Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, November 13, 2008

sejuk shangat

ofis i skang macam kat dlm chiller plak. ishyy.. tadi pakai shawl je. if sejuk sgt maybe i pkai sweater je la. hehe.. first of all would like to congratulate hubby upon completing his insurance license. mula2 cam sedih sbb ckp fail pastu "yang.. kish i" i pass la" oohh..puk kang. noti ni. suke usik i ye. very happy for him. alhamdulillah. and he is sooo manje. secondly, i dh period. sakit perut since yesterday. tapi hari ni baru keluar period. i was a bit sad tapi takpe sbb hubby ckp he will pray for me. thirdly i cam sedih sket sbb esok my sis n family nak fly to nz dah. tak jumpe la radhi n fay maybe for another 3 years at least. juz hoping that time my wedding they r around. baru syok sket kan.
this morning i woke up feeling tak syok. i missed my hubby so much. wished could hug and kiss him. rindu la kat u yang. nnt nak cari time bile can spend time together gether.
i baru lps lunch. nak siapkan sket keje sbb kul 3pm ade discussion on the current position of p&l of this company. i dh siapkan slides. include those to be presented in the board paper.
btw, nak sambung wat keje la plak.
tapi tu pun ade time nak blog kejap. hehehe... mesti curi time.. hahaha


ohh... perut kurang sakit sbb i minum yogurt tadi. if ok maybe i blh amalkan minum yogurt hari2 kan. btw, it is good for my health rite.

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