Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, March 1, 2009


tata february and welcome march. first of all thanking and wishing alhamdulillah to God coz i am stil here breathing and living in the world belongs to God. such a lucky person to stil face another day in the world. wishing n hoping for a better tomoro. Amin.

juz got home from a long day out today or shall i say outing as well. have juz cleaned up myself. changing to a much more comfortable attire for me to sleep. both my pants n t-shirt are the lembiks ones. basically very much damn cosy and can't wait to go to bed. but hold on to that coz i feel like blogging for a little while. it's only 3 of us at home. parent went back to kampung to visit my grandma and also my cousin. hope both of them and infact every one at kampung is feeling great despite being healthy. yeah! had my dinner at mamak sup. had rojak kosong that is only kuih n telur goreng. but i'm pretty full. today i woke up quite late then waited for DD (b4 i proceed DD stands for Dearest Dear) to fetch me. at first wanted to drive tapi bro said wanted to use the car so what i did was juz to isi air and then kunci. so roughly ard 12.30pm DD came. went to lunch. i wasn't at my mood to eat as i only request half of the nasi portion and also one type of lauk that is masak kurma. i'm feeling full but yet not hungry. anyway, maybe i'm stressed but what am i to stress about coz i'm with DD and yet i should be happy rite. at last can't finish my food. juz a bit of rice and chicken. but nvm, i juz push my plate aside. it is not the food to be blame, it is juz that i am full. then accompanied DD to the workshop to settle his absorber, changing the oil filter and also minyak hitam. oh and also changing his tyres. he spent like almost 700 bucks. quite a lot but looking at his job that requires him to travel, might as well changed before anything bad could happened. not asking but taking preventive measures. it was pretty sunny day. but i stayed most of the time in the shop coz got chair and fan. i was at one pint sooo damn sleepy that i cant help myself. i fell asleep while waiting. about 3 hours alhamdulillah it's settled. the car felt nice to drive. back to DD's house. lepaking while looking for some mak andam websites. DD said maybe to narrow down our chocies by not surveying anymore. we will decide based on wat we have currently. what we need to do is sit down again and talk. this whole week we dont really talk bout our wedding preparation. he seems bz with his work and to avoid feeling stress i also avoid talking too much on it. coz i think it create some uncomfortableness into him. through out this whole week.. i missed DD very much. i dont really get the time to spend with him. i visited him at ofis wanting to see his face so i cud settle my daily smoothly. eventhough i missed him the face i saw b4 end of the day is enuf for me to stay on and hold on to next day. even today i spent like the whole day with him i dont get him fully. maybe i am juz besides him but we are bz doing things. even today i missed him though. i know DD is busy. so to keep me from thinking something unnecessary it's better for me to do something else.

DD --> i know that u're bz but please dont stop loving me. wanting to hear those magic words everyday and everytime. wanting to be called honey or sayang or dear everyday and everytime. wanting to know what u're up to each and everytime. maybe it's not like before tapi i redha.

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