Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

b4 i go to sleep

it's such a while i did not blog. think so the last was on sunday. the week is almost over. actually tadi dah nak tido dah pastu ingat nak blog kejap.

monday--> goes to work as normal. send bob to school. then off to work. planned to overnite at klglame til friday tapi postpone sbb malam tu i ade family dinner kat siriwan. a thai restaurant kat bawah umah kak yan. it was skali father's day, farid's bday n abg napi's bday. abah arrived lambat sbb die from site. then kena amik keta kat ofis baru datang situ. tomyam not bad coz it is a thai restaurant. the ikan siakap masak steam pun not bad. tapi yg pelik tu udang butter, ingatkan yang ade serdak2 and yang cam cheese grated tu tapi bukanla. die like udang goreng tepung tapi rasa so milky sbb ade butter. i ordered hot chinese tea. lauk ape lagi ar. mixed vege n sotong. oklah so far. quite satisfied. for first time trial.

tuesday--> goes to work as normal. send bob to school. then additional send farid to college. tak tau apsal die tak nak ikut abah pagi2. padahal satu jalan je. then off to work. isi minyak jap. skang minyak from shah alam to kl pegi balik satu hari roughly dalam rm25. tinggi kan cost hidup skang. mesti ramai org menyumpah kerajaan pak lah. i for politic. lunch we all girls makan kat charlies. i ordered nasi goreng kampung and air iced lemon tea. kenyang. then dah tau when is my last day sbb i urge kak asmah tu la. ade je reason die. hhmm.. finally ard 5.15pm die call. so my last day will be on 30.6.08 i will start work on 1.7.08 insya-Allah will do my best at my new place. more matured n more thinking by using brain. tonite tak jadi sleep jgk. sbb him got keje to be done. i gave suggestion to y not stayed back at home for this week sbb nak focus kat keje. cam bnyk keje nak settle kat klg.

wednesday--> goes to work as normal. send bob to school. then additional send farid to college. breakfast makan nasi goreng kat umah then makan roti and air milo kat ofis. hari ni dah inform shirley my last day. then she informed boss. it was raining heavily at kl towards petang. that's y la so sejuk. hari ni keje i buat testing on the system la. check data against manual calculation. so tinggal 1 report lagi blum fully check. most prob by end of this week boleh setel la.

tadi masa tgh baring2 then hati i tetiba sayu. previously i met him kejap. die nak gi bayar bil maxis and i took some of the info of KGE (my new baby). earlier ade ckp pasal him being busy nak cari rezeki lebih. i plak rasa ala.. dh lame tak spend time ngan die. hmm.. takpela... i sabar je la. mmg i sad tapi i kena faham his situation kan. he is rushing there rushing here even time for diri sendiri pun takde. ni lagi la i. so..the best i can do now is take care of myself and just pray for his successness.. insya-Allah.

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