Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, September 25, 2009

things to update

from the second raya till now. bit by bits ok.

2nd day raya: i'm at segamat. the whole of husband's family slept at the main part of the house that is called the hall. it was made of wood and i tell u it is damn cold ok. even i put a blanket on it is not sufficient enuff to cover the coldness that i am having. i cant even hug my husband coz i felt it is not appropriate to do so at kampung. haha.. segan la. segan. so the morning i had jemput2 and nasi goreng for breakfast. pastu tgh hari mkn nasi lauk ikan goreng sardin, ikan bilis+sambal kentang, ikan asam pedas n i am soo full. hehehe..pastu kan sbb dh uncomfortable, kepala dh gatal2, i went for hair-do (wash n blow). rasa sedap giler. kena massage and terasa ringan rambut bile dh kena cuci. woohoo.. and pretty cheap as well. with the hair length of my hair how much will u think it is cost? could be rm45 rite but nope it is only rm14. tapi takpela.. as long dh cuci. best n syok ok. hehehe.. balik tu tuka2 baju time to go raya at husband's maklong's house. had laksa johor. tambah dua kali ok. kenyang la. bukan kenyang biase. kenyang tahap dewa. perut kembung giler. pastu gi umah nane plak. anak maklong. makan kuih2 and minum air je. balik tu ingat lagi nk tgk citer cicakman2 tapi i tersangatla mengantok. ended up tido kat depan tv. orang lain mesti tgh concentrate tgk tv. time tu perut mmg sangat sakit tak comfortable. i decided to not eat anything besides drinking. so alhamdulillah, perut i kembali normal the next morning.

3rd raya: woke up a bit late la. ard 10am. huhu. dh la kat umah nenek mertua pastu bangun lambat. isshh... prayers ntah kemane la peginye. sekejap ade sekejap takde. cam biskut chipsmore. hehehe... malam tu i tido quite late. ard 2am. borak2 with mum and sis-in-law. macam2 pasal dunia perkahwinan ni. bout husbands, cookings, managing households, uiisshh..banyaknye responsibilities when becoming a wife. insya-Allah i wil try my best to be a gud wife for my husband. pagi2 bangun makan nasi lemak. pastu snapping snapping photos coz bnyk family dh nak bertolak balik umah masing2. we all belum lagi. ptg tu jln2 gi town. beli sket2 barang umah. murah la dekat kdai one stop centre tu. basically sume rm2. balik tu siap2 nak gi raya umah mak gee. i ate meehoon n minum air kosong. tak larat k nak minum air manis. perut rasa tak syok. pastu kan kat umah mak gee i cam bengang sket ngan husband. in the first place die beriya-iya tanye sayang nak air ape, i tolong amikkan. then i said la air kosong. pastu tup-tup bile nk minum, takde. the reason being takut tersepak bile dh tuang air dlm cawan. hmm.. pastu i cam ok takpela.dh terlupe nk wat camne kan. i malasla nk layan feelings tu. so i tgk je la tv. duk senyap2 tgk cite anak halal. acted by maya karin. balik umah tok mah, kemas2 barang coz the next day nk balik kl dh.

4th raya: woke up in the morning, i dh kene flu. bersin2. mlm tu i tido siap baju 2 lapis, selimut lagi. isshh.. dh mmg tak comfortable ok. tapi i mandi jgk ngan water heater. dh rasa belengas. tot of juz having morning flu, tapi sampai ke sudah stil ade. dlm keta dh selimut and then mintak tlg offkan air-cond tapi kesian kat family husband coz diorang ni tak tahan panas. takpela. ingat nak mengadu kat mum tapi later la bile dh sampai umah. we reached klang ard 130. pastu kemas2 trf brg, lunch b4 bertolak. gi clinic dlu before pegi umah mum. dh lame tak jumpe die. rasa rindu plak. mengade la i ni. cite la kat mum itu ini. mum ckp i ni maybe letih la tak biasa jln jauh2.tu la. mum suruh rest at home je. manje nye anak die name shima ni. pastu sambil2 tolong2 hidang food nak makan, mak ngah + family pun dtg beraya. borak2 ala kadar. amik mane2 brg yg perlu then berangkat pulang ke umah kami yang tlah ditinggakan selama 1 minggu. issyy..apa la khabo umahku itu. sampai2 je kena unload things from car. the day was pretty hot ok. maybe becoz of raya kot. so the weather is at it's good condition. ptg towards malam, buat laundry sbb bnyk giler baju nk kena basuh, kemas2 dapur and mane yang nk kemas2 hall tu husband tolong. i dh rasa uncomfortable giler sbb nose keep on running. asik kena hembus2 je. sian i. dh bertissue2 lap hingus. hisshh.. pastu ade ke patut husband i i kutip tissue tu tlg buangkan. tak geli ke? dh la kuman all over the places.hishh.. thanx anyway. love u so much. mlm tu mkn lemang ngan rendang before makan ubat selseme b4 sleep and end of the day. hari ini terasa sangat penat.campur letih. campur macam2 rasa. wishing to be better soon.

5th day raya: i was suppose to go to ofis tapi i took halfday mc. tak larat la. pastu hubby fetch me. makan nasi ayam then took medication then tido. amik la jgk vitamin c and also minum 100 plus nak bagi energy kat body. pastu dinner cooked nasi n sardine for hubby. syian die dh lapar. hopefully i masak tu ckup for him. sayang him so much. malam i got a nice game to play. hehe.. oklah.. basically dh update seminggu cite i. today's story will be update soon. so have a gud rest for the weekend. chiow!

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