Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


umah i cantik. yesterday my husband already installed few things at our home. n i like it very much. cant wait to post a pic to be uploaded here in my blog. to be done when i'm at home today. yesterday, i did laundry twice. yesterday also i sakit perut. last nite hubby sapu kan minyak angin kat perut, belakang n kaki. i sampai tertido.. syoknye. husband manjakan. hehe.. thanx a lot for the favor dear. i tis bulan puase ade few times la perut i upset. kenapa ek? is it bcoz i makan yg ntah pape during buka pose. well.. takpe. lagi few days je. i wil jaga my food consuming. yesterday, we berbuka with lauk sup ikan, sambal ikan bilis n sambal potato+tempe. kenyang. smp tambah2. pastu makan chocolates then the candy kacang. wow! yummy.. ingat nak makan energy bar plak tapi perut dh start upset so i have to postpone eating it.

hmm..hmm. kuih raya sudah ade few balangs. ingat nk cari kuih samprit sket. lain2 tu dh ade kat umah mama. and i owe my sis rm40. to be paid upon seeing her. i nye kuih raya dh buka dh. yang mane ade kat umah tu la. husband opened the choc chip cookies, choc raisin, nuts candy. lucky yg lain2 tu kat shah alam. or else maybe kene buka jgk. hehe..

lalalala.. i'm having no mood to work la. nak cuti raya dh. takpe takpe. relax relax. tinggal sehari je keje. esok cuti dah. yaay! pastu time to kemas umah then packing2 balik kampung. plans raya my house first. tapi friday malam tu maybe buka kat area klg. to be confirmed ok.

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