Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, September 5, 2009

i'm at in-law's house

well well well.. look who's here. hie again. happy fasting. it is the 15th ramadhan now. the time goes by so fast. sometimes couldnt even think that eyy we're coming to an end of sumthing that we have been waiting for quite sumtime. tis week we've decided to not be separated during weekend. that means when he is at his house i'll be there and vice versa. we starting with this week. so last nite after berbuka, we cleaned up our house then balik klang. i accompanied my husband for a badminton game sumwhere in klang town. upon finishing, we went home around 130am. hehe.. cleaned up then pengsan. sampai la nak sahur time. pastu dh sahur tido balik smp almost 1130am. teruk kan i ni. dh la kat umah in-laws. hahaha.. sis-in-law already went back home to bangsar with her beloved daughter. she spent almost a week here but her husband stayed in kl. coz sofea is not feeling well. talking bout sofea [wasn't realy sure how to spell her name; be it sofea/sofia/sofiya but i like the frst style sofea so classic look. btw, enuf bout that. i wanted to share my story of our house since in my blog i've stated our house our house.

we officially moved in to our house on the 1st ramadhan. we started to clean the house include hal, kitchen, backyard [oohh yard. like so big~haha..nvm but it is juz the back of the kitchen, dunno what it is called] bedrooms n toilet. put up the curtains n bed sheet and the house is so presenting and comfortableness cosy look. realy love it. basically the furnitures are there. lemme start with hal. sofa set, tv, dvd player, dining table, fan, lights, dapur gas, fridge, utensils, washing machine, eh ni dh masuk level lain. tapi takpela.. enjoying the moment. pastu bedrooms ade 3. completed with bed, lights, fan, air-cond [talking bout air-cond, we already made a necessary arrangement to actually settled the short-circuit of the house. be it, it was the last time when husband overnite there, sumtimes rasa y tak settle sendiri je dulu. pastu i jgk nk kluar kan cash. dunno la. that was a negative n bad thoughts. cam he got so many frens to rely on, tapi kenapa cari i jgk. uurrghh! nyampah giler feelings camni. sowee. back to our house =) upon cleaning and buy owwhh we already bought an almari baju. it is 2 sliding door cupboard. guess so it is enuff for our clothes la. but it is not going to be hanging all coz afraid of the pillar that might fell off. pastu we all beli la sket2 barang to make the house complete. that day we shopped at tesco for almost rm250. termasukla barang2 dapur as well. uisyy.. bnykkan expenses bile nk pindah. tapi takpela. that is wat trying to live with our new partner and beginning of new live.

so the first week of fasting, i drove to work. we seem cant organize our route of going to work. i came out from the house a little later but to my surprise when we came out at the same time, i was the one to reach the ofis first. husband said the route to his way[both fed or npe is also congested] but then he decided to use fed hiway instead coz it is much faster compared to npe. takpe as long as he reach the ofis within time. bulan pose i habis keje at 5pm. tapi if its raining and friday, i'll be stuck in the jam most prob for hours. like the first friday of fasting. i reached home around 7.15pm. like few more minutes b4 berbuka time. owhh that friday i ingat. husband's among closest fren came for berbuka together with us. but did not cook anything. bought lil bits of lauk pauk n kuih muih. so damn full. i was so damn sleepy that i tertido b4 mandi. ahahak... tapi yang kesiannye tu. the next day i tak bangun sahur. dh azan k time tu. kesian hubby sy tak bangun sahur. pastu i make sure i at least letak alarm kul 4.45am. kalo snooze pun at least baru kul 5am. takpe.. takpe.. baru baru nak belajar. for buka puasa. i cooked sket2 la yang senang. like sambal kentang+ikan bilis, sardine, ayam goreng, telur goreng and got few times husband cooked sambal kentang+capsicum and also masak kicap telur. anyway thanx for helping out. pastu the routine as a housewife started. like kemas dapur, basuh baju, lipat baju, gosok baju. tapi thanx to husband sbb die tolong vacum and mop the house for me. so shweet. tapi ade satu hari tu i terlampau ngantuk sampai nk gsok baju husband pun tak larat. he ironed his clothes himself. syian die. sini la i kapuk. when i looked at him sleeps, he is actually stil manja ngan parent tau. tapi umur dh bnyk n ade rasa keinginan untuk berkawen. takpe insya-Allah to become a good wife and mother to him n future children.

that nite when he is asleep, i looked at him, gosok2 kepala die, i ckp to myself, owhh ni la husband aku the man that my heart loves him heartedly. pastu i terwonder tak regret ke die ni kawen ngan aku? happy ke tak? ke pretending to love me when actually his heart is in love with sumbody else. pastu kan i cried. a few tear drops. then i said to myself, no la if die tak sincere wat for nk kawen ngan i. risking life withsumbody he is not in love with. b4 sleeps i juz pray to God to make myself feel strong and also sabar bnyk2 dlm alam rumahtangga ni. insya-Allah.

sekarang ni husband is sleeping next to me on the bed. we will be berbuka puasa bersame ofismates die di kl. jam dh pkul 4 tapi die tak bangun lagi. guess so he is tired being badmintonist yesterday. hehehe...

eh wait i nye countdown tu dh lame habis. ke-ba-boom tapi tak remove2. biarla. let it be sebab i ske tapi maybe nk tuka countdown lain plak. hehehe.. to my family selamat berpuasa. owh i dh order kuih raya tapi ade plan nk buat sket. nnt la ye. itu bisa di-atur. hehe. k la. time's up. to the next post. lalalalala... adios amigos..

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