Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

last day

actually i'm typing using hp.so kind of limited space 2 type.it is juz that i want 2 haf d date as last post 4 d year.well wil update later.maybe 2moro.chiow!

hahaha... woke up bout 40minutes ago. y was i woke up that time coz my uncle came to our house to discuss some banking issues which i think it is soooo damn beng! well, forget bout that.. woohooo!! WELCOME YEAR 2009! let me shut 2008's door hardly without wanting to be open again. nway, didn't really went for celebrating coz malas la nak redah jam. juz watch some fireworks thru tv and outside my house. then went for makan at sec 13 with hubby and his frens. semalam naik keta ared. setelah beberapa lame ade keinginan nak naik akhirnya..hahaha..akhirnya kini pasti.. today's planning tak tau nak wat ape lagi. maybe to the taylor at banting or maybe shah alam mall. c first shah alam mall. takut pegi jauh2 then tutup. btw, hubby and his family is on d way to melaka. having some trip. wah!! syoknye.. i tot weekend. tapi tak jadi. hhmmm..guess what..it is last time me celebrating new year with him as a couple than insya-Allah we will be getting married in 8 months time. aahhh.. worried and macam2 perasaan bercampur campur. on top of that i'm glad and happy. =)

amongs my azam for 2009
1) getting married
2) jadi isteri solehah
3) nak dapat confirmation keje
4) nak tambahkan berat badan sket
5) nak baby --> uuiik..hehehe..malu la.. ;)
6) nak jaga my prayer time (it's important for me to achive success dunia & akhirat)

at the same time wishing for a prosperity in life for my parents i mean good health, stable balance of life.. mmm.. mcm tak kena je i punye words ni.

recapping 2008--> all the things happened will be kept as sweet memories in my diary of life til end of my life. hoping to become more mature in all senses. semoga dipanjangkan umur and murah rezeki. AmiNN...

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