Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, July 13, 2008

pretty happy

yep! that's right coz my bf already had his own ofis n yesterday accompanied him to buy the paints and brushes coz his friends already going to start painting today. well, his team already chosed the colors they want. blue + green. later in the evening i will drop by. snapped few photos then i'll post into my blog. i'm sure he is gonna love it n i'm sure the combination of the colors will make the team or ppl in the ofis ALIVE.. yeah! congrats and good luck to him. i as his gf wil try my best to support him in all ways. n will also pray for his successness. yesterday lps balik settle on the paints wahh.. A/C session. i dah start pening la. mmg last week tak banyak trx tapi die confusing sbb dh sentuh few accounts. i tot nak buat gune excel and system. tapi blum ade time lagi nak design. takpe.. i think i'll draft on paper first pastu baru transfer gi excel or the system.
btw thanks to him too. for all the info n guidance shared. may KGE faces more successful stories. sian bf i penat sebab on friday he n his teammates gi cuci the ofis. so after cleaning, we treated them dinner. looked at their faces, masa makan tu sumer diam i guess sbb lapar la hehehe =) tapi looking at his face. proud+happy+glad+tired sumer ade. wished could massage him. so he can rest. love him so much..

issues at my home. dad is outstationed for about a week. mum is stil like that. but upon telling her of the niat yang suci murni, that event actually triggered her. she can actually thinking of that event. where to get the stuff, the caterer, the ppl ard to help. but so far as my concern, takyah la nak so grand2. nak cut cost la. yang mane i blh buat sendiri that will be nice rite. i sendiri yang buat. mesti syok kan. pastu barang taklah mahal2 sgt. just ala kadar. since my salary will be out on 1st aug coz i'm under probation, so have to wait la. spend wisely. lps ni mmg kena budget bnyk la. dahla asb n credit card blum bayar lagi. haha.. camne eh? ni baru nak msuk half of the month. i got like 2 to 3 weeks lagi b4 my salary. once i dah confirm then my salary will bee o 22nd. hmm... takpela. sabar sabar. coz that is the most important key in our daily lives as a human being coz being SABAR we boleh fikir rationale [talking bout own experience la] sabar n banyak doa.. sebab Tuhan tu Maha Adil and Maha Pemurah. insya-Allah.

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