Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, June 30, 2008

last day @ MAAKL

sad! sob*sob* it's my last day @ MAAKL. after serving for 2 years, it's time for me to leave and go one with my life. banyak i learn through out my life. in terms of work, friendship n 1 more important thing, never ever mix up personal and work or else ur work will become sucks. i got a gift from my finance team. a TEDDY BEAR. hehe.. love it. will give a name to it later. bertambah la collection anak patung i. cuba ingat balik sumenye. i got Lala, sLeePy, Barbies, Maize, Fishy, Doraemon, Patrick n now the new TEDDY. maybe i'll call it TED. hehehe.. thanx a lot for the cute gift. really love it sooooooooooo much...
lunch time tadi gi makan ngan Suney n Bihah kat Charlies. i ordered charbroiled sirloin steak. kenyang. thanx. pastu masa makan borak2 masuk topic mainly on malaysian political. banyaknye aku tak tau sbb aku blur. kena update myself ni. surat khabar pun jarang baca. ape la nak jadi kat our country ni. skang pegi mane2 tmpt sumer corrupted, a conspiracy. mane yg safe pun kengkadang tak tau. top top ppl bz with political agendas, yg suffer citizen. dgn inflation lps minyak naik, tu naik ni naik... isshhh..iisshhh...
before balik tadi, kemas2 barang pastu snap2 photo ngan ofismates. sad la. tapi takpela. mus pun ckp life must go on. kak yan pun ckp the same thing. insya-Allah juz jaga myself okay.
balik tadi gi dine ngan hubby kat shikin seafood. we ordered tomyam, udang goreng tepung, ikan bawal sweet sour n nasi. i asked for air suam je. alhamdulillah kenyang..
oklah i ni nak tido. esok start keje baru kat tempat baru. wish me all the best. nite nite!

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