Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, June 9, 2008

hati rasa tak tenteram sket

kenape ntah. now it's not bout exam. it's wat has passed. macam macam la. i dah call die tadi ard 7.45am. told him bout that n he comforted me by saying "dah takyah nak ingat ingat lagi, tu dah lepas ok" then i cried. btw, thanx to him too. i tau he's hurt. hurt so badly and have a deep scar inside him. hmm.. everyday pun i talked to mus on the phone. die pun bnyk gave me advices. thanx for being such a good fren.

iiisshhh.. emotion yang jahat. pls go away from me. i tak suka la. i nak sambung belajar ni. my exam is on wednesday. lagi brape hari je. wish me luck.

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