Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, November 30, 2008

last day of november

now i don think when was the last time i blog. was it two days ago or was it one week ago. what ever the duration is, the thing is that i was so damn busy during weekdays that i dont really have time to go online. even at ofis sometimes during lunch in order for me to release my stress i prefer to listen to those videos at you tube. but since today is the last day of the month and we are also going to the last month "December" might as well i blog something. this whole quite a hectic week for me. lemme see.
monday-> came in early as now my ceo is very concern on the attendance. everything went on smoothly til lunch time. cant remember what i had last monday but wat i know is that i'm full through out the whole morning and afternoon session. then at 3pm i had a meeting on mfund and i have to come out with as many strategies or should i say job scope on how to reduce administrative work. stil cant even figure out how even til friday. hahaha.. starting monday kak bedah wants to follow me home. towards friday i dh rasa a bit annoyed. macam hey.. sibuk la. i nak balik sorang2 pun susah sket. i just thought that she n her husband is using me. like b4 this apsal boleh plak husband u amik sampai kat ofis. skrang plak tak leh. everyone kalo nak senang kan diri sendiri memang la macam angels tapi kalo part orang lain. i dont give a damn. haha...
tuesday-> had training through out morning session. it's about city survival for ladies. it is very interesting and so knowledgable to me as a city girls. with so many culprits in the city whom i dont think so i know who are they. it's a bit scary but we have to take precautios steps in order to take care of ourselves. besides, the captain said women are like motorbikes, you bang ppl you get hurt ppl bang you you also get hurt. so moral of the story, take a good care of urself and those new ppl you met. make sure that you dont fall for any traps. a lot of things i learned. and thanks. it is useful. i ni dh la blur je. cannot. have to be aggressive sket baru org tak buli kita.
wednesday-> ade meeting on budget 2010 for our group. with the many presentations. dah la blur. bengong. tak paham sgt. hopefully the budget is good start and session for me. pastu kan i terlupa satu urgent transfer of $. lucky kak jee tolong buatkan. i was like damn kelam kabut. pastu kalo tak buat mesti jadi lagi satu issue kan.
thursday-> buat kotak. tagged think like 3 boxes. quite tired. haa..this day i ingat sbb i dh rasa annoyed ngan kak bedah plak.. aarrgghh shit. so i told hubby and he got some ideas for me to say to her. hopefully it will be useful jugak la. jahat la i ni.
friday-> yaay! last day of the week. very damn happy. ingat nak pegi beli magazine. tapi tak brape sihat. already took panadol in the morning. after i had american breakfast as my breakfast. during lunch makan nasi campur pastu by 5 sharp nak balik dah. hahaha syok. smp shah alam ard 6.30pm. so i went to pasar malam. best giler. sebab dah lame dah sebut nak makan apam balik. finally dpt jugak makan. alhamdulillah. malam tu teman hubby gi clinic. he sakit kaki. syian die. doctor suruh him put down weight. sebab kaki kecik takleh nak tampung berat badan sgt. pastu told him to cntrl on the food he consume especially kambing. uiisshhh.. the day b4 he is so noti ckp doctor dh ckp kat die. he is having gout 2nd phase. tgk jahat kan. buat orang geram. sgt geram. pastu last2 i cried. eleh... bengang tau. takmo kawan. nak merajuk la.
semalam best. mula2 pegi wedding sheri. ramai gak la jumpe kengkawan sekola dulu. sumer dah berubah rubah. tapi yg selalu i jumpa apit (cos she is faiz's fren), sha, ain, dyana. yg lain tu jarang la. pastu kan tuka2 numbers then sume sebuk tanye eh bile ko nak kawin, bile ko nak kawin. ni. nnt jemput tau. jgn tak jemput. i smiling at him saying insya-Allah. tak lame je lgi. next year kan. bulan 8. insyaallah. pastu tgk movie what happened in vegas. starring cameron diaz and ashton kutcher. he is sooo cute. hehehe.. tapi bile time borak2 bnyk ar die bored sket. pastu hidden agenda. =)
after that gi the curve. karaoke. pastu sebab nak celebrate pyan's bday. it was a surprise one. i didn't know actually tapi suddenly my mind brought back to the same situation last year. we all makan ice cream cake kat the curve jgk. hahaha.. balik ard 12.30am. hubby dh moody. maybe sbb his dad scolded him. than he's tired. syian die. then cleaned up pastu bang tido. hahaha.. buku citer baby proof dah habis baca. so dh takde buku. maybe kena rent some books lagi. nnt nak gi shah alam mall la. nak survey kejap.
ohh.. i dh ade account torncity. dh logged in tapi blum main lagi sbb nak blogging. oklah tadi i shopped groceries with mom. pastu jap gi nak makan. chiow!
good bye november and welcome december!

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