makan they all tried to korek2 lagi rahsia i nak resign pi company mane. i was like serba salah nak ckp. sekejap ckp kat sentral la sekejap ckp kat raja chulan la. pastu masa on the way back i told these 3 ppl [sya, akma n husna] husna was surprised la. then die ckp ohhhhhh patut la takmo cakap. kalo die pun rasa serba salah nak ckp. sbb my going to be boss is previous staff of my current boss. pening pening. hehe.. then ade snap snap photo.. tapi blum trf lagi. batt kong. nnt i trf eh..
e'eh tetibe lagu selamat hari raya kat winamp. nak pose dh. blum ganti lagi ni. camne ar. takpe nnt dh settle trf keje boleh start pose. insya-Allah.
hhmmm... ade something incoincidently happened. masa first time nak join MAAKL i per*** n now til end of my last day i pun per***. hehe. bengong tu pun blh nak cerita.
semalam lps balik gi minum ngan faiz n his frens sumwhere near my house. pastu smp umah mandi then tertido. almost 11pm baru makan nasi. at first taknak makan. kenyang. ape yg kenyang ntah. bukannye makan nasi petang tu. letih kot. makan to lapik perut je pastu naik balik atas katil trus tertido. since last nite til now my fon takleh nak send sms regarding my horoscope. kata tak cukup space. tapi i dh delete sms songs and certain images. fon ni bengong la. hmm... bile ade extra $ nnt i tuka fon la.
semalam b4 pegi keje borak jap ngan mum. she seems happy after get back from hols. tapi based on her attitude she is stil like that. i mean with the same b4 she left. tadi dad baru bising pasal she spending on unnecessary items. nnt la i check. jap gi nak call uncle maniam nak gi paint keta.

Thursday, June 26, 2008


finally dh send 2 format of reports to boss. dunno whether he will accept ke tak. syok! syok! dah siap. tadi survey survey kat net then ade jumpe sket sket templates yg related. so i amend few parts of it yang i rasa patut kena amend. jap gi nak tido dh. skang tgh layan lagu kat win amp. skang ni lagu please forgive me by bryan adams.
esok i ade farewell lunch kat eden chulan square. nak makan ape ar? tak tau lagi. hari ni kat ofis me and mgt acc team bengong. haha.. gelak sorang2 la.. pastu borak pasal baju la, pasal makan la, macam2. pastu keje tak buat pun. nway takde keje sangat pun. juz tolong monitor sket2 mane yg patut. aahhh.. tetibe terasa cam seram sejuk nak start new work. with new environment with new group of people with new task of work. a lot for me to learn.
tadi kat ofis i dpt satu presentation from eton pasal individual. banyak sgt wise words dalam tu. so touching. growing older we have to be mature. tapi i ni tak mature mature lagi la. asyik nak suka2 je. pastu terhimpit ngan prob sket sket nak nangis. sket sket nak nangis. in the presentation siap cakap kalau takde solution why is the problem exist. insya-Allah semua probs tu ade solution. maybe time that matters. n how u handle the situation.
parent dah balik. abg napi n farid gi amik kat lcct. dad ckp kul 6 tapi smp kul 8. he said delayed. now they dah sleep. guess so letih n penat. not sure dad keje ke tak esok. hmm.. skang lagu u mean everything to me. =) mum suke sgt lagu ni. tak sempat nak borak2 with her. esok la after balik from work. i rasa ok kot nak borak. tgk my parent blk tadi dua dua nampak happy. gi holiday kan plus dad ade golf. nak ikut tapi takleh nak ikut. takpela.. nnt dh kawin gi ngan husband. akan plan nak gi mane.
ooppss dah 11.45pm ni. tetibe lagu best plak. nak berangan jap. hehe. nite!


heyya..so sejuk. in ofis at the moment. tgh blur blur pk nak gi makan kat mane esok. hilton? wah sorang rm100. melampau la plak kang. hehe.. gi mane lagi. that day shirley gave suggestion gi makan kat karaoke. makan2 and at the same time can sing. tapi cam kelakar je. maybe tak kot. hmm..nnt la i surf surf tempat nak gi makan kat mane. yesterday all girls gi makan kat charlie's. for my farewell. total 17 of us including me. tapi i duduk kat kepala meja. coz they said i yg resign so nnt senang nak bagi speech. mane ade speech. tapi jap duduk kat hujung sane jap duduk kat hujung sini pastu duduk tengah2. they said all the best in new place. pastu they all siap pesan lagi nnt kawin jemput tau. insya-Allah. semalam i makan spagethi. tapi not that kenyang. towards petang tu dh lapar. so beli la roti bilis. ptg tu dropped by our house jap sbb nak masuk fon line. tapi takleh pakai lagi sbb kena check dgn management dulu. maybe sumthing wrong with the internal line. they day b4 i gi lunch ngan bihah kat charlie's jgk. complete tu from starter to main course to dessert. total we all dua dalam rm100. tapi her kawan (worked as waiter kat situ) yg tlg settlekan. thanx nway to her. kenyang gue babe. alhamdulillah.
ohh..lagi satu syok i dh kena per**** on tuesday. ngam2 28 days. mmg on the day yg i calculated. hehe.. tapi sakit perut la. =( semalam belasah air coke. tapi tak teruk sgt as previous period. stil blh tahan la. tapi first day tu dah kalah. i makan panadol. bukan ponston.

hmm.. this week is almost over. so weekend ni macam banyak benda nak buat je. first nak settle painting keta. pastu nak gi jalan2 aka shopping sket la. pastu nak survey gi keje kat tempat baru naik train. tapi tu semua perancangan lagi. insya-Allah kan. that day i ade survey2 satu blog nak beli baju online tapi dah terlambat. banyak gak la fashion die yg i suke. tapi dh sold out. maybe nak gi cari sendiri la if ade lagi la kan. comel plus the price taklah mahal sgt. dlm less than rm50. if in future ade lagi yang i suke maybe i'll just try to buy one la. ehehe..

semalam dh hand over most of the work to my colleague. she needs to catch up fast coz shirley will be on maternity sumwhere in february next year. and that period is the audit period for our company. so told her good luck. and u can get help from sya, husna n akma. pening bor sbb nnt staff die gi maternity. blum masuk funds' side. murni lagi. or maybe kak zu. hehe..

enuf bout work. i sekarang semakin rasa takut sbb i punye responsibility towards KGE semakin besar. insya-Allah will give my focus to make sure hubby's dream to get ISO standard for his company is achievable. chaiyok! chaiyok! so i kena banyak study on how to set up his acc and so it is presentable to the company's shareholders and directors. whoossshh.. ni kena bagi more than 100%. by next month he is going to resign from his current company. and focus more on KGE. so by 25th nak dapat salary dah. nak kena check all the claims lagi. (my new baby) mummy is going to handle u with care. to hubby honey will support u in all ways coz honey loves u so much n it is part of honey's responsibility.. m-u-n-c-h-i-e-k-i-n-s dear. *mmuuaahh*

yaay! my parent balik hari ni from surabaya. i takde pesan pape. i juz cakap kat mum that day selamat pergi dan balik. tak sure la sape pi amik depa kat airport. maybe yan kot. nnt i tanye kat die jap lagi.

btw, i nak start wat keje. ape yang patut la. c ya.. *wink*wink*

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


suddenly my heart rasa sedih la. nak leave this company. lagi 4 hari. then rasa nak cry pun ade. takpe.. takpe.. tabahkan hati ku ini.

Monday, June 23, 2008

j co

tersangat kenyang

i skang ni tersangatlah kenyang. baru lps lunch. i makan nasi lauk ayam kurma n sayur hijau. this morning i ate nasi lemak. hmm... no wonder la kenyang sgt. isshh..isshh.. tak elok tul perangai. haha.

nak share something interesting for me. semalam i gi makan donut kat j co. nyum! nyum! yang crispy tu i suke kat j co compared to big apple. tapi oreo blum rasa lagi. blum ade rezeki lagi. tapi takpe nnt ade time i pegi balik sane.

pastu semalam pun ade la survey2 baju kat forever 21. starting to like the design tapi amboi mahal sket la. tops so far yang i tgk semalam price die more than 100. tapi disebabkan bulan ini i nye salary kena hold sbb i dh resign so kena la tunggu next month. insya-Allah when i dah ade enuf $ i bole try nak beli satu baju kat sane. tapi tu la. i skang tak brape tau latest fashion. tu la pasal kena surf banyak tempat kan. i rasa malaysia pun mesti ade blogs yang share pasal latest trends or fashion. so if i takleh nak beli yang mahal2 tu i belik yang look a like tapi with reasonable price.

last nite borak2 ngan mus sekejap dlm 45 min. we all ckp pasal career. where do we see ourselves in the next 5 years. pastu we all cakap benda yang same. dah kawin, ade anak, ade keta n ade umah. takde kena mengena langsung ngan career. pastu tup tup ckp ape yang we all nak sebenarnye dlm live ni. nak career macam mane. hmm.. jawapan nye nak tau tak.. hehhe.. we all pun TAK TAU. hahaha..so funny kan.. pastu kan cakap la pasal hias menghias rumah, masak memasak. maybe accounting is sumthing that what we can learn to stuffed ourselves with the info tapi bile it comes to reality accounting job sumtimes rasa nak lari dari job ni. do something else. macam mus ckp die nak jadi councillor. i suggested to her to take u p master in pshyciatrist. at least ade some knowledge. i ni.. dulu ade plan nak buka resort. pastu ade gak bercita2 nak buka salun rambut+make up+butik kawin2. mcm2 la. tapi ppl say it's gud to have dreams so u'll work hard to achieve ur dreams. tapi for this time being i rasa lebih baik i focus kat my current job first. pastu kumpul duit murah rezeki insya-Allah nak bawak kuar myvi se putih satu. take care of myself, my relationship (my precious baby), focus on KGE (my new baby), jaga my praying time (for God's blessing and also for life after death). Insya-Allah.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

gOoD mOrNiNg


sunday sunday

hari ni nggak tau mau bikin ape. mau pegi makan doughnut dekat big apple or j co. yummy yummy soooo delicious. hehe. nak ajak farid gi skali la tapi die ckp nak gi cari barang. tgk dulu camne k. semalam awal2 hari ade perkara tak syok berlaku tapi i kalah la sebab menangis kan. pastu b4 kuar dari bilik tu ckp kat diri sendiri "i'm outta from here dah takyah nak nangis nangis" apara... ahh malas nak pk pk.

semalam dh hantar keta kat uncle maniam nak gi ketuk. he charged rm80. quite cheap kan. tapi takleh nak spray lagi. this coming week. so my kereta ade la tompok tompok merah yang kena ketuk tu. isshh ishh syian keta i. die injured eh. takpe takpe. sekejap je lagi pastu dah elok balik. nanti nak repair radio plak. this whole week pegi keje tak dgr radio. lucky my hp boleh dgr radio tapi not all the time clear la. i boleh dgr u fm kat shah alam. then bile dah masuk subang tak clear searching searching boleh dgr fly fm. tapi tu la.. ade bunyi shyy..shyy..shyy..shyy..shyy..ala.. takpela. as long boleh dgr something. tapi yg i nak dgr tu is the traffic news. kalo dh malas nak dgr off saje la. takyah nak dgr ape2. pastu nyanyi sorang2. ahaks..ahaks..(ee..gedik nye gelak camtu) hehehe..

semalam pun spend some time with him. happy bangat. syok! yang..nak kapuk u.. got discussion for kge's acc (my new baby) makin lame makin banyak transactions. mula2 dah terpening pastu jumpe balik. wat my suggestion is after this kena update everyday if not nnt makin bnyk transactions lagi den poning. his mum buat kuih cok badak. sedap la. dah lame tak makan. pastu ade makan kuih putu piring. rasa die ngam2. not that sweet and not that bitter =) tgk tv jap. roughly ard 7 gerak gi amik keta i balik. pastu gi makan kat berkeley. as usual kan my menu will be nasi goreng cina n barley suam. makan satu je chicken wing. aha..aha..aha.. (isshh gedik lagi) hahaha..hehehe..kelakar la i ni. gelak sorang2.

reached home, mandi. borak jap ngan mum pastu ard 11 tido sbb dah mengantuk. quite cold la last nite. siap selimut sampai kat kepala. maybe sbb semalam hujan lebat sgt kan. hujan tu lebat datang ngan angin2 skali. nampak la kilat2. issyy.. takut. istighfar la banyak2.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

b4 i go to sleep

it's such a while i did not blog. think so the last was on sunday. the week is almost over. actually tadi dah nak tido dah pastu ingat nak blog kejap.

monday--> goes to work as normal. send bob to school. then off to work. planned to overnite at klglame til friday tapi postpone sbb malam tu i ade family dinner kat siriwan. a thai restaurant kat bawah umah kak yan. it was skali father's day, farid's bday n abg napi's bday. abah arrived lambat sbb die from site. then kena amik keta kat ofis baru datang situ. tomyam not bad coz it is a thai restaurant. the ikan siakap masak steam pun not bad. tapi yg pelik tu udang butter, ingatkan yang ade serdak2 and yang cam cheese grated tu tapi bukanla. die like udang goreng tepung tapi rasa so milky sbb ade butter. i ordered hot chinese tea. lauk ape lagi ar. mixed vege n sotong. oklah so far. quite satisfied. for first time trial.

tuesday--> goes to work as normal. send bob to school. then additional send farid to college. tak tau apsal die tak nak ikut abah pagi2. padahal satu jalan je. then off to work. isi minyak jap. skang minyak from shah alam to kl pegi balik satu hari roughly dalam rm25. tinggi kan cost hidup skang. mesti ramai org menyumpah kerajaan pak lah. i for politic. lunch we all girls makan kat charlies. i ordered nasi goreng kampung and air iced lemon tea. kenyang. then dah tau when is my last day sbb i urge kak asmah tu la. ade je reason die. hhmm.. finally ard 5.15pm die call. so my last day will be on 30.6.08 i will start work on 1.7.08 insya-Allah will do my best at my new place. more matured n more thinking by using brain. tonite tak jadi sleep jgk. sbb him got keje to be done. i gave suggestion to y not stayed back at home for this week sbb nak focus kat keje. cam bnyk keje nak settle kat klg.

wednesday--> goes to work as normal. send bob to school. then additional send farid to college. breakfast makan nasi goreng kat umah then makan roti and air milo kat ofis. hari ni dah inform shirley my last day. then she informed boss. it was raining heavily at kl towards petang. that's y la so sejuk. hari ni keje i buat testing on the system la. check data against manual calculation. so tinggal 1 report lagi blum fully check. most prob by end of this week boleh setel la.

tadi masa tgh baring2 then hati i tetiba sayu. previously i met him kejap. die nak gi bayar bil maxis and i took some of the info of KGE (my new baby). earlier ade ckp pasal him being busy nak cari rezeki lebih. i plak rasa ala.. dh lame tak spend time ngan die. hmm.. takpela... i sabar je la. mmg i sad tapi i kena faham his situation kan. he is rushing there rushing here even time for diri sendiri pun takde. ni lagi la i. so..the best i can do now is take care of myself and just pray for his successness.. insya-Allah.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

traffic due to rise in petrol price


mata kanan i sakit sket sbb kena ketumbit.. hmm.. in english tu ape ar? tak sure la. last friday la rasa tak syok sket, pastu semalam bangun tgk ade cam biji merah kat dlm mata. kat area kawasan lembut tu. bila nak bend down terasa sakit. tapi today dh kurang sket. guess so my body ni panas. kena minum banyak air kosong. pastu kat belakang tengkuk ade satu pimple baru naik. sakit jgk la. syian i kan. takpe i sapu ubat yg faiz kasi semalam. hopefully cepat baik. insya-Allah.

semalam ade like misunderstood sket ngan kakak ku. hmm.. tapi i put down the phone elok2 la if not nnt kang gaduh plak. then nangis. huhu... pastu decided tu balik umah nenek. nak menjenguk nenek ku itu. apa la khabarnya sekarang. alhamdulillah... she's okay. dia ngan kak seri je kat umah. banyak kak seri masak. mula2 mkan mi sup pastu makan nasi lauk ayam mask tomato, sayur kobis, ikan goreng, pastu ade lauk sambal sotong n tempe. macam2 jamuannye. kenyang gue. tak terlarat lagi ade la. pastu dlm kul 8.30pm gerak balik shah alam.

semalam ade discussion psl KGE. on accounts matter. banyak benda nak pk ni. makin hari makin benyak info. so kalau tak keep track nnt susah jgk. so insya-Allah awal2 dh track it will flow easily la.

hari ni lepak umah je smp petang. pastu bawak mum n farid gi jusco. tak beli pape pun. just setakat view2 dulu. ingat nak beli kasut. tapi nnt dulu la. nak survey kat tmpt lain dulu. farid n mum je yg gi beli. farid gi beli baju for his class. mum beli undergarments.

status on mum: hhmm... yang part ni i tak sure sgt. sekejap tgk die ok sekejap tgk die tak ok. tapi i rasa blum ok lagi sbb at times die ckp benda yg pelik2 pastu kejap2 termenung termenung. i tak nak jadi cam her. kesian nanti kat my husband and anak2. so wat hubby told me jgn ikut sgt perasaan, emo n moody terlebih tu. tak elok. pastu jgn pendam2. kalau ade pape just let it out. am trying my best to improve myself. insya-Allah.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

exam ku sudah habis

haa.. finally alhamdulillah my exam sudah habis. tapi kan i cam tak confident la. i managed to attempt all 3 qs. antara sbb sbb yang tak syok tu..

1) 1st qs i seriously dunno model ape nak apply. i nak gune pestel ke porter's model. lame gak i berfikir kat situ. last last i amik porter's model. tapi ntah pape yg i tulis. yang mane boleh i relate kan ke case study tu. part (b) agak boleh jawab la. part (c) mengong. kena evaluate how to make the changes so they can adopt new business idea n the reward system. hmmm... situ total 50marks. hmm.. tak tau dapat berapa. pastu yang syok tu mula2 dh siap kira pkul brape nak stop to start on the next qs. tapi last2 i stop at 5 to start on the second qs. lucky masa reading time tu i dh decide nk jwb qs yang mane satu out of the 3 options. cume yang satu lagi je tak dpt lagi. then..alamak sempat ke tak ni.

2) qs 3 rasa boleh jawab tapi i cam terconfuse. marketing characteristics tu ape? marketing mix tu i tau tapi btul ke ape yg i apply kat dlam answer tu relevant. hmm.. situ total 25 marks.

3)lastly pkul 5.50pm baru start the 3rd qs. tulis menggelabah giler. laju n besar2. hopefully the examiner boleh baca my writing. hehe. tangan dah lenguh. taksah cakap. dgn hall yg sejuk tak ingat. i bawak sweater tebal pun rasa cam sejuk lagi tu. maybe kena selimut satu badan baru ok kot. pastu kan dgn kelam kabut jawablah seberapa yg boleh walaupun the last part tu macam takleh nak focus lagi. tinggal 5 minutes je lagi.

4) pusing balik tu first qs, tgk2 yang mane blh add points lagi tambah. kemas kini answer booklet. tanda qs ape i attempt. pastu announcer okay u may stop writing. i pun. alamak ade nak tulis lagi. hmm.. takpe2 tulis habiskan ayat tu walaupun mengarut n tak make sense langsung. haha..

5) kluar from exam hall, jumpe sheri ila n haizum. sume cam hmmm... tak tau nak kata ape. we did our very best. tawakal kat tuhan je la. doa banyak2.

tapi sekarang dh rasa relief sket la. satu stone kat kepala dh lepas. so result will be in august. juz doa n be confident ok. insya-Allah. sampai rumah tadi rushing2 nak semayang asar pastu tgk ezora. ni baru nak mandi. nak pray maghrib pastu rasanye i ade surprise nak buat sket. nanti i continue my story lagi ye. chiow chin chow!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

wher is he

i suddenly terbangun. cam takleh nak sleep. maybe sbb nak exam kot. ade butterfly in my stomach la. tapi yg i pelik ni he tak call i pun. tak tau die pi mane. call hp tak dapat. operator yg jawap. call room takde org angkat. is he ok? hmm...

Monday, June 9, 2008


dah la. malas nak pk pasal benda2 yang buat hati aku tak best ni. aagghhh...tak suka. sekarang ni i nak gi mandi, breakfast then nak baca buku. that is my priority at the moment. kalau macam ni asik nak tersedih je smp bile pun tak boleh nak baca buku. ape 2 yg dah happen aku jadikan iktibar dalam hidup aku sampai aku mati.


hati rasa tak tenteram sket

kenape ntah. now it's not bout exam. it's wat has passed. macam macam la. i dah call die tadi ard 7.45am. told him bout that n he comforted me by saying "dah takyah nak ingat ingat lagi, tu dah lepas ok" then i cried. btw, thanx to him too. i tau he's hurt. hurt so badly and have a deep scar inside him. hmm.. everyday pun i talked to mus on the phone. die pun bnyk gave me advices. thanx for being such a good fren.

iiisshhh.. emotion yang jahat. pls go away from me. i tak suka la. i nak sambung belajar ni. my exam is on wednesday. lagi brape hari je. wish me luck.

Friday, June 6, 2008

tender resignation

i have tendered my resignation letter earlier effective today 6-6-08. wat a long way to go. dgn accident dkt ngan sg wang (not my fault) i was at the main road. the guy yg kuar from simpang tak tgk. berkhayal. pastu ingat i dh lepas pastu die pun kluar. pastu trus haa.. bumper keta die tercabut trus. i nye pintu keta kemek la. uiisshh.. nasib baik farid ade skali. if i sorang je mesti nak nangis kaw-kaw tadi. i called hubby on the spot. die walaupun tgh kusut bnyk keje nak setel. die sound so relax je. cam takde pape. kagum sungguh dgn dirinya. hmm.. kalau aku la mesti dh nangis, jerit2, hehehe... thanx to u yang. i dh submit offer letter, dh submit resign letter. n nnt nak jumpe hr je on monday sbb tadi kan i kuar ptg so tak sempat nak jumpe hr. monday la. wat to do. tapi skang i dh release satu stone kat dlm kepala. besides exam, ni la die batu yang agak besar. semalam b4 medical check up, called many ppl. dad, sister, uncle, and bnyk2 kata accept n grab the opportunity, and i dh promise myself to work hard, focus, jaga diri i elok2, jaga perlakuan i, jaga words i. bukannye tak yah nak kawan2, tapi kena tau batas n limit i la. my status ni sbg sape to sape kan. n i ni bukannye girl yg cheap ok. i have my pride n dignity. that's very important for a girl. so, keep all ur words. b4 promise kat orang lain, tlg promise kat diri sendiri. jaga diri, jaga kelakuan i n sumer la. insya-Allah. thanx to every one yang menyupport i n be behind me one step back. terima kasih kepada anda. sangat2 gembira. semalam lps setel keje, balik tu hujan lebat giler. i beli la payung merah kat guardian. tak psl2 kena beli. tapi stil basah jgk. pastu mandi cleaned up, start baca buku, pastu ard 1030 dh tido. keletihan la. maybe sbb stress kot. pening kepala sgt pastu mkn panadol. ni i jap lagi baru nak mandi. baru smp umah dlm 30 min ago. a bit letih la. tapi takpe. nk cleaned up pray makan then it's time to baca buku coz exam is juz few days away. oohhh.... so worried. tapi my going to be ex-boss ckp, takyah nak worried worried. study je. study study study.. smp takde time nak pk psl benda lain. hmm.. oklah.. chow chin chow...

alhamdulillah..kurang dh rasa beban kat kepala ni. thanx yang. Syukran.. Syukran..

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


having breakfast at the moment. makan nasi goreng. tadi beli kat atas. bought one bungkus fr my colleague too. she pesan mee hoon. actually i got a lot to say tapi macam tak sesuai la nak blog kat ofis. ppl lalu lalang. nnt segan nak menaip plak. see la when i got the free2 time i blog. or maybe kat umah malam kang la. yang--> love u.

Sunday, June 1, 2008


Tak semudah seperti yang pernah terbayang...
Menyatukan perasaan...
Tetaplah menjadi bintang dilangit...
Agar cinta kita akan abadi...


there's more for me to learn bout life, life, life, reality, reality and human...

pretty sunny

hari ni quite panas. same as yesterday. tapi hari jumaat hari tu ade hujan sekejap kan. juz got home from klglame. cleaned up the place. brunch mcd. ingat nak beli nasi lemak tapi tak jadi. pastu tgh rasa dizzy kejap. dunno y. tadi baring2 lepak tgk astro ria pastu tetibe teringat nak blog jap. so on la pc pastu online jap. search few lyrics pastu blogging.

yesterday i had so much fun. mula2 gi makan abc kat klg. went out with dearest hubby. we went to makan donut kat big apple. dh lame tak gi sane. pastu sorang makan 3 ketul donut. i can't really recall the name tapi ade satu tu yang ade oreo. sedap sehingga menjilat jari. nyum nyum! then jalan2. tgk2 la if ade nak beli pape. pastu tak jadi beli pun. decided nak simpan duit tu tukar specs gi lense. tapi blum ade chance lagi. maybe lps exam baru pegi survey kot. round2 tgk brg kat market tu. then ard 7 gi makan yong tau foo. mula2 amik bukan main banyak lagi sbb lapar pastu bile dah makan sket alamak! dah kenyang.. tu la tamak lagi. tapi i slow slow la makan smp satu tahap yang dah tak larat lagi nak makan. tinggal la beberapa ketul lagi. minum plak air laici. so full, pastu ingat nak survey his fon sbb his fon dah rosak. pastu tgk dah nak tutup all the shops. sbb dah pkul 9.30. then ingat nak balik lps tu. tapi dah half way balik patah balik. stop by kat shop abang boy dulu, we makan roti canai. fusshh! kenyang! blurp! hehe... then more of sweet memories.. =) happy sangat. thanx yang. i really enjoy myself yesterday.

skang ni i tgh rasa tak keruan. sbb tadi my dad call pastu i tak angkat. i tanye bob die ckp takde pape la. mana ade abah marah. hmm... hhmm... rasa tak syok plak.

EXAM is juz around the corner.. haaaa.......gue gementar la... camne ni...