Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, June 26, 2008


heyya..so sejuk. in ofis at the moment. tgh blur blur pk nak gi makan kat mane esok. hilton? wah sorang rm100. melampau la plak kang. hehe.. gi mane lagi. that day shirley gave suggestion gi makan kat karaoke. makan2 and at the same time can sing. tapi cam kelakar je. maybe tak kot. hmm..nnt la i surf surf tempat nak gi makan kat mane. yesterday all girls gi makan kat charlie's. for my farewell. total 17 of us including me. tapi i duduk kat kepala meja. coz they said i yg resign so nnt senang nak bagi speech. mane ade speech. tapi jap duduk kat hujung sane jap duduk kat hujung sini pastu duduk tengah2. they said all the best in new place. pastu they all siap pesan lagi nnt kawin jemput tau. insya-Allah. semalam i makan spagethi. tapi not that kenyang. towards petang tu dh lapar. so beli la roti bilis. ptg tu dropped by our house jap sbb nak masuk fon line. tapi takleh pakai lagi sbb kena check dgn management dulu. maybe sumthing wrong with the internal line. they day b4 i gi lunch ngan bihah kat charlie's jgk. complete tu from starter to main course to dessert. total we all dua dalam rm100. tapi her kawan (worked as waiter kat situ) yg tlg settlekan. thanx nway to her. kenyang gue babe. alhamdulillah.
ohh..lagi satu syok i dh kena per**** on tuesday. ngam2 28 days. mmg on the day yg i calculated. hehe.. tapi sakit perut la. =( semalam belasah air coke. tapi tak teruk sgt as previous period. stil blh tahan la. tapi first day tu dah kalah. i makan panadol. bukan ponston.

hmm.. this week is almost over. so weekend ni macam banyak benda nak buat je. first nak settle painting keta. pastu nak gi jalan2 aka shopping sket la. pastu nak survey gi keje kat tempat baru naik train. tapi tu semua perancangan lagi. insya-Allah kan. that day i ade survey2 satu blog nak beli baju online tapi dah terlambat. banyak gak la fashion die yg i suke. tapi dh sold out. maybe nak gi cari sendiri la if ade lagi la kan. comel plus the price taklah mahal sgt. dlm less than rm50. if in future ade lagi yang i suke maybe i'll just try to buy one la. ehehe..

semalam dh hand over most of the work to my colleague. she needs to catch up fast coz shirley will be on maternity sumwhere in february next year. and that period is the audit period for our company. so told her good luck. and u can get help from sya, husna n akma. pening bor sbb nnt staff die gi maternity. blum masuk funds' side. murni lagi. or maybe kak zu. hehe..

enuf bout work. i sekarang semakin rasa takut sbb i punye responsibility towards KGE semakin besar. insya-Allah will give my focus to make sure hubby's dream to get ISO standard for his company is achievable. chaiyok! chaiyok! so i kena banyak study on how to set up his acc and so it is presentable to the company's shareholders and directors. whoossshh.. ni kena bagi more than 100%. by next month he is going to resign from his current company. and focus more on KGE. so by 25th nak dapat salary dah. nak kena check all the claims lagi. (my new baby) mummy is going to handle u with care. to hubby honey will support u in all ways coz honey loves u so much n it is part of honey's responsibility.. m-u-n-c-h-i-e-k-i-n-s dear. *mmuuaahh*

yaay! my parent balik hari ni from surabaya. i takde pesan pape. i juz cakap kat mum that day selamat pergi dan balik. tak sure la sape pi amik depa kat airport. maybe yan kot. nnt i tanye kat die jap lagi.

btw, i nak start wat keje. ape yang patut la. c ya.. *wink*wink*

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