Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

happy tuesday

ewah ewah..suke suki je happy tuesday la, monday blues la, glad weekend la.. hahaha.. janji gue happy. btw, ni nk update dlm blog wat happened for the last few days. been wondering when la can i blog coz bro asik asik gune pc. kat ofis plak takde masa skang ni. well, skang ni bro gi amik bro lagi satu from tuition.
well well.. i dh pindah cubicle since yesterday petang. semalam i masam giler. hehe..angkat barang2 then susun sket2. pastu dh ptg. yesterday kan fon kena block. haiya..tapi last nite dear fiancee went to pay at maxis kiosk already. ni dh okay balik. infact last nite actually. yesterday kan, my mood teruk ok. since that day. saturday la. it is happening like this.
saturday woke up ard 1030am. siap2 coz i'm meeting mus at sg wang. catching things up. mule2 we all brunch dulu. dlm 1230pm camtu.. pastu jln2 la. tgk baju, seluar, handbags, kasut, terasa cam aduh..kalo ade la $$ time ni mesti aku dh shopping. tapi sebab itu la Tuhan tak mengizinkan aku tu haf $$ at that time sbb kalo tak i will be spending a bit [a bit ke? mm.. maybe dlm rm100 kot] ahaks.. pastu gi lot 10. bosan la. bnyk shops dh tutup. maybe pindah. the day was pretty hot ok. then we decided masuk balik sg wang. then mus ajak makan sekali lagi. tis time i ate char kuey teow. sedap la. not bad. borak punye borak..then we realised yang we all ni dh tue. banyak lepak borak2 je. jalan2 dh tak sgt. letih la. kalo dulu.. tak makan pun takpe. asalkan dpt jalan beli baju. wat ever it is i really enjoy my outing. then balik tu fetch farid at his college. he got to attend an event at his college. some rumah hantu he said. then balik tu as usual. parent were at home. juz the both of them. than, roughly ard 7..pung pang pung pang.. parent had an argument. dunno bout wat. i was like damn! ape ni. tension nye aku. pastu gelas pecah. aku dh la nak gi tgk bola. pastu ingat tak jadi. then i kemas sket2. tunggu bob balik then die yg vacuum. i went to watch SEL vs PERLIS. SEL won 2-1. last minute score. well enjoyed the game til end. i menemankan dearest dear. i asked him kan y dulu2 tak ajak i teman gi tgk bola. then he juz smiled. so adorable! geram nak mamam u!.. balik umah around 12 sumthing after lepaking. i had mm.. yong tau foo. kenyang tau. pastu spend some time on the fon ngan sayang until ngantuk dan tido. =)
sunday nangis teruk punye. my bed n bro kena jirus ngan air by dad. dad bengang lagi rasanye psl saturday. habis satu umah nak jirus. i pun bengang la.. ckp ngan farid lps ni kita tak yah nk kemas umah. biar bersepah dalam dan luar. sbb kite tak wat keje pun. pastu pk punye pk i rasa takleh kena jgk kemas umah coz i'm leaving in it. btw. i managed to control my stupidity and angerness. pastu petang gi accompany hubby to his house. mum's bday celebration. so happy. i tried playing few notes on the keyboard at his house.
waitt.. i'm watching cry baby on astro. i like this movie since i kecik. johnny depp so cute la. hahaha.. tapi my fiancee lagi cute.
tadi i dine with fiancee. he is so adorable. wish cud hug n kiss him now and everytime coz i am missing him so much. love u darling! i'm very happy with his achievement now. with his work. congrats dear. may success comes ur way after this.

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