Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, November 24, 2008


that'w what we did for the last weekend. at first thought nak survey colors je pastu last2 trus beli kain for nikah. it is so sweet la. shangat shweet. bet u must like the colors tapi tu la i tak sure lagi pesen ape nak wat. nak wat terlampau trendy nnt takleh last lame. at least do something yg i rasa i can wear longer. hehehe..
saturday tu, i n faiz dh decided on the dates. and insya-Allah as what we planned the dates are there. tunggulah ye i announce nnt k. rasa cam nak jerit n *aaarrrrggghhhhhhhhh* not tension! tapi speechless. no words. yang... nak kapuk u. alhamdulillah. just hoping that our wedding will work on smoothly dan juge berjalan dgn lancar. discus psl many things, hantaran, door gifts, theme color, card an many more. tapi the most important part is the financial highlights and budgetting. blum really look into it. faiz tgh bz n pack for this few days. hopefully his health is at the tip top condition as well. love ya!

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