Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, December 23, 2008


pertaining to my blog post dated 18 dec 08. wanted to continue at home tapi tak kesampaian. that was like almost a week ago. i was very damn busy la. back to the topic of hubby. he is now doing great. it is juz that he is quite hectic with office politics bcoz of his colleagues. he just sensed that they are sumhow turning their back on him. well, gave him few of my thoughts and hopefully he is looking through at it. last week also, his dad went under surgery on his heart. and it is really miracle on what he explained to me. his dad is in gud condition. he accompanied his dad at hospital. hopefully it is okay with him. it's quite chilling there. just praying that everything is going to be allright. me also trying my best to get my momentum back especially in completing my 5 prayers which i believe is the best thing to block me from doing no good things and also to prevent me from unnecessary behaviour.
not much to updates on my work. as usual if cakap keje keje keje takkan habis sampai biler2. by the way, my appraisal is going to be around the corner. wish me best of luck.
i'm missing my sayang now. wished cud spent more time with him tapi if i sabar skang i'll get a big reward later. okay let's move to the next topic of my FAV FAV.

wedding preparation
after some crying, callings, diagrees, postponing, changing dates, opinions and finally dh decide that my wedding will be at home. yaay!. after talking with abah this morning we juz move the dare one day later sbb dad nak buat on sunday in order for his frens to come. i pun ckp oklah tu. i dah happy sbb lps ni bole focus kat tmpt lain. yaay! alhamdulillah. so far i dah beli kasut and telekung. lain2 blum lagi. rasa cam aiyooo.... kejap je december nak abis. pasni dh tahun baru. lps ni nk survey lagi perfum and maybe purse la instead of clutch.

talking bout tahun baru.. both islamic and lunar calendar is changing soon. insya-Allah and hoping for a better and prosporous years ahead. Aminn..

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