Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, July 20, 2008

mixtures of feelings

juz got out from toilet. cheh! tu pun nk ckp. pape la. btw, it's been about a week since i last update. quite a long tirying week for me this week. let me recall.
- on monday, i was stucked in the traffic jam for like 3 hours. i reached ofis bout 10am. this is due to the road blocks in kl coz they said anwar's follower is doing some reformation. not sure whether true or not but i tell u, damn bad ok the traffic. i nye kaki lenguh gile. sakit. sampai je parking bile kuar berdiri terasa oohh!! leganya kaki ku. tapau je for lunch. balik tu tak ikut jln parlimen coz they said the road is closed. so i pun jejalan ikut area klcc. kuar kat area ofis lame. aha.. not that jam la. tapi ade a few traffic light. managed to reached home ard 8pm. from ofis dlm 6.30pm. balik tu mandi mandi semayang then trus sapu minyak panas kat kaki n pinggang. rasa sesangat lega... fuhhh! pastu dine then tido.
- tuesday i bangun a bit awal like 6am. maybe sbb tido awal kot. then, i drive ok. not that pack. cam wow! i reached bb b4 8. ard 7.55am like that. quite clear la. tak penah rasanye seawal pagi cam tu i ade kat area bb. haha.. pastu smp ofis ard 8.15am. sign on first then gi beli breakfst. i makan maggi goreng n milo. kenyang. pastu lunch makan nasi goreng pattaya. kenyang.. then haa.. i dh start bz sket psl keje sbb i kena siapkan trust asset report. pastu yang they all kasi banyak reports for may. so i kena hunt them for jun's report as well. mane yg i boleh tlg siapkan. i started to have a look at it. tapi tak brape faham la. it's like they are doing two times of jobs. kak maziah ckp if any ways that u can cut short than raise it up n if need meeting will be organise to make sure that the msg is delivered. the night is cool for me coz i got a cute massage. rasa relief sgt body i. thanx by the way. n that nite jgk suddenly i rasa sense of belonging. wonder where does that feelings goes.
- wednesday, faiz's car rosak kat tgh tgh hghway. syian die. timing belt putus. his work were postponed. syian die. takpe la. let him rest. maybe sebab his too busy running here n there. so he feels like patah kaki sbb keta takde. this day i balik awal sbb nak catch movie DARK NIGHT. gi tgk kat cineleisure. syok la. but quite long. it's a continuation from batman begins. a story of where the joker n 2 face appear. sampai umah ard 1. cleaned up then tido.
- thursday..hmmm... i makan nasi beriyani kat ofis. kak jee belanja all the staff of AMTB. thanx by the way. balik tu singgah kat bank sbb utilities blum byr lagi. pastu, gi bintang sbb nk beli barang dapur. told him bout wat i felt. rasa dh lame tak ckp pasal us. maybe he is quite bz. this day, naza plak rosak. macam2 la dugaan yang dtang. semoga hati ini tabah menghadapi dugaan yg dtang menimpa.
- friday, i awal. yyaayy!... tapi blk dlm kul 6. ingat malam tu nak tgk faiz main futsal tapi die tak jadi main. this date again, i came out with an opinion not to talk about our sweet ocassion until he is ready to talk bout it. i tanak die stress. sounds like i ni merajuk. tapi that's the best i can think of. =)
- saturday. supposingly gi clas tapi i tak gi sebab my mind tgh kusut. nmpk cam relax je tapi aku tgh bengong ni. bnyk benda tak buat lagi.. arrgghh! breakfast at home than gi amik faiz gi breakfast skali lagi. pastu check my car. haa... gear box dh prob. so advisable not to drive to work sbb takut jam tgh highway. maybe i have to take train for this few days smp i dh repair btul2. maybe it will take about a 3 to 4 days. pastu lunch, then gi klg lama. massage him. he is not feeling that well. hopefully he is recovering now. love him very much. pastu he said his parent are coming to my house on sunday after asar. petang la. i dh jadi makin nervous. macam macam feelings i ade at the moment. happy ade. alhamdulillah. takut, worried, nervous n sumer la. juz cried. sbb in my relationship ngan this guy, a lot of things happened. a lot n a lot. n we managed to go thru n now it's time that we've been waiting for. the last n final stage. i should be happy. i chosed him. no body stops me from chosing who wil be my husband. wil try my best to become a good wife n mother to his kids. responsibility, tolerancy, co-operation, respect should be the biggest contribution towards marriage. faiz--> dh 8 thn i kawan ngan u. tapi stil sometimes i rasa cam btul ke u nak choose i? to end ur life with. n at times i pun stil wonder y he chosed me instead of other girls yang pernah or stil he sayang. tapi apa pun i should be thankful to God on his blessings, his merciness and all that he gave me. alhamdulillah. dah la. i shouldn't cry. i should be happy. preparing things for all this going to be sweet memories. =)

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