Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


yoohoo! alhamdulillah my mood was quite stable tis week. after a few days yg tensi and bengkek. well, i am juz trying taking things easily. accept the facts and blend with it. well well.. i juz had mcchicken for dinner. earlier went to drive thru with bro and mum after a session of mum missing or MIA. tis time it was quite long. since afternoon, according to bob. so imagine. i fetched her ard 8pm. wondering wat is she up to. sometimes i do wonder, is she feeling unhappy with her marriage, with her kids. n now when i am trying to talk to her ask her wat do she feel. she doesnt want to let it out. am i too late to ask for that. of course i and infact my siblings do love her. i am juz praying everyday that both my parent have long life, healthy, and lots lots more good things. when everytime i sad and sighing bout my family, i will have the thoughts that fiancee used to say. even though ur family is like that, u shud be thankful coz u stil have families. if compared to other people yang nak getting married, family is not there. yeahh! slap slap on the face. tapi kan yang.. ye la. everyone is wishing that they are having the happiest family in the world. tapi the fact is we cant. we are human beings. i have said in my previous post. each one of us in the world have different thinking and that's y many groups, many thoughts, or else our world will be a happy healthy world til end of our lives. no sighing... insya-Allah..mungkin ade hikmahnye.. learning things now so when i have my own family, it will be a great teacher to me. i do believe that one day, those words that my parents had said to me will be recalled by myself. when the time i have children, when i'm married, and in so many ways.. =( *sob*sob*

today hubby was so cute. we text each other for many times today. n the mutual feelings that i had towards marriage. guess so that is the feelings everyone is facing. =) well, i miss him badly la. u know the feelings of wanting to be together is so streamly high. tapi we have to control coz that's our promise. we got like few more months before the time.. insya-Allah. will jaga it..so sweet la. ohh talking bout my fiancee.. he is doing fine at new ofis place. he said he wanted to serve for the co til he pencen. n yesterday when he talked bout the nursery at his ofis, how i wish i cud look at that face again. he wants babies.. so adorable. so cute. feel like kissing and nak kunyah kunyah die. geram nye...isshhh!! isshh!!

i were supposed to kemas my books. tapi tak wat lagi. oohh..oohh... dah dua kali fiancee ckp. tgh malas plak. tapi nnt membebel ckp books hilang la. hahaha.. apa la i ni. nnt dh kemas i update dalam blog. actually i ni upload gambar dlm pc tapi tak buat buat pun lagi. today ade time fon plak tgh charge. takpela.. nnt nnt la. tapi tu la nak post satu gambar cute with fiancee. nak kunyah die lagi. geram nye kat u yang... ;) now he is busy with sticker printing and cutting. he'll be off to penang for 3 days. gonna miss him. he got the seminar and training there. take care yang. this weekend maybe i will be going out with sis and bro. see how. i actually geram nak nyopping kat sg wang. tapi tu la. i got other things to do for my wedding preparation rather than spending unnecessary. well, will seek for fiancee's opinion dulu. boleh ye??

okaylah..dh ngantuk. gud nite malaysia!

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