Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Selamat Menyambut Bulan Ramadhan Al-Mubarak

it's almost 2 weeks we have been fasting. guess it is not too late for me to wish Selamat Berpuasa. it's my first time celebrating puasa with husband. and there'll be more lovely ramadhan to come in the future for us to celebrate together. owwhh..i've been also very busy setting up things and organizing lives with dear husband from kemas2 umah, cooking, ironing and yes it is a new experience for me. but when my husband said thanx for wanting the best in cooking and ironing clothes for him, i am so much happy and so touched by his words. thnx yang! and to add to that that's y i don't really have time to blog. starting to know my husband. it is a great opportunity. maybe during couple it was not that i dont know him, it is juz that more of his attitudes being observed now. hehehe.. dalam diam memasang spy dekat perangai hubby sendiri. even kawan die ckp "faiz ni hyper-active tau" i pun ye la. agree. die dgn perangai sendirinye. so comel. yeah! the previous post was completed even yesterday but the event has past for like 20 days i guess. hehehe.. nway..more post in da future. catch up with ya later.

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