Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, December 29, 2008

perfume's over

well...well...well...look what we've got here. yaay!!! finally my searching for perfume for wedding's hantaran dh beli. at first gi gardens pastu tgk2 macam mahal. so we went to the curve la sbb dulu penah survey kat situ. it's pretty cheap la. btw, at first i wanted to take burberry or gucci tapi bile smell balik alamak cam tak syok plak. pastu smell smell plus dh pening pening ape la yang nak amik ni, finally i bought ck's euphoria. wangi n i suke the smell. price is within my budget. the kotaks n pakcaging pun cantik. color purple and pink. one is edt and one is edp. now i know what is the difference between edt and edp. edp lasts longer than edt. if like example edt is 4 hrs lasting, edp will be double lasting than edt that means if we take the earlier example it will be 8 hrs. mostly this one is for those yg running here n there for work. well, hubby bought one set too. it's gucci. canttik la. his perfume pun smell not bad. very masculine and so handsomely smell. ape la aku mengarut. hahaha...the attendant siap packing for us agi with the ribbons and so sbb we all ckp nak letak unutuk hantaran. suke shangat.. tapi we left it at our house. nnt nak dekat time will show how it looks like. anyway thankssss hubby... bawak i jenjalan today. love u lots.

by the way, hari ni makan banyak sgt. mula2 cam lapar gile. pastu makan mee goreng mamak kat teh tarik then makan lak bassil leaves chicken kat thai express. sedap. nyum!! nyum!! ingat tak sedap cam yg i makan kat klcc dulu tapi rupe rupenye sangkaanku meleset. sedap la. so damn kenyang. then we discuss into details our planning for year 2009 which is a big year ahead for us. insya-Allah. mudah-mudahan semua urusan dipermudahkan. Aminnn...

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