Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

last day

actually i'm typing using hp.so kind of limited space 2 type.it is juz that i want 2 haf d date as last post 4 d year.well wil update later.maybe 2moro.chiow!

hahaha... woke up bout 40minutes ago. y was i woke up that time coz my uncle came to our house to discuss some banking issues which i think it is soooo damn beng! well, forget bout that.. woohooo!! WELCOME YEAR 2009! let me shut 2008's door hardly without wanting to be open again. nway, didn't really went for celebrating coz malas la nak redah jam. juz watch some fireworks thru tv and outside my house. then went for makan at sec 13 with hubby and his frens. semalam naik keta ared. setelah beberapa lame ade keinginan nak naik akhirnya..hahaha..akhirnya kini pasti.. today's planning tak tau nak wat ape lagi. maybe to the taylor at banting or maybe shah alam mall. c first shah alam mall. takut pegi jauh2 then tutup. btw, hubby and his family is on d way to melaka. having some trip. wah!! syoknye.. i tot weekend. tapi tak jadi. hhmmm..guess what..it is last time me celebrating new year with him as a couple than insya-Allah we will be getting married in 8 months time. aahhh.. worried and macam2 perasaan bercampur campur. on top of that i'm glad and happy. =)

amongs my azam for 2009
1) getting married
2) jadi isteri solehah
3) nak dapat confirmation keje
4) nak tambahkan berat badan sket
5) nak baby --> uuiik..hehehe..malu la.. ;)
6) nak jaga my prayer time (it's important for me to achive success dunia & akhirat)

at the same time wishing for a prosperity in life for my parents i mean good health, stable balance of life.. mmm.. mcm tak kena je i punye words ni.

recapping 2008--> all the things happened will be kept as sweet memories in my diary of life til end of my life. hoping to become more mature in all senses. semoga dipanjangkan umur and murah rezeki. AmiNN...

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

nearing 24 hours to new year's eve

yahoo!!!!!!!!!! tgh dine ni nak tgk mama mia. tadi i bought mee goreng mamak kat ali c. b4 went home went for prayer. i tot was like nak balik trus tapi kak ct dh ask me and takkan i nak tipu ckp i dah semayang. soooo immatured. today my day at ofis banyak buat kotak. starting 11.30am smp lunch. i sakit pinggang sket. pastu tunggu die call tak call call pun smp la kat around 4pm. i sms pastu lambat tau die call. i dh start nak majuk. i tau la die tgh bz with jobs and design. hhmm... tu la shima.. kalo die dh ckp nak time tu time tu jgk la. pastu wat2 cover emotion yang dh moody tu sket. wat2 cam ok. hahaha... mcm la faiz tu tak kenal i ni sape kan. bengong la i ni. wow! year 2008 almost over. maybe i should recap tomorrow. the day of 31st december 2008 and my hopes and visions for year 2009 ahead.

yesterday b4 slept watched maid of honor. sedih and ade rasa nak cry. actually mmg cry pun. sebak time nak separated ngan best fren die. oklah.. want to enjoy the movie.. chaloo!

Monday, December 29, 2008

perfume's over

well...well...well...look what we've got here. yaay!!! finally my searching for perfume for wedding's hantaran dh beli. at first gi gardens pastu tgk2 macam mahal. so we went to the curve la sbb dulu penah survey kat situ. it's pretty cheap la. btw, at first i wanted to take burberry or gucci tapi bile smell balik alamak cam tak syok plak. pastu smell smell plus dh pening pening ape la yang nak amik ni, finally i bought ck's euphoria. wangi n i suke the smell. price is within my budget. the kotaks n pakcaging pun cantik. color purple and pink. one is edt and one is edp. now i know what is the difference between edt and edp. edp lasts longer than edt. if like example edt is 4 hrs lasting, edp will be double lasting than edt that means if we take the earlier example it will be 8 hrs. mostly this one is for those yg running here n there for work. well, hubby bought one set too. it's gucci. canttik la. his perfume pun smell not bad. very masculine and so handsomely smell. ape la aku mengarut. hahaha...the attendant siap packing for us agi with the ribbons and so sbb we all ckp nak letak unutuk hantaran. suke shangat.. tapi we left it at our house. nnt nak dekat time will show how it looks like. anyway thankssss hubby... bawak i jenjalan today. love u lots.

by the way, hari ni makan banyak sgt. mula2 cam lapar gile. pastu makan mee goreng mamak kat teh tarik then makan lak bassil leaves chicken kat thai express. sedap. nyum!! nyum!! ingat tak sedap cam yg i makan kat klcc dulu tapi rupe rupenye sangkaanku meleset. sedap la. so damn kenyang. then we discuss into details our planning for year 2009 which is a big year ahead for us. insya-Allah. mudah-mudahan semua urusan dipermudahkan. Aminnn...

Sunday, December 28, 2008

another hot sunny day

i'm at home now. blogging. well, woke up around 9am. talked to faiz for like 10 minutes then golek2 b4 i actually get outta bed to kemas rumah. first, i do the dirty laundry then i go ahead to clean up the kitchen. basuh all the pinggan, cawan, mangkuk and many things more b4 i lap2 and simpan them. then jemur baju yang dh siap dibasuh. i had oat+nestum as my breakfast aka lunch aka brunch. hahahaha... today hubby is quite bz coz his cousin is getting married. need to help them in the kenduri. hopefully everything's going fine and well for him. ni i tgh bengang. mane la kunci keta. farid nak kuar tapi nak suruh i hantar pastu i mintak die tanye dad pasal kunci tu and yet he tak tanye. hhmm.. takpela kan. if sampai tuesday takde kunci i naik train je la gi ofis.

Saturday, December 27, 2008


nak tgk twilight tapi tak dpt. so at last i tgk beverly hills chihuahua. hahahaha...sangat cute i tell you n anjing tu so damn mengada. siap gi spa la, saloon la, gym la, ade bdy party lagi. went with mus. btw, okaylah. chiow!

2 days after christmas

first of all i nak wish to those celebrating merry wonderful christmas! ho..ho..ho.. santa is coming to town. well, this whole week was a quite and sweet week for me though. i tried came in early to work. juz on wednesday came in a bit late coz i woke up at 7.30am. lucky i am coz the traffic was not that bad. guess so coz it's almost end of the year. many people are taking leaves so that's y the roads are okay in the morning. finished most of the stuff at work that i've planned b4 went for another long holiday. i did not take any leave sbb nak save leaves for wedding. maybe i'll take bout 13-15 days. wow! pretty long huh..
last sunday, spend some time with hubby at klg lame. that nite we talked on the fon for quite sometime. maybe around 3 hrs. i remembered sleeping at around 4am. we talked bout past. bout we've been through especially this 8th years of coupling and how we ended up the relationship with engagement and soon marriage. feel happy bout that. bile time dulu2 teringat kan.. i rasa sad sangat tau. rasa sayu, jealous, anger n many more feelings. i guess our love [between Noor Aziatulshima Jalil & Muhamad Faiz Marican Mubarak] is one of a kind. maybe that's what true love is. we can cry bcoz of our love and in the end we want each other badly. eventhough jiwa is feeling good at revenging or whatsoever, but deep down it is actually crying and wanting to be loved and fulfilled by juz the both of us. by the way, looking at the bright side, i am really really glad and happy that we're gonna get married in sometime soon. insya-Allah. a lot of preparation need to be done. our venues and dates are settled. now i nak cari mak andam and the packege things. my budget is not more than rm3500. talk bout money, another thing that gives me worriness and 'kusut'ness. whooshh! the impact rite sooooo big. insya-Allah boleh calm it down. what i'm really hoping that my wedding will berjalan dgn lancar, selamat dan semuanye alhamdulillah.

today's activity supposedly nak gi taylor pastu nak jalan2 kat jusco kejap. pastu tak jadi sbb keta ade tapi takde kunci. yed ckp mesti abah dgr our conversation n that's y die simpan kunci. hhmm... macam 2 la. takkan la pulak kan. at last decided nak tgk dvd tapi dh half way tgk kat pc, suddenly pc i mati. pasal ntah. i pun tak sure. nnt nak try tanye hubby la y jadik cam tu ar.. pastu dah boring ingat nak ajak yed gi sacc naik taxi. die plak malas. nampaknye mmg duduk kat umah je la nampaknye. bile ade time baru la leh tgk dvd balik.

ohh.. i dah active balik main rogue vampire. skang pun dh join torn city. tapi level stil rendah. my level kat rv dh tinggi. stil doing the searching n converting ppl. hahaha... syok jgk kan. pastu kat ofis pun amik masa curi2 main. hahaha... bile boring log in la kejap. tapi kena careful. pastu kan bile kena masuk hospital or under house arrest time tu mmg sangap kan. cam alamak. takpe la. tunggu kejap. pastu mesti lepas. masa christmas ni i bought mince pies kat rv tapi 1 dah stolen by santa. NOTI SANTA!!

hubby went for a goal setting talk at kl. wished him all the best in the new scene he is going to venture. Muhamad Faiz Marican--> sepanjang i couple ngan die kan, mmg susah nak tgk he gave up on something and dunno what is his mind. ade je benda nak buat. he is full of activities and maybe that is the quality in him and how he got sooooo many girls attracted to him. arr... tgk dh jeles balik.. ape ni emotion..jahat ni. i sepatutnye pk.. i dh nak kawin ngan die. i'm the winner kan. so i shud be thankful and damn happy. I AM OKAY!!.... huiisshhh geram tgh melawan emosi sendiri. bengong kejap. pape la i ni. pastu semalam masa tgh tunggu hubby fetch nak gi jalan2, datang perangai pelik i plak. damn hyper. siap joget2 lagi dalam bilik. terkinja2 seorang diri. yed recorded it but he doesn't want to show it to me. die kata nnt i delete. oooohhhhh noooo... mane aci.. hhmmm.... syok gile.. tapi lepas tu penat n pancit. i kena gi jog la. stamina dh takde. wonder how dulu i boleh menari lama2. at least 2 hours kan. skang ni gerak sket dah eeooo.. hubby ckp kena jog. okay.. tapi dah lame tak jogging. bile nak pegi pun tak tau. hehehehe...

Tuesday, December 23, 2008


pertaining to my blog post dated 18 dec 08. wanted to continue at home tapi tak kesampaian. that was like almost a week ago. i was very damn busy la. back to the topic of hubby. he is now doing great. it is juz that he is quite hectic with office politics bcoz of his colleagues. he just sensed that they are sumhow turning their back on him. well, gave him few of my thoughts and hopefully he is looking through at it. last week also, his dad went under surgery on his heart. and it is really miracle on what he explained to me. his dad is in gud condition. he accompanied his dad at hospital. hopefully it is okay with him. it's quite chilling there. just praying that everything is going to be allright. me also trying my best to get my momentum back especially in completing my 5 prayers which i believe is the best thing to block me from doing no good things and also to prevent me from unnecessary behaviour.
not much to updates on my work. as usual if cakap keje keje keje takkan habis sampai biler2. by the way, my appraisal is going to be around the corner. wish me best of luck.
i'm missing my sayang now. wished cud spent more time with him tapi if i sabar skang i'll get a big reward later. okay let's move to the next topic of my FAV FAV.

wedding preparation
after some crying, callings, diagrees, postponing, changing dates, opinions and finally dh decide that my wedding will be at home. yaay!. after talking with abah this morning we juz move the dare one day later sbb dad nak buat on sunday in order for his frens to come. i pun ckp oklah tu. i dah happy sbb lps ni bole focus kat tmpt lain. yaay! alhamdulillah. so far i dah beli kasut and telekung. lain2 blum lagi. rasa cam aiyooo.... kejap je december nak abis. pasni dh tahun baru. lps ni nk survey lagi perfum and maybe purse la instead of clutch.

talking bout tahun baru.. both islamic and lunar calendar is changing soon. insya-Allah and hoping for a better and prosporous years ahead. Aminn..

Thursday, December 18, 2008

new handphone

lupe nak update. bought new fon. tapi as usual stil sayang fon lame. nokia express music. i felt sooooooo sexy coz it's red n black. elegant kan. hehehe.. kena jaga n maintain this fon as i maintain myself.

kepala sangat kusut

that's what i totally feel at the moment. with weddings few moths away n financially i'm not that ready which creates unnecessary doubts and worried inside me. so many things had happened through out this few days leaving me with no time to actually blog to express my feelings. urrgghh.. i'm currently at office. waiting for someone's job in order for me to complete my forecast figures. sometimes i juz felt here ppl dont work professionally that creates inefficiency and ineffectiveness. looking forward n being matured, i should be more positive and to complete my target as to cleaning up the *shit* of what ppl did in the past. a bit tirying especially mind but thinking positively i shud not take that as a barrier for me to move one step ahead.

as for hubby, he went through a lot of things. ntahla.. since that day yang sakit kaki sampai skang ni. hhmm.. continue blog later. gtg now.

Friday, December 12, 2008


shopping dulu..
nak survey..

friday 12 dec

well, this week is pretty okay for me. my mood seems okay. not much of working mood affecting me. well, guess so i focused more on work and becoming more serious and that's y ppl dont really haf anything unnecessary to say.
it was quite a short week this week coz monday was a public hols. tuesday accompanied darling to his insurance agent sumwhere in gombak. phew! new experience. maybe i'll join in with him and work together as a team. than balik makan kat hakim. as usual our favorite food ayam tandoori+roti naan. yummy.. tapi tak brape syok sbb sakit perut period pain and ade ulcer kat bawah lidah. sakit tau. sakit tau. =(
pastu wednesday balik awal sbb nak pegi jusco bukit tinggi. ade j card day. hubby bought a set of comforter. murah k. from rm700 tinggal rm140. i tak beli pun. maybe next round la.
hhmm... hari ni plak ade meeting. tak tau ade meeting until today. at first ingat sampai kul 5 tapi tak. only up to 4.30pm something about new approach. tak brape paham. hehee...
important updates--> wedding preparation. alamak lagi less than 10months. the time is coming. worried la i. insya-Allah. banyakkan berdoa dan plan betul2. banyak benda blum buat lagi ni. paling i terpk is the financial part la. yangg... worried ni..

Monday, December 8, 2008

wishing u...


Tuesday, December 2, 2008


i dah pening kepala la. nak kena siapkan budgetting til fye habis. pastu nak kena siapkan plak for fye mar 10. uisshh.. blum start ape pun lagi. gosh. ni pun dh pening. how to come with assumptions. hehehe.. this thursday i dh applied for leave and it is approved. syok. tapi bukannye ape. nak pegi survey dewan. and if interested trus nak book kan.
tadi tetibe terbatuk la plak. dh makan hacks. quite pedas. btw, tadi chit chat ngan aunty shirley kejap. hahha.. dh lame tak tanye how is she. we laugh on each of our stories.
oklah nak sambung keje. balik pun tak leh sbb hujan.