Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, November 30, 2008

last day of november

now i don think when was the last time i blog. was it two days ago or was it one week ago. what ever the duration is, the thing is that i was so damn busy during weekdays that i dont really have time to go online. even at ofis sometimes during lunch in order for me to release my stress i prefer to listen to those videos at you tube. but since today is the last day of the month and we are also going to the last month "December" might as well i blog something. this whole quite a hectic week for me. lemme see.
monday-> came in early as now my ceo is very concern on the attendance. everything went on smoothly til lunch time. cant remember what i had last monday but wat i know is that i'm full through out the whole morning and afternoon session. then at 3pm i had a meeting on mfund and i have to come out with as many strategies or should i say job scope on how to reduce administrative work. stil cant even figure out how even til friday. hahaha.. starting monday kak bedah wants to follow me home. towards friday i dh rasa a bit annoyed. macam hey.. sibuk la. i nak balik sorang2 pun susah sket. i just thought that she n her husband is using me. like b4 this apsal boleh plak husband u amik sampai kat ofis. skrang plak tak leh. everyone kalo nak senang kan diri sendiri memang la macam angels tapi kalo part orang lain. i dont give a damn. haha...
tuesday-> had training through out morning session. it's about city survival for ladies. it is very interesting and so knowledgable to me as a city girls. with so many culprits in the city whom i dont think so i know who are they. it's a bit scary but we have to take precautios steps in order to take care of ourselves. besides, the captain said women are like motorbikes, you bang ppl you get hurt ppl bang you you also get hurt. so moral of the story, take a good care of urself and those new ppl you met. make sure that you dont fall for any traps. a lot of things i learned. and thanks. it is useful. i ni dh la blur je. cannot. have to be aggressive sket baru org tak buli kita.
wednesday-> ade meeting on budget 2010 for our group. with the many presentations. dah la blur. bengong. tak paham sgt. hopefully the budget is good start and session for me. pastu kan i terlupa satu urgent transfer of $. lucky kak jee tolong buatkan. i was like damn kelam kabut. pastu kalo tak buat mesti jadi lagi satu issue kan.
thursday-> buat kotak. tagged think like 3 boxes. quite tired. haa..this day i ingat sbb i dh rasa annoyed ngan kak bedah plak.. aarrgghh shit. so i told hubby and he got some ideas for me to say to her. hopefully it will be useful jugak la. jahat la i ni.
friday-> yaay! last day of the week. very damn happy. ingat nak pegi beli magazine. tapi tak brape sihat. already took panadol in the morning. after i had american breakfast as my breakfast. during lunch makan nasi campur pastu by 5 sharp nak balik dah. hahaha syok. smp shah alam ard 6.30pm. so i went to pasar malam. best giler. sebab dah lame dah sebut nak makan apam balik. finally dpt jugak makan. alhamdulillah. malam tu teman hubby gi clinic. he sakit kaki. syian die. doctor suruh him put down weight. sebab kaki kecik takleh nak tampung berat badan sgt. pastu told him to cntrl on the food he consume especially kambing. uiisshhh.. the day b4 he is so noti ckp doctor dh ckp kat die. he is having gout 2nd phase. tgk jahat kan. buat orang geram. sgt geram. pastu last2 i cried. eleh... bengang tau. takmo kawan. nak merajuk la.
semalam best. mula2 pegi wedding sheri. ramai gak la jumpe kengkawan sekola dulu. sumer dah berubah rubah. tapi yg selalu i jumpa apit (cos she is faiz's fren), sha, ain, dyana. yg lain tu jarang la. pastu kan tuka2 numbers then sume sebuk tanye eh bile ko nak kawin, bile ko nak kawin. ni. nnt jemput tau. jgn tak jemput. i smiling at him saying insya-Allah. tak lame je lgi. next year kan. bulan 8. insyaallah. pastu tgk movie what happened in vegas. starring cameron diaz and ashton kutcher. he is sooo cute. hehehe.. tapi bile time borak2 bnyk ar die bored sket. pastu hidden agenda. =)
after that gi the curve. karaoke. pastu sebab nak celebrate pyan's bday. it was a surprise one. i didn't know actually tapi suddenly my mind brought back to the same situation last year. we all makan ice cream cake kat the curve jgk. hahaha.. balik ard 12.30am. hubby dh moody. maybe sbb his dad scolded him. than he's tired. syian die. then cleaned up pastu bang tido. hahaha.. buku citer baby proof dah habis baca. so dh takde buku. maybe kena rent some books lagi. nnt nak gi shah alam mall la. nak survey kejap.
ohh.. i dh ade account torncity. dh logged in tapi blum main lagi sbb nak blogging. oklah tadi i shopped groceries with mom. pastu jap gi nak makan. chiow!
good bye november and welcome december!

Monday, November 24, 2008


that'w what we did for the last weekend. at first thought nak survey colors je pastu last2 trus beli kain for nikah. it is so sweet la. shangat shweet. bet u must like the colors tapi tu la i tak sure lagi pesen ape nak wat. nak wat terlampau trendy nnt takleh last lame. at least do something yg i rasa i can wear longer. hehehe..
saturday tu, i n faiz dh decided on the dates. and insya-Allah as what we planned the dates are there. tunggulah ye i announce nnt k. rasa cam nak jerit n *aaarrrrggghhhhhhhhh* not tension! tapi speechless. no words. yang... nak kapuk u. alhamdulillah. just hoping that our wedding will work on smoothly dan juge berjalan dgn lancar. discus psl many things, hantaran, door gifts, theme color, card an many more. tapi the most important part is the financial highlights and budgetting. blum really look into it. faiz tgh bz n pack for this few days. hopefully his health is at the tip top condition as well. love ya!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

lunch time

nasi putih + telur dadar + sambal tumis sotong kering

nyum! nyum!

Monday, November 17, 2008


hahaha.. dh lame tak blogging. dah almost a week tapi i rasa lagi lame daripada tu. around 2 weeks tapi reality nye baru mmm.. dalam 4 hari.
last thursday, masa baru nak balik.. keta i meragam. takleh nak start. i dh nervous gile. mmg ade rasa nak nangis la time tu. tried few times stil tak leh jgk. call dad pastu tak angkat. lagi la rasa nak nangis. call orang tu n he sounded me. i was like. "what! i bukannye stay back on purpose. i got work to do!" bengang giler la time tu kan. then called en saz. luckily die blum balik, so, he came to the scene. n he tried starting few times as well. last baru dpt call my dad balik. he told me to ketat kan the cable kat battery tu. so, finally after twice trying dah boleh. syok nye.. happy tak terkira la time tu. alhamdulillah! so, i must remember if next time it happens again, i must know what to do. learning from that. a good knowledge from me. balik tu gi dine with family kat thai restaurant kat shah alam mall. diorang dh pindah tempat. kat tmpt east india dulu. rasa lagi cozy. food as usual, not bad la kan. hehe.. banyak giler i makan. soo kenyang. i ni dh brape lame tak timbang berat. rasanya masa bulan puasa hari tu. tu pun 49kg. skrang maybe ntah2 dah 52kg. ohh tidak.. i dah gemuk. hehhe..
friday.. sampai ofis awal ingat nak jumpe boss kul 9.30am. tapi masuk kul 12. almost 1 hour jgk la duduk dlm tu. got discussion bout the charts yang i kena siapkan the day before. that day i balik awal dalam 4 sbb nak gi airport. hmm.. kisah sedih berlaku. send my sis and her family to nz. b4 they fly kishing kishing radhi n fay. mm..cam sad sbb takde org nak bully. thnx to faiz for temaning me there. dah la hujan lebat. pastu snap few pics. blum upload lagi. nnt i post the pics okay. balik tu gi makan satay kat hentian rehat dengkil. hhmm... rase sayu tu stil ade. hhmm.. faiz pun cam bz la. these few days tgk die i know he is bz with work. pastu mind die kan cam tgh focus benda2 lain. sometimes rasa i ni menyusahkan je. hhmm.. he mentioned that he doesn't like that. but that what i felt after he said. hhmm... macam2 la. sabar je la. better i baca buku. talking bout books i skang tgh melayan buku baby proof. cam bored sket tapi takpe dah beli. so baca la smp habis. nnt i rent kat mall tu. maybe i'll have a look at the shop this weekend. i planned nak jumpe queenie this weekend. dh geram ngan rambut i ni sebenarnye. nak trim sket pastu nak tuka color sket. or maybe stil use brown n highlight a bit. hehhee...
saturday i'm working. almost 3 i balik. tapau mcd. pastu malam tu lepak umah je. tgh syok2 tgk the ant bully, dad tgh bad mood. mm.. kena marah la. suruh buang baju la. ape la. tak paham langsung i bab tu. pastu i dah la nak ngadu cam tak kena tmpt sbb faiz tgh sebuk sesangat sebuk. so i rasa bile i tgh citer cam he can't focus. takpela.. pastu i yang calm myself. i baca buku sampai i rasa mengantuk. sunday tu bangun, baca buku balik. pastu teman faiz gi tgk abg boy. his wife already gave birth to a baby girl. sihat. alhamdulillah the mother n baby sehat. ingat semalam nak gi jalan ngan mum pastu tak dpt. tgk la maybe this weekend.
today monday i was a bit stress. faiz as usual bz with his design. tadi chit chat ngan mus kejap. syok plak. funny pun ade. ape la i ni mengarut. tapi mus tu girls secret tau *sshhh* hehehe.. hari ni i rasa tak productive langsung sbb ade discussion discussion discussion. muyak tau muyak.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

sejuk shangat

ofis i skang macam kat dlm chiller plak. ishyy.. tadi pakai shawl je. if sejuk sgt maybe i pkai sweater je la. hehe.. first of all would like to congratulate hubby upon completing his insurance license. mula2 cam sedih sbb ckp fail pastu "yang.. kish i" i pass la" oohh..puk kang. noti ni. suke usik i ye. very happy for him. alhamdulillah. and he is sooo manje. secondly, i dh period. sakit perut since yesterday. tapi hari ni baru keluar period. i was a bit sad tapi takpe sbb hubby ckp he will pray for me. thirdly i cam sedih sket sbb esok my sis n family nak fly to nz dah. tak jumpe la radhi n fay maybe for another 3 years at least. juz hoping that time my wedding they r around. baru syok sket kan.
this morning i woke up feeling tak syok. i missed my hubby so much. wished could hug and kiss him. rindu la kat u yang. nnt nak cari time bile can spend time together gether.
i baru lps lunch. nak siapkan sket keje sbb kul 3pm ade discussion on the current position of p&l of this company. i dh siapkan slides. include those to be presented in the board paper.
btw, nak sambung wat keje la plak.
tapi tu pun ade time nak blog kejap. hehehe... mesti curi time.. hahaha


ohh... perut kurang sakit sbb i minum yogurt tadi. if ok maybe i blh amalkan minum yogurt hari2 kan. btw, it is good for my health rite.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

sentimental value

eerrmmm not! sentimental feelings.. ahahahah..isshhyy gediksnye i. tetibe ter sentimental lebih plak. malas nak citer. buat hati tak syok je. better i do or think something that i like. for example like shopping, teddy bears, musics (cheh..macam terel sgt plak psl music) dan kengkawan nye. got lots of work to do la. hmm.. lucky hari ni takyah nak buat tagging kotak. btw, nak siapkan jgk keje saye tu. love ya!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

more stories

ofis updates-i dah pindah tempat duduk. ade cubicle baru. belakang i scenery best dpt tgk luar. but a bit stuffy sbb ade kotak2 tanco tu. pastu tmpt baru tu sejuk gile. maybe sbb tempat die dh kecik, pastu org dh sket pastu sejuk. lucky ade shawl. boleh balut2. hehe balut macam burger. hahaha.. manage to angkat most of the stuff tapi still ade sket nak kena hantar filing.
semalam gaduh ngan bob. pastu hubby bawak jalan. hehehe.. syok. lps nangis pastu gi jalan. then beli sket groceries. then siapkan acc. happy la i. dah tally. then tgk cite orang minyak. issyy scary la.. alamak nak hujan la. chiow!

i'm sooooooooooooooooooo happy.. semalam spend time ngan hubby 2 orang. no need to story more as you know. hehehe =)

Monday, November 3, 2008

3rd nov 08

my birthday! yahhooo.. i'm 25 years old.

woke up quite early. mandi then pakai cantik2 sbb my bday. hari ni blh pakai lenses. syok giler. pastu wear earings. happy sgt. mum n bro wished in the morning. sampai ofis pun awal sbb i ikut smart tunnel. sebab my bday malas nak lalu jam plak. pastu smp ofis i beli american breakfast. kenyang, ade french toast sapu strawberry, ade sausages, ade baked beans and ade scramble eggs. kenyang giler i. pastu lunch time ard 12 kluar lunch ngan hubby. tapi at first pegi settle something kat bsn dulu. hubby's loan. congrats. die dah sign the agreement. so ard this week, he will get the $. alhamdulillah. then he belanja me kat little penang cafe kat klcc. pastu dpt card bday. dh lame tak dpt card from him. soooooooooooo shweet.. syok. hehehe thnx darling. balik awal, ingat nak gi makan kat luar ngan family pastu tak jadi. dad tak sihat. gi clinic. i pun lps hubby jumpe member die we gi minum je. tapi i worried tgk muka die time tu. macam ade benda yg die tgh pk. something big yg make him worried. maybe it's a bout work la. praying that he can settle it.

pursue to my kursus kahwin selama 2 hari

syyookk! gelak2 pun ade dgr cite2 tu semua. 1st day i duduk somewhere in the middle. 2nd day syok sbb dpt duduk dpn. pastu kena banyak tanye sbb duduk depan. hahaha.. hubby pun duduk dpn. 2nd row from depan. pastu bile ustaz cakap2 sket we all tgk each other. hehehe.. pastu kan ade satu benda ustaz tu ckp. cannot make love thru butt. dosa besar. issy.. i ade la jgk terpk nant dh kawin nak buat cam tu tapi since dah tak bole then better tak yah. banyak lg info yg i belajar kat sane. info to be use for my marriage life. insya-Allah. banyak experience and stories yang ustaz/ustazah tu citer yang i rasa useful to take knowledge. how to tackle husband. how to jaga tata tertib as a wife. kena jaga kehormatan diri, kena amanah dgn harta benda husband, kena jujur.. banyak la lagi. as a husband pun banyak benda kena belajar. dlm kursus tu pun ade die cite pasal woman giving birth, macam mana nak beranak. pastu pasal penyakit kemaluan. then how smoking can affect your health. hhmm.. banyak la. then ustaz tu pesan lagi, yang lepas tu lepas la. tutup buku tu. buka buku baru. focus kat new life. banyakkan berdoa disamping complete kan prayers. bile dgr kan ade la yang terkena diri sendiri pastu janji kat diri sendiri to improve life to become seorang hamba Allah yang disayangi serta seorang isteri yang setia. i tgh trying not to follow my emotions sgt. so around this whole week, mmg i jaga time prayers, everytime tu i berdoa so i blh handle stres and also kawal emosi i. i ni kan orang yg suke sgt ikut emosi. it's not good sbb nnt it affects physical. insya-Allah i akan jaga tu. to hubby--> may we can manfaatkan the ilmu that we got from the kursus together k.