Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

update update

dh lame rasanye tak meng'blog'. ehehe.. well..setelah seminggu menahan emosi akhirnye pagi tadi tewas dgn angkara ibuku. die menyorokkan semua kunci termasuk ic dan lesen bapaku. oh apakah yang berlaku? ibuku juga memberi sekeping nota kepada kami bertiga menyatakan yang jika tidak mahu dia meninggalkan rumah sila letakkan semua kunci di atas meja tanpa sebarang persoalan. apakah yang bermain di benak pemikiran ibuku. sering aku ungkapkan pertanyaan ini. adakah ibuku kesunyian? adakah bapaku tidak mengambil peduli hal ibu? apa apa pun aku pasrah. dan aku hanya boleh buat apa yang aku mampu dan selebihnya aku berdoa dan berserah kepada Yang Maha Esa.

well..i managed to drive the car to work today as i am going to the custom ofis later around 3pm. so drove my car. reached ofis ard 9am. had nasi lemak then prepared for work. well, as usual the issues at my ofis. will not be finished until dunno when. so to be on the safe side, it is better for me to start searching for a better career. i dont seem to see my career ahead in current place. juz bcoz of high salary ppl stay izit? well..maybe when time has come.. people has to make their own move. ard 230pm gerak to custom ofis. settled ard 5pm. went back home. then waited for hubby to fetch me. we went to pasar malam together. it's been a while since we last visited pasar malam together. well..so syoknye! we bought roti john, kuih apam and kebab. then we had minum petang at mamak's. i ate roto telur minum milo tarik. kenyang babe! miss hubby very much.

last sunday i gi fetched hubby n his fren from ofis. semalam..visited his aunty kat ppum. dialysis? correct spelling huh? well..lps tu dh lame tak lepak sesame ngan hubby. so miss him and so into him. nak kapuk u! =)

loan form--> dah submit, tunggu approval from the bank. so far alhamdulillah. lps ni nak tgk balik satu persatu. photographer blum lagi. well..nnt la dulu..=)

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