Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, April 2, 2009


kenyang! my dept had pizza for lunch. i'm full. it is bcoz we haf lots n tonnes of work to be done b4 the visit by sc. aarrgghh! tension la me... btw, got to go now. will update later. chiow!

continuation from earlier post. i'm at home currently. after having a tough day today completing the task left by my colleague as she was warded in a hospital due to athmatic. pity her. i am a lucky one girl here coz alhamdulillah athmatic in me can be resolved through out my schooling days. i remembered last time, my dad used to take us to this house of traditional urut somewhere in cheras. the makcik used this kind of daun and when she puts on the spotted areas on our [me n kak yan] chest and back, it felt soo hot but she said it was good to make ur heart beats faster and even faster that you wil not get athma. well, so far so good. i remembered that when i discovered that i have difficulty in athma when i was in standard 4. that time i was wearing this orange fashion baju kurung with the sponges on shoulders [berlagak dh besar] playing outside my house. that time i can't remember what game i was playing but towards senja, when i got inside the house, i'm facing difficulty in breathing. i was like imagining suffocating. it's painful at that time. i can't speak clearly. those words i blurted out was like 'ma...ma..shi..ma..pe...nat..tak..cu...kup...na..fas' whooshh.. and that was the first time i was brought to this clinic called klinik amardev. i was given the pump where the cup and the hose was worn around my head and then i have to take a deep breath until there is no asap coming out from the hole of the mask. sakit masa nak tarik tu. i'm not sure how many times i went to buang asap. not juz in my previous house, but also when at my kampung. so that time, mum said i have to slow down my activities as in playing in sports, including my lompat getah and eat those cold fruits especially papaya. after when thru few medications and also growing older, alhamdulillah, it is lesser and lesser. i was lucky that i dont take any puff from inhaler coz i kno it is that bad when we use that. my sis does til like she enters tertiary levels. when i was in form 1, u kno la, we will have this sukantara. everyone must involved in those activities. i was scared to join coz athma la. but i juz try and so far takde pape. n that's y i took up the cheerleading squad in form 3. sampai skrang takde la semput2. juz bile i cried so sedih or it was sooo cold then i will kind of face a lil bit of breathing difficulties. thanks to my hubby for being so conccerning. he will warm me up when i'm cold coz he wouldn't want to see me cold n shivering.

mum juz passed by, asking me to take her to concorde hotel. she said she wanna to ask some questions. then i was like.. eh..i tot my wedding is at home. then she said ye la.. memang kat umah. but y she wants to go there? any secret issues? i will find out tomoro or maybe this weekend. so curiousity.

well, talking bout my wedding card. i have seen the inside. thanx to hubby for the sweet n beautiful design. i really like it. so like wonderful, peacefull, cantik and soothing. i am really loving it and liking it. i was like WOW! when he showed me the card. wow again and i'm speechless. he said stil amending here and there. the card is not final yet. will post it to the blog once it is ready to be printed. yaay! suka sangat. cantik la. i was smiling that i can even see my cheek bone. haha!

hubby is facing his hard times at the moment regarding his life. business, work, job. hmm.. i'm not in his shoes and wil not feel the same as wat he feels. but i wil try my best to understand and help his situation. i am soo worried and even a bit stressed with this kind of situation. keep on praying to God for job opportunities. mudah-mudahan murah rezeki. Amin. he cried several times today. i am not by his side to wipe his tears and yet i do feel his sadness and i do feel sad bout it. y was it quite difficult for him to land on a job. he has tried all ways n all means. is that any methods left that was not used? btw, juz telling him keep on continuing applying and praying at the same time. will try my best at my side to land him in a secured job. insya-Allah.

back to my ofis, well bout my colleague. she's not feeling well that she was admitted and we need to settle the job for tomorrow's visit. alhamdulillah semua siap. the checklist, the interest payment list and also house keeping. well, everything is in order. went home ard 8pm today. wat i wasn't really agreed to was that, my superior said he has been watching this girl and she seems to cant cope with stress that leads her to athma and fever. so he was thinking to swap my work with hers. i wasn't agreed coz i was thinking like, in order to handle other people's stress, u have to make other people into stress as well. well, i was like wat cleaning up shits at my ofis and when i can breathe in wat i amdoing currently, i am being dummed again into a whole mud full of shit. it's like uurrgghh..i told my superior but he said that u have the qualification, y cant u swap the job with the less using brains to the ones using more thinking ability. well, it is not really a big deal but i dont like the management of my ofis. it is sucks okay. been transferring people's job and position here and everywhere without actually thinking that where can i improve myself. for example i was doing half way A, then swap doing B so at last, both A & B abandoned. dunno la. i really have to think positive now coz i shud be thankful coz i have a job to actually give me my pocket money. waiting for my bonus this year. maybe it is prorated. but who cares. as long i got some from the efforts i have been throwing out at my ofis. i think i became skinnier now even my sis told me that. is it i am stressed with the wedding preparation? well, everybody is facing that. but i feel more relax now as the big chunk already being solved. now i'm looking into the loan taking. i have decided to take up the lowest repayment method. hopefully, the balance can be used for emergencies.

wahh..wat a long post i got here. april has open its curtain. left me with 4 more months to my big day. i am nervous and nervous. and of course i am happy! well, i'm getting sleepier already. off to bed soon. need to prepare myself for tomoro. nite! nite!

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