Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, July 7, 2008

cruising @ 11pm

yeah..it's 11pm. goin to bed soon but i tot of blogging for a while. i'm juz done with reconciling the bank balance of KGE vs MBB. so after deducting the major ones, left are mainly expenses. so wat i can conclude is his expenses from the day capital injection til the last day of trx [roughly ard 39 days] it tool approximately rm46 per day. so i can reconsider that ok. not that high. maybe within that 39 days he only travelled for like 32 or 33 days. so during that period maybe one or two days, it cost ard rm100-rm150. i think that complies. haha.. comply..comply.. =)

alhamdulillah my flu n fever is getting better but i stil have to complete my antibiotic course. i think ard 2 or 3 more times than finished. have to take care of my health [who else if it is not me] now pimples are prone to appear on my faces. dunno y la. maybe stressed bout work. it's not that i have too much work. i'm sad n bored coz i don have much to do. might be it's because the first week of my job. it all started like what i'm going to write later.

yesterday, ard 2, we went to faiz's best fren's bro's wedding. then we were there til ard 4.30pm. got home, rest, sleep then woke up cleaned up we went to jalan2 at jusco bukit tinggi. we tot of watching movie but it did not happened, we turned out to buy doughnuts.. i repeat doughnuts [nyum..nyum..] hehe... then beli buah berangan then beli ubi. pastu jalan2 ard 8 like that balik. cleaned up myself then termenung sengsorang kat katil. alerr...i'm working tomoro. tak syok la. but i managed to conquer that NEGATIVE tots, that's y i can kemas2 my bag, pack the stuff that i'm going to bring to my new ofis, basically wat i wanted to bring i dh bawak. juz some accessories. nanti dulu la. nnt semak kang meja. my cubicle is quite small compared to previous place. so it's better not to crowded kan that place. then tido.

this morning, bangun cam bersemangat la. yaay! i'm going to work. pastu on the way rasa tak syok balik. called faiz. he motivated me over n over again. til i reached ofis. managed to neutralised my mind setting. pastu i started to tolong new colleague nurul to do on daily chores. then almost lunch. after lunch i bengong balik. i cam pk i tak buat full set of acc macam mane nak relate kan dgn my studies syllabus. pastu bnyk keje yg tak gune system lagi where at my previous co gune system so senang nak trace. then, i learned a lot on excel functions n formulas tapi i can't use that here, powerpoint pun takleh nak gune gak. =( pastu environment die i rasa tak syok. cam senyap je. like ofis lame bising. guess so sbb campur ngan operations. print report tu print report ni. pastu miss my team mates kat ofis lame, pantry die, washrooms, cubicle, printers, macam2 la. memang banyak benda la i compare kan. teruk teruk. pastu nak balik tadi kena tunggu jap org I.T kena setting pc i. tapi tak dtg jgk. bz je la. pastu dh la my name salah eja. bengang je i k. dah la hati tak syok. benda2 kecik ni buat i smp jadi lagi bengang. isshh..issh..
pastu masa balik tadi jumpa my beloved bf, i kena skola lagi sekali... mus pun same skola kan i sekali lagi. pastu tadi masa pray, i think i found the peacefulness inside it, i dh looked into it, insya-Allah i akan take this as a challenge for me to moved on. i mintak kat Tuhan to murahkan rezeki i, i dh dpt pun. my salary naik dlm 35%, working area golden triangle of KL, sbb i ckp kat Tuhan i nak kawin, so tlg la murahkan rezeki. pastu dah dapt, macam ni pulak cara i berterima kasih. sungguh tak bersyukur.. think positive..think positive..think positive.. take it easy n everything will go smoothly. insya-Allah. and to him Thanxxx for everything for supporting me, fo encouraging me, for loving me, for caring bout me, for being understanding dgn perangai gf u yang kadang2 i tau u pun tak faham kan. like i said earlier, if i tak dapat balas sumer jasa u, i mintak Tuhan tolong balaskan jasa baik u tu.. thanxxx yang.. love u so much!!

"Ya Allah, Kau tabahkan la hati ku ini. jadikan lah aku seorang yang berpendirian positif serta terbuka. insya-Allah aku akan cuba sedaya boleh untuk melakukan kerja ku dgn sebaik mungkin. dan aku juga berterima kasih di atas segala nikmat dan kelebihan yang telah Kau berikan kepadaku. Aminn"

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