Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

exam ku sudah habis

haa.. finally alhamdulillah my exam sudah habis. tapi kan i cam tak confident la. i managed to attempt all 3 qs. antara sbb sbb yang tak syok tu..

1) 1st qs i seriously dunno model ape nak apply. i nak gune pestel ke porter's model. lame gak i berfikir kat situ. last last i amik porter's model. tapi ntah pape yg i tulis. yang mane boleh i relate kan ke case study tu. part (b) agak boleh jawab la. part (c) mengong. kena evaluate how to make the changes so they can adopt new business idea n the reward system. hmmm... situ total 50marks. hmm.. tak tau dapat berapa. pastu yang syok tu mula2 dh siap kira pkul brape nak stop to start on the next qs. tapi last2 i stop at 5 to start on the second qs. lucky masa reading time tu i dh decide nk jwb qs yang mane satu out of the 3 options. cume yang satu lagi je tak dpt lagi. then..alamak sempat ke tak ni.

2) qs 3 rasa boleh jawab tapi i cam terconfuse. marketing characteristics tu ape? marketing mix tu i tau tapi btul ke ape yg i apply kat dlam answer tu relevant. hmm.. situ total 25 marks.

3)lastly pkul 5.50pm baru start the 3rd qs. tulis menggelabah giler. laju n besar2. hopefully the examiner boleh baca my writing. hehe. tangan dah lenguh. taksah cakap. dgn hall yg sejuk tak ingat. i bawak sweater tebal pun rasa cam sejuk lagi tu. maybe kena selimut satu badan baru ok kot. pastu kan dgn kelam kabut jawablah seberapa yg boleh walaupun the last part tu macam takleh nak focus lagi. tinggal 5 minutes je lagi.

4) pusing balik tu first qs, tgk2 yang mane blh add points lagi tambah. kemas kini answer booklet. tanda qs ape i attempt. pastu announcer okay u may stop writing. i pun. alamak ade nak tulis lagi. hmm.. takpe2 tulis habiskan ayat tu walaupun mengarut n tak make sense langsung. haha..

5) kluar from exam hall, jumpe sheri ila n haizum. sume cam hmmm... tak tau nak kata ape. we did our very best. tawakal kat tuhan je la. doa banyak2.

tapi sekarang dh rasa relief sket la. satu stone kat kepala dh lepas. so result will be in august. juz doa n be confident ok. insya-Allah. sampai rumah tadi rushing2 nak semayang asar pastu tgk ezora. ni baru nak mandi. nak pray maghrib pastu rasanye i ade surprise nak buat sket. nanti i continue my story lagi ye. chiow chin chow!

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