Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, July 27, 2008

time is running short

yeah! that's right. juz left like 10 days b4 my engagement ni. aahhh..kepala dah serabut ni. mmg penat tapi hati suke n gembira. excited, nervous, syok, worried. sumer la. jap gi nak kire budget lagi ni. yesterday, was out the whole day til petang with my sis. gi survey2 baju n make-up. my theme color is green. so maybe i wil pakai baju color green kot. tapi today blum confirm lagi nak pakai yang mane satu. argghh.. tensi tensi. hmm.. hantaran separuh dah ade. separuh lagi takde. alamak. camne ni. esok after work maybe singgah jap kot. tgk camne kan. next week is the last weekend b4 our engagement. pastu this week nak apply cuti. hmm.. mmg bnyk sgt ideas org kasi. tapi as usual he said we takleh nak puas kan hati semua orang. yang mane i rasa ok i'll proceed kot. kalo pk orang ni pk orang tu mesti last2 sendiri bengang. hhmm.. sabar je la sekarang yang kena banyak.
faiz juz got back from kampung. he's not feeling that well. hopefully he's getting well soon. syian die. nnt makan ubat k.
juz now juz watched my super ex girlfriend. syok plak. first time tgk. jap gi nak gosok baju, kemas bag, then tido. tomoro keje tapi tak sure nak drive ke nak naik train. hhmmm... how ar? nnt i decide la.
takpe. slowly slowly. dgn my full salary blum masuk lagi. insya-Allah this week la. sebab i'm stil probie kan. they said masuk 1st day of the month. tunggu je la. so mmg kena budget betul2 la ni. til end of this week. 5 more days to work. i this week pun tak gi clas. hhmm... =) maybe after engagement i la. btw, think so that's all for now. i nak surf website jais ni. buh-bye!

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