Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, April 12, 2009

glad weekend

i was so relieved that it is weekend. well last week was a very horrifying, horror, full of emotion breakdowns, some happiness, cruelness and lemme see wat other else..well a lot of things.

first and foremost congratulations to dear hubby as he already been accepted by a company and he'll be starting his job by next week. i'm really happy and glad for him. after the criedness and downness.. finally. alhamdulillah. n that's wat he said to me previoulsy, a wedding gift from God.

back to the most hated part that is my job. i'm blessed with alhamdulillah quite attractive salary but the office shits politics that are so damn stupid. you know la. at my ofis got these 3 ladies yang so damn GK and suke bodek and kipas boss, well lemme cut this short, in order for them to climb up the stairs ie; to get acknowledgement, name, title, they are willing to stabback their staff and make them suffer. well, suke hati ko. happy sgt ke life ko wat orang cam tu. but when i realize rite, these 3 ladies faced the same thing in their personal life and maybe they want to have victory in working life. well, go sucks with working life as for me the most important thing is myself, my husband, my kids and my family. feeling satisfied meaning to see this people happy. damn to those 3 ladies that actually felt tlonely in their personal life. too bad! sorry for them. so, i now juz motivate myself, ape2 la. at the same time, i am already starting looking for another job. insya-Allah, so i have to be strong and no emotional breakdown in this current office. feels so ignorant. so, me n colleagues have decided to boikot these 3 ladies, especially this nee going to be manager la. nak tgk whether can she managed or not. and i bet so no. i think she is scared to take the portfolios, and that's y she alwayz say i ni checker je, check, advise, well, to me orang lain boleh buat. juz bcoz u r old, don think i will respect u at all times. puh-leaze...fucked off lah u people. maybe not now, but i'm pretty sure u r going to get it sooner or later. what comes around goes around. don't forget.

well, back to my happily journey towards marriage. today, i n hubby will go n see the mak andam to measure our body for the baju kawin. well, new experience for me. yaay! today i woke up pretty early. had my subuh prayer, cut my fingernails, n now kemas2 baju. semalam i was like damn sleepy that i slept for like 3hours. last nite i tido quite early. maybe that's y i can wake up early today. well, hubby had packed most of his stuff from offis. he is shifting back to home. while working permanently, he will continue with his side business as usual. good luck to you yang! honey will pray for ur success.

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