Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

story on sunday

a very sweet memory 20.07.2008

as planned his parent n himself came to my hse at ard 6.30pm. i was really nervous n nervous. but i'm happy as well. =) alhamdulillah it went well. woke up quite early. 9am. early meh? hehe.. then normal things until after lunch. then, cleaning up the house. hall, kitchen, preparing the dishes. mum baked a cake. just hoping that she'll be fine that day. ok. alhamdulillah. when they were discussing at front, i was sitting at the back. being nervous. jumping, walking about, feeling heaty tak tentu pasal. then i tot takde time nak kena sarung cincin. pastu ade plak. terkejut la gue ni.. dgn peluh2 tu gi duduk kat sebelah his mum. then his mum sarung cincin. alamak.. i menggigil tau. nervous bertambah2. then, kena kiss kat both pipi. lagi nervous. senyum2. hehe. then, i tak tgk sgt muke die. i cam malu la. malu shangat.. pastu time tu terpk i going to have 2 mums soon. they discussed for the confirmation on later date. roughly they went home ard 7.30pm. after everything's over, alhamdulillah. time to kemas2. had some discussion with yan for that special day. cleaned up. tido ard 10.30 coz the next day keje. btw, i got period already. cpt 2 hari. period pain pun cam tak sakit. sbb hati tgh excited n happy. pastu b4 sleep borak2 ngan mus. jerit jerit gelak gelak. she's happy for me. thanks. n i'm praying that she's meeting her gonna be husband soon. him not feeling well. demam + flu + cough. syian die. get well soon. shared some stories over the phone on how we felt n everything. big smile on the face again.
the ring --> banyak betul dugaan yg datang. all the stories behind the scene on how we come about to this ring. with tears, angers, happiness, joyous, sadness, hates, dislikes n many more. til now i stil cam tak percaya. i'm getting married with him. he chosed me. wat in me that he sees. stil wonder. i'm very very very very very happy. can't describe. i'm speechless. he's serious in our relationship n he proved that. banyak benda yang telah happen. it thought me something in my life. apa pun i thank God for everything. alhamdulillah. tadi on the way home, i cried. i sebak n terharu. bile fikir this ring look so simple but the meaning behind it. how big it is. peoples' dreams, peoples' trusts, peoples' hopes. insya-Allah will carry the responsibility at my best. faiz, i love u very much.
now, i'm counting on days for the next episode of sweet memory in my life.

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