Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, November 9, 2008

more stories

ofis updates-i dah pindah tempat duduk. ade cubicle baru. belakang i scenery best dpt tgk luar. but a bit stuffy sbb ade kotak2 tanco tu. pastu tmpt baru tu sejuk gile. maybe sbb tempat die dh kecik, pastu org dh sket pastu sejuk. lucky ade shawl. boleh balut2. hehe balut macam burger. hahaha.. manage to angkat most of the stuff tapi still ade sket nak kena hantar filing.
semalam gaduh ngan bob. pastu hubby bawak jalan. hehehe.. syok. lps nangis pastu gi jalan. then beli sket groceries. then siapkan acc. happy la i. dah tally. then tgk cite orang minyak. issyy scary la.. alamak nak hujan la. chiow!

i'm sooooooooooooooooooo happy.. semalam spend time ngan hubby 2 orang. no need to story more as you know. hehehe =)

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