Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, September 12, 2009

gud afternoon

hello.i shold have wake up in the morning but i ended up waking at 1230pm. meaning it is already noon. wahahaha... y during weekend i woke up damn late? even b4 i can wake up at 10 at least. so mengade. hahaha..earlier i had maggie and half butterscotch bread being toast. hehe. tot of going for jln2 today. but destination is yet to be confirmed. husband said around ikea/curve. well, lets see orait.

yeay! raya is about a week left. meaning dlm 7 days lagi pose. time goes by so fast ok. n tetibe je u rs dh nk abis. trust me when raya comes sekejap je nk habis bulan syawal. no wat i was thinking to ganti pose secepat yg boleh. this year nk kena ganti 6 days. last year dlm 7 days. year before. whuishh.. i kena period since form 2. so imagine how many days kene ganti. only one year of pose i mnaged to ganti. that was when im in dublin. i left like 7 days so i pun ganti kat sane. hbs dh. tggl yg lain2la kat malaysia yg belum ganti. kalo ikukan kena bayar ape fidyah eh. kena bagi secupak beras or makan for 40 org. tu la. nnt kene discuss ngan busyuk i.

oklahh.i nk mandi ni. dh mimas. chiow!

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