Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, July 5, 2008

1st day of work

let me describe my first day of work at AM Trustee Bhd [my new co]. woke up ard 6.15am. mandi2 siap2 [takleh pray lagi-tak syok la] pastu breakfast then send bobob to school. off to work. roughly i kuar umah ard 7.10am. zoom...zoom..kena lalu jam tempat biase from subang towards sg way pastu ok all the way smp last round-a-bout kat end of federal highway. then i ikut lalu belakang stadium. kuar kat area berjaya tmpt yg i accident hari tu. bukan kat dpn low yat la tapi kat dpn plaza imbi. haha.. at first i tot traffic wil be very bad tapi surprisingly not that bad. maybe sbb bnyk traffic light that's y. tapi takpe ade polis jaga, so consider smooth la. if haf to wait for traffic light, i guess how many times do i have to stop n wait b4 it reaches my turn to go. i smp on time la. dlm 845am. naik atas trus then tunggu my new supervisor come n bring me inside. btw, i got my new cubicle, it's a bit smaller compared to MAAKL. pastu my pc dah ade tapi i takde ID lagi so have to wait. lunch makan kat building belakang ofis, i ate nasi ayam. gi makan ngan kak maziah, kak siti and kak zabedah. they all are friendly tapi sbb i tak biase kan so ade la rasa segan2.. malu malu kucing. haha... balik ofis, one of my new ofismate dah start sakit2 perut. she is going to deliver soon. btw, she gave birth already on 1st jul. so ppl said that die nak tunggu i join br boleh bersalin. hehe... wat a co-incident. she got a baby girl.

another story came up, on the first day i started to work. i cried at the toilet. i cam sedih sbb i blum start wat keje lagi. i like very lost. i dok terpk am i rite in choosing this line. btul ke ape yg aku wat ni. aarrgghhh.. that's y i cried. suddenly i felt like i miss MAAKL damn much. hmmm.. i kena tuka mind setting i balik. it's like life must go on. the work i am going to involve with will increase my knowledge, will add to my portfolio for future career enhancement.

the second day of work we visited my new ofismate. the one i said yg dh give birth tu. kat hospital ampang. we took cab there. pastu gi lunch kat dlm hospital tu jgk. mkn kat cafe die. not bad la. the price n the food. consider blh jalan la. smp blk ofis kul 3pm. pastu i skang since blum buat ape2 lagi, i duduk termenung, baca manuals tapi tak faham sgt, hmm....hhmm...hmm...pastu rs nak cry balik.. hhuhu.. mus pun gave me advices, u chose to go there so u must take the challenge, face the reality and life must go on. biase la mula2 dulu. tapi dunno why i keep on comparing the new place n the old place. cubicle, pc, the benefits n mcm2 lagi. he even said to me, u pegi sane nak keje kan, bukannye nak kawan. so go there to work. frens will come slowly n slowly.

third day i terpaksa cuti sbb nak register kat itm. sttled la. my 1st class wil resume on 12/7/08. dah la that day hari hujan. plus i dah start tak sihat. flu+fever. haha.. baru start keje dh demam. syian i kan. if semalam btul tak larat i wil take an mc. tapi tak amik mc pun. pastu semalam lunch ngan mus. i ate nase beriyani+lauk ayam rendang. seperti biase bergossiping.. girls biase la. she looked different from the last time i saw her. she has changed la. from clothes, her face, dah bertambah matured. ehehe... pastu i gi beli scott emulsion kat guardian tu. then our topic ckp kan..hmm.. actually we all ni nak buat ape in our lives sebenarnye.. keje dgn good pay dh dpt tapi cam tak happy je. ape yg we all nak sebenarnye. well, that's human. selagi dinamakan manusia selagi tu la tak pernah bersyukur dgn ape yg telah dikurniakan ole Tuhan Yang Maha Berkuasa.

about my new work at new place, i guess so i myself who can handle the feelings and thots inside of me. i myself whom can speak to myself to control the negative emotion in myself. i myself whom can say go girl you can do it. maybe now i haven't see the real work benefit to me. but i must believe that one day Insya-Allah the good will see. i juz kena sabar n now i have to start from bottom back to gain as much knowledge and skills as i can. ppl ard me also said be patient coz that is the most important key to success. since i have chosed this path, let me juz go on with it. concentration n focus and so it will give benefits to me. to see more colours of ppl in the world. i'm slowly recovering from my sickness. i'm resting at home today. hopefully it will be better soon. insya-Allah.

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