Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, September 17, 2009

kuih raya

haha. talking bout raya preparations, tak ketinggalan adalah kuih raya. semestinye ade time hari raya. since tis is the first time celebrating with husband, i also ade la buat preparation sket2 in terms of kuih raya. thanx to my sis for reminding me that i also need to bring back to my mum in law's hse. maybe tak bnyk. dlm half case je. nway amongst biscuits that i bought are, tart nenas, butter cookies, raisin choc cookies, choc rice, and few bought by husband; choc jelly and nuts candy. ohh ade lagi la. kekacang. kacang hijau, kuaci and kacang yang pedas2 sket tu. isshh isshh. banyak tak? ingat nak tambah samprit and almond london. tapi kang terbanyak la plak pastu membazir kan. ade satu cookies lagi, ni i buat. choc chip cookies. tapi sket je la. first trial. so ade kekurangan sket. next time kene try lagi la. hehe.. tapi my husband ckp takpe. die suke. it is not so sweet tapi die keras sket. mum ckp kene tambah tepung naik sendiri next time i baked. ntah bile plak nk bake ni. nnt kene mintak favor husband tlg belikan oven. then boleh le i menerai bnyk2 kali. wah syoknye.. umah dh almost complete. tateknye umah i. tnggl bathroom and belakang je. tonite or tomoro nak vacum then nak mop umah b4 balik kampung. balik kampung...ooooooo..balik kampung..ooo... (singing to sudirman's famous song) hehehe.. oklah. i nak siapkan keje so takde la bnyk pending masa cuti raya nnt. til the next post. *xoxoxo*

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