Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, November 17, 2008


hahaha.. dh lame tak blogging. dah almost a week tapi i rasa lagi lame daripada tu. around 2 weeks tapi reality nye baru mmm.. dalam 4 hari.
last thursday, masa baru nak balik.. keta i meragam. takleh nak start. i dh nervous gile. mmg ade rasa nak nangis la time tu. tried few times stil tak leh jgk. call dad pastu tak angkat. lagi la rasa nak nangis. call orang tu n he sounded me. i was like. "what! i bukannye stay back on purpose. i got work to do!" bengang giler la time tu kan. then called en saz. luckily die blum balik, so, he came to the scene. n he tried starting few times as well. last baru dpt call my dad balik. he told me to ketat kan the cable kat battery tu. so, finally after twice trying dah boleh. syok nye.. happy tak terkira la time tu. alhamdulillah! so, i must remember if next time it happens again, i must know what to do. learning from that. a good knowledge from me. balik tu gi dine with family kat thai restaurant kat shah alam mall. diorang dh pindah tempat. kat tmpt east india dulu. rasa lagi cozy. food as usual, not bad la kan. hehe.. banyak giler i makan. soo kenyang. i ni dh brape lame tak timbang berat. rasanya masa bulan puasa hari tu. tu pun 49kg. skrang maybe ntah2 dah 52kg. ohh tidak.. i dah gemuk. hehhe..
friday.. sampai ofis awal ingat nak jumpe boss kul 9.30am. tapi masuk kul 12. almost 1 hour jgk la duduk dlm tu. got discussion bout the charts yang i kena siapkan the day before. that day i balik awal dalam 4 sbb nak gi airport. hmm.. kisah sedih berlaku. send my sis and her family to nz. b4 they fly kishing kishing radhi n fay. mm..cam sad sbb takde org nak bully. thnx to faiz for temaning me there. dah la hujan lebat. pastu snap few pics. blum upload lagi. nnt i post the pics okay. balik tu gi makan satay kat hentian rehat dengkil. hhmm... rase sayu tu stil ade. hhmm.. faiz pun cam bz la. these few days tgk die i know he is bz with work. pastu mind die kan cam tgh focus benda2 lain. sometimes rasa i ni menyusahkan je. hhmm.. he mentioned that he doesn't like that. but that what i felt after he said. hhmm... macam2 la. sabar je la. better i baca buku. talking bout books i skang tgh melayan buku baby proof. cam bored sket tapi takpe dah beli. so baca la smp habis. nnt i rent kat mall tu. maybe i'll have a look at the shop this weekend. i planned nak jumpe queenie this weekend. dh geram ngan rambut i ni sebenarnye. nak trim sket pastu nak tuka color sket. or maybe stil use brown n highlight a bit. hehhee...
saturday i'm working. almost 3 i balik. tapau mcd. pastu malam tu lepak umah je. tgh syok2 tgk the ant bully, dad tgh bad mood. mm.. kena marah la. suruh buang baju la. ape la. tak paham langsung i bab tu. pastu i dah la nak ngadu cam tak kena tmpt sbb faiz tgh sebuk sesangat sebuk. so i rasa bile i tgh citer cam he can't focus. takpela.. pastu i yang calm myself. i baca buku sampai i rasa mengantuk. sunday tu bangun, baca buku balik. pastu teman faiz gi tgk abg boy. his wife already gave birth to a baby girl. sihat. alhamdulillah the mother n baby sehat. ingat semalam nak gi jalan ngan mum pastu tak dpt. tgk la maybe this weekend.
today monday i was a bit stress. faiz as usual bz with his design. tadi chit chat ngan mus kejap. syok plak. funny pun ade. ape la i ni mengarut. tapi mus tu girls secret tau *sshhh* hehehe.. hari ni i rasa tak productive langsung sbb ade discussion discussion discussion. muyak tau muyak.

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