Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, June 28, 2008

farewell lunch

after surveying n surveying then my sis gave an opinion of y not go to eden for lunch. so we decided ok la. semalam my dept gi makan kat eden kat chulan square. sumwhere depan pavillion. senang je nk pegi. bukan la susah sgt. masa nak gi tu lalu la satu hospital baru buat. prince medical centre eh name die. nampak so cantik. dekat ngan area istana terengganu. mesti mahal kan if admitted to that hospital. dkt tgh tgh town. we all smp ard1. pastu tak tau nak makan ape. sbb dh lapar so decided to makan nasi. we all [me, husna, sya n akma] ordered steam rice. pastu we all ordered tiger prawn, chicken salad, dory fish fillet n mushroom soup. i had orange juice with no ice. pelik kan. pastu boss ckp aiyaa.. kalo nak makan lauk pegi la restoran seri melayu. haha.. i ckp takpe la.. we lapar mah.. the dishes actually western pastu mkn ngan nasi. tapi very full la. tmpt die cozy. first time gi sane. tapi service tu lmbt la. ibukannye ramai customers but it's a bit lambat la. semalam kat ofis main2 je bnyk. dok email email ngan sya n akma, ntah pape mengarut. gelak2 la. then shirley lukis lukis gambar itik kat husna punye drawing of pokok kelapa. hahaha.. =) pastu masa makan they all tried to korek2 lagi rahsia i nak resign pi company mane. i was like serba salah nak ckp. sekejap ckp kat sentral la sekejap ckp kat raja chulan la. pastu masa on the way back i told these 3 ppl [sya, akma n husna] husna was surprised la. then die ckp ohhhhhh patut la takmo cakap. kalo die pun rasa serba salah nak ckp. sbb my going to be boss is previous staff of my current boss. pening pening. hehe.. then ade snap snap photo.. tapi blum trf lagi. batt kong. nnt i trf eh..
e'eh tetibe lagu selamat hari raya kat winamp. nak pose dh. blum ganti lagi ni. camne ar. takpe nnt dh settle trf keje boleh start pose. insya-Allah.
hhmmm... ade something incoincidently happened. masa first time nak join MAAKL i per*** n now til end of my last day i pun per***. hehe. bengong tu pun blh nak cerita.
semalam lps balik gi minum ngan faiz n his frens sumwhere near my house. pastu smp umah mandi then tertido. almost 11pm baru makan nasi. at first taknak makan. kenyang. ape yg kenyang ntah. bukannye makan nasi petang tu. letih kot. makan to lapik perut je pastu naik balik atas katil trus tertido. since last nite til now my fon takleh nak send sms regarding my horoscope. kata tak cukup space. tapi i dh delete sms songs and certain images. fon ni bengong la. hmm... bile ade extra $ nnt i tuka fon la.
semalam b4 pegi keje borak jap ngan mum. she seems happy after get back from hols. tapi based on her attitude she is stil like that. i mean with the same b4 she left. tadi dad baru bising pasal she spending on unnecessary items. nnt la i check. jap gi nak call uncle maniam nak gi paint keta.

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