Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, December 12, 2008

friday 12 dec

well, this week is pretty okay for me. my mood seems okay. not much of working mood affecting me. well, guess so i focused more on work and becoming more serious and that's y ppl dont really haf anything unnecessary to say.
it was quite a short week this week coz monday was a public hols. tuesday accompanied darling to his insurance agent sumwhere in gombak. phew! new experience. maybe i'll join in with him and work together as a team. than balik makan kat hakim. as usual our favorite food ayam tandoori+roti naan. yummy.. tapi tak brape syok sbb sakit perut period pain and ade ulcer kat bawah lidah. sakit tau. sakit tau. =(
pastu wednesday balik awal sbb nak pegi jusco bukit tinggi. ade j card day. hubby bought a set of comforter. murah k. from rm700 tinggal rm140. i tak beli pun. maybe next round la.
hhmm... hari ni plak ade meeting. tak tau ade meeting until today. at first ingat sampai kul 5 tapi tak. only up to 4.30pm something about new approach. tak brape paham. hehee...
important updates--> wedding preparation. alamak lagi less than 10months. the time is coming. worried la i. insya-Allah. banyakkan berdoa dan plan betul2. banyak benda blum buat lagi ni. paling i terpk is the financial part la. yangg... worried ni..

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