Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, July 27, 2008

time is running short

yeah! that's right. juz left like 10 days b4 my engagement ni. aahhh..kepala dah serabut ni. mmg penat tapi hati suke n gembira. excited, nervous, syok, worried. sumer la. jap gi nak kire budget lagi ni. yesterday, was out the whole day til petang with my sis. gi survey2 baju n make-up. my theme color is green. so maybe i wil pakai baju color green kot. tapi today blum confirm lagi nak pakai yang mane satu. argghh.. tensi tensi. hmm.. hantaran separuh dah ade. separuh lagi takde. alamak. camne ni. esok after work maybe singgah jap kot. tgk camne kan. next week is the last weekend b4 our engagement. pastu this week nak apply cuti. hmm.. mmg bnyk sgt ideas org kasi. tapi as usual he said we takleh nak puas kan hati semua orang. yang mane i rasa ok i'll proceed kot. kalo pk orang ni pk orang tu mesti last2 sendiri bengang. hhmm.. sabar je la sekarang yang kena banyak.
faiz juz got back from kampung. he's not feeling that well. hopefully he's getting well soon. syian die. nnt makan ubat k.
juz now juz watched my super ex girlfriend. syok plak. first time tgk. jap gi nak gosok baju, kemas bag, then tido. tomoro keje tapi tak sure nak drive ke nak naik train. hhmmm... how ar? nnt i decide la.
takpe. slowly slowly. dgn my full salary blum masuk lagi. insya-Allah this week la. sebab i'm stil probie kan. they said masuk 1st day of the month. tunggu je la. so mmg kena budget betul2 la ni. til end of this week. 5 more days to work. i this week pun tak gi clas. hhmm... =) maybe after engagement i la. btw, think so that's all for now. i nak surf website jais ni. buh-bye!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


i lapar tapi i dah kenyang. can anyone explain that? pelik kan? kan.. kan.. kan.. haha.. bro juz came back to buy burger for me. i kena makan gak. last nite pun i tak dinner. sakit perut so tido awal. i think dlm 945 dh tido. my mind now _____ ngantuk. k la. i pun kengkadang tak paham ngan myself. tu la die. evil in me. me myself.

story on sunday

a very sweet memory 20.07.2008

as planned his parent n himself came to my hse at ard 6.30pm. i was really nervous n nervous. but i'm happy as well. =) alhamdulillah it went well. woke up quite early. 9am. early meh? hehe.. then normal things until after lunch. then, cleaning up the house. hall, kitchen, preparing the dishes. mum baked a cake. just hoping that she'll be fine that day. ok. alhamdulillah. when they were discussing at front, i was sitting at the back. being nervous. jumping, walking about, feeling heaty tak tentu pasal. then i tot takde time nak kena sarung cincin. pastu ade plak. terkejut la gue ni.. dgn peluh2 tu gi duduk kat sebelah his mum. then his mum sarung cincin. alamak.. i menggigil tau. nervous bertambah2. then, kena kiss kat both pipi. lagi nervous. senyum2. hehe. then, i tak tgk sgt muke die. i cam malu la. malu shangat.. pastu time tu terpk i going to have 2 mums soon. they discussed for the confirmation on later date. roughly they went home ard 7.30pm. after everything's over, alhamdulillah. time to kemas2. had some discussion with yan for that special day. cleaned up. tido ard 10.30 coz the next day keje. btw, i got period already. cpt 2 hari. period pain pun cam tak sakit. sbb hati tgh excited n happy. pastu b4 sleep borak2 ngan mus. jerit jerit gelak gelak. she's happy for me. thanks. n i'm praying that she's meeting her gonna be husband soon. him not feeling well. demam + flu + cough. syian die. get well soon. shared some stories over the phone on how we felt n everything. big smile on the face again.
the ring --> banyak betul dugaan yg datang. all the stories behind the scene on how we come about to this ring. with tears, angers, happiness, joyous, sadness, hates, dislikes n many more. til now i stil cam tak percaya. i'm getting married with him. he chosed me. wat in me that he sees. stil wonder. i'm very very very very very happy. can't describe. i'm speechless. he's serious in our relationship n he proved that. banyak benda yang telah happen. it thought me something in my life. apa pun i thank God for everything. alhamdulillah. tadi on the way home, i cried. i sebak n terharu. bile fikir this ring look so simple but the meaning behind it. how big it is. peoples' dreams, peoples' trusts, peoples' hopes. insya-Allah will carry the responsibility at my best. faiz, i love u very much.
now, i'm counting on days for the next episode of sweet memory in my life.


Sunday, July 20, 2008

mixtures of feelings

juz got out from toilet. cheh! tu pun nk ckp. pape la. btw, it's been about a week since i last update. quite a long tirying week for me this week. let me recall.
- on monday, i was stucked in the traffic jam for like 3 hours. i reached ofis bout 10am. this is due to the road blocks in kl coz they said anwar's follower is doing some reformation. not sure whether true or not but i tell u, damn bad ok the traffic. i nye kaki lenguh gile. sakit. sampai je parking bile kuar berdiri terasa oohh!! leganya kaki ku. tapau je for lunch. balik tu tak ikut jln parlimen coz they said the road is closed. so i pun jejalan ikut area klcc. kuar kat area ofis lame. aha.. not that jam la. tapi ade a few traffic light. managed to reached home ard 8pm. from ofis dlm 6.30pm. balik tu mandi mandi semayang then trus sapu minyak panas kat kaki n pinggang. rasa sesangat lega... fuhhh! pastu dine then tido.
- tuesday i bangun a bit awal like 6am. maybe sbb tido awal kot. then, i drive ok. not that pack. cam wow! i reached bb b4 8. ard 7.55am like that. quite clear la. tak penah rasanye seawal pagi cam tu i ade kat area bb. haha.. pastu smp ofis ard 8.15am. sign on first then gi beli breakfst. i makan maggi goreng n milo. kenyang. pastu lunch makan nasi goreng pattaya. kenyang.. then haa.. i dh start bz sket psl keje sbb i kena siapkan trust asset report. pastu yang they all kasi banyak reports for may. so i kena hunt them for jun's report as well. mane yg i boleh tlg siapkan. i started to have a look at it. tapi tak brape faham la. it's like they are doing two times of jobs. kak maziah ckp if any ways that u can cut short than raise it up n if need meeting will be organise to make sure that the msg is delivered. the night is cool for me coz i got a cute massage. rasa relief sgt body i. thanx by the way. n that nite jgk suddenly i rasa sense of belonging. wonder where does that feelings goes.
- wednesday, faiz's car rosak kat tgh tgh hghway. syian die. timing belt putus. his work were postponed. syian die. takpe la. let him rest. maybe sebab his too busy running here n there. so he feels like patah kaki sbb keta takde. this day i balik awal sbb nak catch movie DARK NIGHT. gi tgk kat cineleisure. syok la. but quite long. it's a continuation from batman begins. a story of where the joker n 2 face appear. sampai umah ard 1. cleaned up then tido.
- thursday..hmmm... i makan nasi beriyani kat ofis. kak jee belanja all the staff of AMTB. thanx by the way. balik tu singgah kat bank sbb utilities blum byr lagi. pastu, gi bintang sbb nk beli barang dapur. told him bout wat i felt. rasa dh lame tak ckp pasal us. maybe he is quite bz. this day, naza plak rosak. macam2 la dugaan yang dtang. semoga hati ini tabah menghadapi dugaan yg dtang menimpa.
- friday, i awal. yyaayy!... tapi blk dlm kul 6. ingat malam tu nak tgk faiz main futsal tapi die tak jadi main. this date again, i came out with an opinion not to talk about our sweet ocassion until he is ready to talk bout it. i tanak die stress. sounds like i ni merajuk. tapi that's the best i can think of. =)
- saturday. supposingly gi clas tapi i tak gi sebab my mind tgh kusut. nmpk cam relax je tapi aku tgh bengong ni. bnyk benda tak buat lagi.. arrgghh! breakfast at home than gi amik faiz gi breakfast skali lagi. pastu check my car. haa... gear box dh prob. so advisable not to drive to work sbb takut jam tgh highway. maybe i have to take train for this few days smp i dh repair btul2. maybe it will take about a 3 to 4 days. pastu lunch, then gi klg lama. massage him. he is not feeling that well. hopefully he is recovering now. love him very much. pastu he said his parent are coming to my house on sunday after asar. petang la. i dh jadi makin nervous. macam macam feelings i ade at the moment. happy ade. alhamdulillah. takut, worried, nervous n sumer la. juz cried. sbb in my relationship ngan this guy, a lot of things happened. a lot n a lot. n we managed to go thru n now it's time that we've been waiting for. the last n final stage. i should be happy. i chosed him. no body stops me from chosing who wil be my husband. wil try my best to become a good wife n mother to his kids. responsibility, tolerancy, co-operation, respect should be the biggest contribution towards marriage. faiz--> dh 8 thn i kawan ngan u. tapi stil sometimes i rasa cam btul ke u nak choose i? to end ur life with. n at times i pun stil wonder y he chosed me instead of other girls yang pernah or stil he sayang. tapi apa pun i should be thankful to God on his blessings, his merciness and all that he gave me. alhamdulillah. dah la. i shouldn't cry. i should be happy. preparing things for all this going to be sweet memories. =)

KGE's office

chantek tak color ni? rasa fresh and segar bugar due to the combination color. hehe..

Sunday, July 13, 2008

pretty happy

yep! that's right coz my bf already had his own ofis n yesterday accompanied him to buy the paints and brushes coz his friends already going to start painting today. well, his team already chosed the colors they want. blue + green. later in the evening i will drop by. snapped few photos then i'll post into my blog. i'm sure he is gonna love it n i'm sure the combination of the colors will make the team or ppl in the ofis ALIVE.. yeah! congrats and good luck to him. i as his gf wil try my best to support him in all ways. n will also pray for his successness. yesterday lps balik settle on the paints wahh.. A/C session. i dah start pening la. mmg last week tak banyak trx tapi die confusing sbb dh sentuh few accounts. i tot nak buat gune excel and system. tapi blum ade time lagi nak design. takpe.. i think i'll draft on paper first pastu baru transfer gi excel or the system.
btw thanks to him too. for all the info n guidance shared. may KGE faces more successful stories. sian bf i penat sebab on friday he n his teammates gi cuci the ofis. so after cleaning, we treated them dinner. looked at their faces, masa makan tu sumer diam i guess sbb lapar la hehehe =) tapi looking at his face. proud+happy+glad+tired sumer ade. wished could massage him. so he can rest. love him so much..

issues at my home. dad is outstationed for about a week. mum is stil like that. but upon telling her of the niat yang suci murni, that event actually triggered her. she can actually thinking of that event. where to get the stuff, the caterer, the ppl ard to help. but so far as my concern, takyah la nak so grand2. nak cut cost la. yang mane i blh buat sendiri that will be nice rite. i sendiri yang buat. mesti syok kan. pastu barang taklah mahal2 sgt. just ala kadar. since my salary will be out on 1st aug coz i'm under probation, so have to wait la. spend wisely. lps ni mmg kena budget bnyk la. dahla asb n credit card blum bayar lagi. haha.. camne eh? ni baru nak msuk half of the month. i got like 2 to 3 weeks lagi b4 my salary. once i dah confirm then my salary will bee o 22nd. hmm... takpela. sabar sabar. coz that is the most important key in our daily lives as a human being coz being SABAR we boleh fikir rationale [talking bout own experience la] sabar n banyak doa.. sebab Tuhan tu Maha Adil and Maha Pemurah. insya-Allah.

Friday, July 11, 2008

long week for me

about a week i did not update anything in my blog. quite bz n takde time nak blog. but today i dah sleepy nak start blogging. takpela.. esok or sunday maybe i'll blog. juz listening to few songs. dah ngantuk skang. nak titon.. nite...

Monday, July 7, 2008

cruising @ 11pm

yeah..it's 11pm. goin to bed soon but i tot of blogging for a while. i'm juz done with reconciling the bank balance of KGE vs MBB. so after deducting the major ones, left are mainly expenses. so wat i can conclude is his expenses from the day capital injection til the last day of trx [roughly ard 39 days] it tool approximately rm46 per day. so i can reconsider that ok. not that high. maybe within that 39 days he only travelled for like 32 or 33 days. so during that period maybe one or two days, it cost ard rm100-rm150. i think that complies. haha.. comply..comply.. =)

alhamdulillah my flu n fever is getting better but i stil have to complete my antibiotic course. i think ard 2 or 3 more times than finished. have to take care of my health [who else if it is not me] now pimples are prone to appear on my faces. dunno y la. maybe stressed bout work. it's not that i have too much work. i'm sad n bored coz i don have much to do. might be it's because the first week of my job. it all started like what i'm going to write later.

yesterday, ard 2, we went to faiz's best fren's bro's wedding. then we were there til ard 4.30pm. got home, rest, sleep then woke up cleaned up we went to jalan2 at jusco bukit tinggi. we tot of watching movie but it did not happened, we turned out to buy doughnuts.. i repeat doughnuts [nyum..nyum..] hehe... then beli buah berangan then beli ubi. pastu jalan2 ard 8 like that balik. cleaned up myself then termenung sengsorang kat katil. alerr...i'm working tomoro. tak syok la. but i managed to conquer that NEGATIVE tots, that's y i can kemas2 my bag, pack the stuff that i'm going to bring to my new ofis, basically wat i wanted to bring i dh bawak. juz some accessories. nanti dulu la. nnt semak kang meja. my cubicle is quite small compared to previous place. so it's better not to crowded kan that place. then tido.

this morning, bangun cam bersemangat la. yaay! i'm going to work. pastu on the way rasa tak syok balik. called faiz. he motivated me over n over again. til i reached ofis. managed to neutralised my mind setting. pastu i started to tolong new colleague nurul to do on daily chores. then almost lunch. after lunch i bengong balik. i cam pk i tak buat full set of acc macam mane nak relate kan dgn my studies syllabus. pastu bnyk keje yg tak gune system lagi where at my previous co gune system so senang nak trace. then, i learned a lot on excel functions n formulas tapi i can't use that here, powerpoint pun takleh nak gune gak. =( pastu environment die i rasa tak syok. cam senyap je. like ofis lame bising. guess so sbb campur ngan operations. print report tu print report ni. pastu miss my team mates kat ofis lame, pantry die, washrooms, cubicle, printers, macam2 la. memang banyak benda la i compare kan. teruk teruk. pastu nak balik tadi kena tunggu jap org I.T kena setting pc i. tapi tak dtg jgk. bz je la. pastu dh la my name salah eja. bengang je i k. dah la hati tak syok. benda2 kecik ni buat i smp jadi lagi bengang. isshh..issh..
pastu masa balik tadi jumpa my beloved bf, i kena skola lagi sekali... mus pun same skola kan i sekali lagi. pastu tadi masa pray, i think i found the peacefulness inside it, i dh looked into it, insya-Allah i akan take this as a challenge for me to moved on. i mintak kat Tuhan to murahkan rezeki i, i dh dpt pun. my salary naik dlm 35%, working area golden triangle of KL, sbb i ckp kat Tuhan i nak kawin, so tlg la murahkan rezeki. pastu dah dapt, macam ni pulak cara i berterima kasih. sungguh tak bersyukur.. think positive..think positive..think positive.. take it easy n everything will go smoothly. insya-Allah. and to him Thanxxx for everything for supporting me, fo encouraging me, for loving me, for caring bout me, for being understanding dgn perangai gf u yang kadang2 i tau u pun tak faham kan. like i said earlier, if i tak dapat balas sumer jasa u, i mintak Tuhan tolong balaskan jasa baik u tu.. thanxxx yang.. love u so much!!

"Ya Allah, Kau tabahkan la hati ku ini. jadikan lah aku seorang yang berpendirian positif serta terbuka. insya-Allah aku akan cuba sedaya boleh untuk melakukan kerja ku dgn sebaik mungkin. dan aku juga berterima kasih di atas segala nikmat dan kelebihan yang telah Kau berikan kepadaku. Aminn"

Saturday, July 5, 2008


@ home. baru lps makan nasi. i bfast lmbt. ard 12 pastu mkn ubat. demam+flu+antibiotic. ptg karang hubby ckp nak amik i nk wat accounts KGE. tadi b4 mkn i read all the previous post in my blog. macam2 peristiwa berlaku. pastu ade time tu kena baca 2 3 kali sbb interesting. hehe.. perasan of course la syok baca blog sendiri. skang psang win amp kuat2 dgr lagu. takdela kuat sgt smp neighbours blh dgr. lagu fav on air. broery marantika "jangan ada dusta antara kita". astro takleh nak tgk. kena potong. dad bising2 ckp tak bayar bil. so tadi dh byr kat maybank 2u. i called astro already, the guy said the fastest reconnection we can get is within 30minutes n the longer will be 3 hours. takpela. now takde sape yg nak watch tv sgt. i think by 8 shud be ok la sbb time tu baru org ramai nak tgk berita. news n news. talking bout news dh lame tak baca suratkhabar. ape nak jadi la i ni. jap gi nak browse utusan or the star online la. oklah time to go. btw, i'm feeling much better. that day hubby took me to clinic. thanx so much. so sweeeeettt of u. *mmuuaahhh* love u so much dear.


he had tendered his resignation on 1st july. the same day where i started at my new place. wish him all the best in his fields. guess that is his dream to run his own business. i will alwiz pray fr his success. i'm sure he got his own strategic decision on doing what he did. wat ever he chosed to do, i will try my best to support him. gud luck dear munchiekins.

~new love~

an interesting topic but i don't think i want to disclose it [yet]

1st day of work

let me describe my first day of work at AM Trustee Bhd [my new co]. woke up ard 6.15am. mandi2 siap2 [takleh pray lagi-tak syok la] pastu breakfast then send bobob to school. off to work. roughly i kuar umah ard 7.10am. zoom...zoom..kena lalu jam tempat biase from subang towards sg way pastu ok all the way smp last round-a-bout kat end of federal highway. then i ikut lalu belakang stadium. kuar kat area berjaya tmpt yg i accident hari tu. bukan kat dpn low yat la tapi kat dpn plaza imbi. haha.. at first i tot traffic wil be very bad tapi surprisingly not that bad. maybe sbb bnyk traffic light that's y. tapi takpe ade polis jaga, so consider smooth la. if haf to wait for traffic light, i guess how many times do i have to stop n wait b4 it reaches my turn to go. i smp on time la. dlm 845am. naik atas trus then tunggu my new supervisor come n bring me inside. btw, i got my new cubicle, it's a bit smaller compared to MAAKL. pastu my pc dah ade tapi i takde ID lagi so have to wait. lunch makan kat building belakang ofis, i ate nasi ayam. gi makan ngan kak maziah, kak siti and kak zabedah. they all are friendly tapi sbb i tak biase kan so ade la rasa segan2.. malu malu kucing. haha... balik ofis, one of my new ofismate dah start sakit2 perut. she is going to deliver soon. btw, she gave birth already on 1st jul. so ppl said that die nak tunggu i join br boleh bersalin. hehe... wat a co-incident. she got a baby girl.

another story came up, on the first day i started to work. i cried at the toilet. i cam sedih sbb i blum start wat keje lagi. i like very lost. i dok terpk am i rite in choosing this line. btul ke ape yg aku wat ni. aarrgghhh.. that's y i cried. suddenly i felt like i miss MAAKL damn much. hmmm.. i kena tuka mind setting i balik. it's like life must go on. the work i am going to involve with will increase my knowledge, will add to my portfolio for future career enhancement.

the second day of work we visited my new ofismate. the one i said yg dh give birth tu. kat hospital ampang. we took cab there. pastu gi lunch kat dlm hospital tu jgk. mkn kat cafe die. not bad la. the price n the food. consider blh jalan la. smp blk ofis kul 3pm. pastu i skang since blum buat ape2 lagi, i duduk termenung, baca manuals tapi tak faham sgt, hmm....hhmm...hmm...pastu rs nak cry balik.. hhuhu.. mus pun gave me advices, u chose to go there so u must take the challenge, face the reality and life must go on. biase la mula2 dulu. tapi dunno why i keep on comparing the new place n the old place. cubicle, pc, the benefits n mcm2 lagi. he even said to me, u pegi sane nak keje kan, bukannye nak kawan. so go there to work. frens will come slowly n slowly.

third day i terpaksa cuti sbb nak register kat itm. sttled la. my 1st class wil resume on 12/7/08. dah la that day hari hujan. plus i dah start tak sihat. flu+fever. haha.. baru start keje dh demam. syian i kan. if semalam btul tak larat i wil take an mc. tapi tak amik mc pun. pastu semalam lunch ngan mus. i ate nase beriyani+lauk ayam rendang. seperti biase bergossiping.. girls biase la. she looked different from the last time i saw her. she has changed la. from clothes, her face, dah bertambah matured. ehehe... pastu i gi beli scott emulsion kat guardian tu. then our topic ckp kan..hmm.. actually we all ni nak buat ape in our lives sebenarnye.. keje dgn good pay dh dpt tapi cam tak happy je. ape yg we all nak sebenarnye. well, that's human. selagi dinamakan manusia selagi tu la tak pernah bersyukur dgn ape yg telah dikurniakan ole Tuhan Yang Maha Berkuasa.

about my new work at new place, i guess so i myself who can handle the feelings and thots inside of me. i myself whom can speak to myself to control the negative emotion in myself. i myself whom can say go girl you can do it. maybe now i haven't see the real work benefit to me. but i must believe that one day Insya-Allah the good will see. i juz kena sabar n now i have to start from bottom back to gain as much knowledge and skills as i can. ppl ard me also said be patient coz that is the most important key to success. since i have chosed this path, let me juz go on with it. concentration n focus and so it will give benefits to me. to see more colours of ppl in the world. i'm slowly recovering from my sickness. i'm resting at home today. hopefully it will be better soon. insya-Allah.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

~new love~

huh? new love? let it be a secret. nnt i story mory. now nak tido. nite.

snap snap at MAAKL

my new TED