Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, April 16, 2009

today is thursday

sakit perut sakit perut sakit perut sakit perut sakit perut sakit perut.. the time of the month. tis month it is 5 days earlier. well, yesterday asked my colleague, is it bcoz of stress our period will be faster b4 due date. she said no la. usually it is later. but wat ever it is as long as we got our period for the month. coz that is important. malam ni blum makan menstrual lagi. if nanti tak tahan sangat i will reconsider bout it. semalam lagi la. tido pun tak nyenyak. sekejap kanan kejap kiri, kejap telangkup. last2 last2 tido jgk la. dlm 630 i bangun to work.

office issues.. my colleagues already moved to their respective cubicles. mine will be next week as i requested for another one week so that i can finish printing and processing the billings. new people already moved in to my going to be ex-place. hhmm.. new cubicle will be next to cabinet. ppl say apala..shima. die nak ckp ngan cabinet kot. tapi for me skang. lebih baik and much more better. i went home pretty early this week. malas nak stay. even my superior pun ckp. skang ni he tak kesa if u all nak balik awal. previously we all stay sbb nak clear kan keje, pastu bile banyak benda dh tip top ppl [remember the kipas-kipas ladies] nak dummed keje lain kat we all plak. so biar we all buat keje pastu biar siap last minute so we takyah nak wat keje orang lain.

yesterday--> hubby's 1st day reporting at new ofis. wow! what a great feeling for him. wished him all the best and successness in his career. in the meantime, i ni stil tgh nak stable kan my career in line with my studies. i left like 4 papers lagi. insya-Allah. after my training yesterday, hubby fetched me from sentral. then balik gi teman die beli baju batik. he looked so different. he even laughed at himself. so different. YB style. hehehe.. cute! love him. then we went to dine at kfc. kenyang tau. yummy! yummy!.. jgn jeles. thanx yang.

my house kan.. banyak benda la. i malas nak citer. mum + dad + $$ la.. pening kepala aku ni. hoping that they are fine, sihat for my wedding ceremony nanti. insya-Allah!

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