Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, December 31, 2012


More things to say but wait i'm going to work. Will update when i get back.

January: as usual busy with year end closing. My husband started to be away for most of d weeks. Training here n there.

February: valentines day. Dah lama tak celebrate this day. Husband kata buat apa "wasting time" hurmm tp nk suka2 je. Time ni terasa plk feeling that y dah kawin all this things takde dah. No more sweet things like this?

March: owh i dh 5 months pregnant. Every week check ups. Haha..

April: doing e-filing submission. Pastu ajak husband shopping brg baby sket. Husband bz jgk like normal.

May: if ikut date i jumpa hubby it's on 27th may. So dah 11 years. As usual lps kawin this date dah tak applicable. Dunno y. Biar i je la yg ingt sorang2. Even i wish husband said eh eh. Cam pelik. Sumtimes baru tau husband i ni mmg jenis yg tak suka all of this except for bdays.

June: gave birth to princess daliya zara weighing at 3.1kg. Alhamdulillah. Bam pun masuk 2 years old. Dlm pantang stayed at my mil's house. Tp i missed mum. Hurm. Dlm pantang i ada fever

Saturday, December 29, 2012

3 days before end of the year

And i got diarrhea. Sakit perut. Salah makan la plak. Btw.. Good news is super prius dah sampai..

Wednesday, December 26, 2012


What a bengong end day today. Malas la nk pk psl tu sumer. I got work to do tp takde mood. How? Lapar la plak. Nak makan roti la kjap lagi. If ada lagi la. Oww milo dah hbs. Tetiba teringat.. "mama,nk milo" huhu..

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Dinner at bagan

Currently sitting at bagan. Having dinner with the whole family. Bam already fell asleep coz i think he is so damn tired since he does not sleep from morning. Lala fell asleep in d car but she already woke up. But i gave her milk already. Hopefully she can wait for another at least one hour before d next meal. Hurmm..
Tetiba i terasa a bit blues yang bengong. Ntah la. Malas nak layan. Dah la since pagi tadi kepala i sakit. Cam dizzy. Hadoii..

Holiday.. Yippie

Merry christmas n happy holiday

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Shopping for LDC

Insyaallah. Lets make it happen. Never really venture into it before. Hopefully n insyaallah I CAN DO IT.

Bought my stocks. So tak sabar nak redesign LDC. Wish me luck.

Mummy pening


Thursday, December 20, 2012


Introducing pwincess bee-lala


Another nice date. Huhu. Juz got back to my place after a hot day outside at carpatk for like 20 min. Haha. Letak notes kat keta org yg langgar my car. Hadoii.. Bengong.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

My lovelies

Bam Berangan
Adik sunyum suka2..

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Nice number. Well it will be once a lifetime. Hehe.. Next year dah takde 13.13.13 coz no bulan 13

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Check tis out

My darlings.. Blom mandi. Masham baunye... Tapi itulah buah hati saya. Cium bau trus hilang rs stress dan seangkatannya..

Ya Allah.. Aku bersyukur ke padamu di atas kurniaan rezeki dua orang anak ini. Aminnn..

Good morning

Hello.. Testing new format of blogg. Juz downloaded from my mum's house. K la. Bam nak nyek.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Zara got flu, hubby is out

Mummy tgh blues n sad. Miss hubby..

Sunday, December 2, 2012

It's sunday

My dotter juz had her 5 months injection yesterday. She got mild fever. Sian her. She most likely nak baring n sleep je. I will give her milk as frequent as can. Love her very much.

Yesterday pun got miscomm which i dont like. Hurmm.. Sume nak ikut ckp mading2. Ikut suka masing2 la. Malas nk ikut.. Apa2 je la. At the particular moment if boleh i juz want to be at my own place. Hurmm.. My own place pun tak tau kat mane lagi. Biarlah.. Malas nk pk dulu. Nanti i feeling blues.

Hate u!

Good morning!

Ello everybody..

Saturday, December 1, 2012

1st december 2012

Welcome december! A year has almost going to leave us. Sad happy joyful madness anger n lots more through out d year. Nway its abah's bday. Semoga panjang umur n murah rezeki. I am feeling blues for these few weeks. Tak tau nk ckp ngan sape. Blog is my best fren!!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Monday, November 26, 2012

Abam is eating n eating n eating

Look at him.. Really enjoying himself when its eating time..

Kiddos sleeping in L shape

Huhu.. Hehe...

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Look! Both of them are talking

Hahaha.. So cute..

Love two of them

Abam n lala

I am in a stress mode position

Not really bcoz of work. Mainly becoz of mil's house. A very difficult situation where we still couldnt find a maid. So many stories behind it. Hurmm.. Mmg rasa like crying. Always wanted to tell to my mum but she is not in d consistent at times. If she's okay then i'll be gladful and happy to let both of kids stay with her. At least she got frens with her. Sumtimes i ada some thoughts where ye la sumer ngan husband side and that thing make me stress ok. I have my lil square here but i want my mum to be around too.. Mmg bnyk benda i have to sabar n patience. My sis also alwiz say that sabar and doa bnyk2 k. Insya allah tuhan permudahkan urusan kita. Pastu rasa nak cry. No body will understand me even my husband. At times i juz want to be alone. Urghh.. Pressure mummy. :(

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Grand hyatt

Holidaying here wif beloved children. Hubby kebetulan ada course so we ikut. Drove here yesterday.. Very nice n luxurious room.. Some of d photos taken..

Grand hyatt

Holidaying here wif beloved children. Hubby kebetulan ada course so we ikut. Drove here yesterday.. Very nice n luxurious room.. Some of d photos taken..

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Happy Deepavali

Wishing those celebrating happy deepavali. Me n cute lil family is at tok mak's and atuk's house. Tak penah tido sini since beranak. Alwiz time tak mengizinkan. Huhu...

Skang i ngantuk sgt..

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Happy birthday mummy!

Alhamdulillah.. Bertambah lg usiaku. Dgn kelahiran dua cahaya mata. Moga kedua duanya menjadi anak yg soleh dan solehah..

Omg!! I semakin kurus ni. Apa nk buat? Kena eat more food i guess. N take meat more plus milk more. Hahaha..

Friday, November 2, 2012

Thursday, November 1, 2012

I got mild sorethroat

Wish to hug sumbody now. :( both of my kids sleep oready. Abam got cough. His cough seems repeating every month. Is it bcoz of air cond? Kang if i tak on ramai plak org suruh i on. Reason being panas. Sian budak. I bukan ape. Biarlah panas sket rather than batuk or apa. I pun takde nk flu2. Skrang mmg tgh rs hati i ni kena bnyk sabar2. Sabar bnyk. Many things i wanna say takut it's wrong. I'm leaving with in laws. Hurmm.. I miss my home..

Tuesday, October 30, 2012


They all semakin pulih. Myself yg kena be strong. I have to look after myself in order for me to look after abam, lala n daydeh. Love u all so much!!

Monday, October 29, 2012

I cuti

Stay at home. Look after babies..

3 babies saya tak sihat..

Mmg rs nk nangis. Tuhan saja yg tahu. Ya Allah. Tabahkan lah hati hambamu ini dlm melalui hari2 yg mendatang..

Friday, October 26, 2012

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Friday, October 12, 2012

Abam dah one week

Alhamdulillah dah one week lps abam bersunat. I pun cuti d whole week nk look after him. Luka dh kering. Juz kulit tu a bit ngeri la rupa dia. Sbb nk tunggu join. I still search some write ups bout circumsizion for boys at young age. Tp takpela. Bila pk2 dh selamat dh. Last sunday MIL buat pulut kuning n kari telur. Sedekah. Husband kata buat sket la for abam.

Talking bout abam ~ dia skang semakin cerdik. He talks a lot. Asking lots of qs tp asyik nk ikut ckp dia. Garang n baran ni. Kena cubit ngan mummy td. Geram je. Nk mandi punya la payah. Tp as a mummy sabar kena la banyak. Love zafran so much. Semoga menjadi seorang anak yg soleh. Aminn..

Abam masa warded that day :(

Cian abam mummy..

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Rindu another part of me aka my hubby

He will only be back on friday then after that he'll leave for senai again. Dulu masa couple never thought of him going for outstation this frequent. I rs sgt painful when i miss him. But he always say there's always a part of him in lil chitom n lil alo. :) love my kids so much. Arrgghh.. Cpt la time jln. Mummy nk kapuk daddy..

Monday, October 8, 2012

4 days already

Alhamdulillah.. Dah 4 days after zafran bersunat. I kena monitor at least 3 or 4 more days. Insya allah. Tapi tu la anak i ni lasak. Semlm pun panjat sana panjat sini. Kick ball la. Lari lagi. I yg risau tgk totey die. Ishh.. Sluar tanak pakai.

Hubby dh kena gi outstation. Rindu la kt die.. :(

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Lil girl

Looked ather. Day by day she's learning new things. Now she kuat shebel2. Haha.. Lagi kuat kalo takde org layan die. Love her alwiz too!

My lil boy

Cian dia. Love u alwiz!!

Friday, October 5, 2012

My son had his circumcision

It's true tp i'm not ready yet. Mummy.. Kuatkan semangat. Tanak anything else happen in future.. Insya allah mummy will alwiz pray for u.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Zara can turn already

Die buat sendiri. Caya lah adik...

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Got more things to share

But i dont have d time yet but still baru 3.33pm. Y d time moves so slow?

Mubarak bin Abdul Hamid

Perginya bapa kepada suamiku dan juga bapa mertuaku menghadap seruan Illahi. Semoga rohnya dicucuri rahmat dan di tempatkan di kalangan orang yang beriman.

Sedih eventhough got to live with him baru dlm 3 years. He's being fussy tapi kind at heart. Lagi sad my son td ckp "atok, atok"

D pic with my 2 kids..

Monday, September 17, 2012

happy malaysia day

Public hols for us. Weehoo!!!!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

zara got new dress

Orangy n polkadots with vest. Tok mak bought for her. Thank u. Tp pastu dh beyak so kena la tukar baju lain blk.

I got sore throat

Mcm nk kena cough pun ade.. :(
Bucuk saye pun same. Yang we want a vacation.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Maxis payment

Just done paying. Supposed byr awal sket tp sbb ngantuk sgt tido je la. Ni pun bgn sbb chitom nk susu. Abam. Haha.. K la. Nk smbung sleep. Hubby is outstation til saturday. Kind of missing him here. Wish him in good condition. Love him, abam n lala.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

wedding photo

i just browsing some of my photos. wedding photos. feel like crying. remembering those moments. moments i am getting married. the stories behind all of it. banyak nye nak cite. tapi i ingat la. sbb thanx to my blog. i write n write whenever i feel like writing. to be read in d future. when i'm old. hahaha.. :)

a lil privacy on sunday evening

raya is almost over. bout 1 week lagi habis la. yesterday my SIL ade wat open houz. so we went la. n yesterday as well my dotter's immunization. die ade feverish sket. gave her medication n hope she will get well soon. cian lil zara mummy. abang now looked like dah recover sket. today bagi madu je. ubat flu tak bagi. my husband pg jumpa his fren. ade meeting katanye. apa2 pun feelings yg i ade skang ni biarlah.. malas nak layan. i dah period balik. quite like lupa how does period pain feel like. dah setahun baru period balik. so a bit like takde mood. pastu today body i like aching. and i rasa nak muntah pun ade. tadi pagi pening. take a nap balik. bangun kul 130 and rs ok sket. mandi and syampoo my hair.wooshh! wat happen to me?

tapi bila i tgk my kids (abang+lala) i rasa happy sangat. sangat happy! si chommel mummy ni. wish them baik2 belaka. love u 2. and bila i dh masuk topic my kids i will never stop talking. now i started calling zafran abang tapi his version la.. "abam" hehehe.. abam yang comel. asik nak bully adik je. adik mummy panggil. jala or lala. teringat teddy bear saya dulu yg namenye lala. mane la pg nye lala saya. abam baru cut his hair. daddy yg potom. adik tido. abam pronounce leep. aaaaa...geramnye saya. that day i bite his pipi and he bising, sakit mummy.. sakit.. hahahaha! adik plak suka sangat mandi. hhmm... esok nak tinggal lagi. mummy nak pg work. urgh dont like the feelings. skang dua dua dah sleep. jap gi mummy join the ship. hehe.. :)

to lil zafran n lil zara. mummy love u from d bottom of my heart. mummy will try my best to work out wat i am doing now so that i can achieve what i want to take care of u 2. amin!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Daliya Zara is 3 months old

Alhamdulillah. Hari ni bawak zara gi injection 3 bulan. Dh bg ubat demam, dah tuam, dah minum susu n dah tuka pampers. So it is time for * go to sleep *

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Welcome September

We are reaching the final quarter of d month. So many things to catch up n so many things unsettled. Now my son is not feeling well. That day fever, then cirit birit, then flu then cough. Pressure to me. How i wish i yang jaga dia. Tp condition make me to not do that. *sigh* mummy emo kejap. I'm stuck with condition. Tp i believe that one day i will. Juz now that i need to focus on "my lil daisy closet" insyaallah.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Love u!

Abang n adik

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri

It's raya n wow this year a different celebration. I with 2 kids. So amazing. Alhamdulillah.. Raya as usual my fav food is nasi impit n kuah kacang. Then blk segamat. Blk sini i demam+flu. Cian mummy.. Nway some of d photos to share with..

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Daliya Zara

Now can post pic..

From my heart

Dear mummy,

It's been such a long time since i've been talking pretty long over so many things. I juz want to share it out coz i dont seem to find anybody to talk to including my husband. Hmmm.. Let it be. First thing is my children both zafran n zara. Alhamdulillah zara dh 2 months old. I love them both very much. I mmg nk take care n sit at home looking after them. But condition make me cannot stop working. I have to stay with in laws which sumtimes i juz feel that i want my own space. Watch tv. Sleep in front of the tv. U know.. Juz to have my own space tp condition dont allow. But i can see that my in laws r happy with their cucu staying together n my husband r happy too. So mummy decided to juz takpela.. Its ok. Mummy's fine. Lagi my husband. Dia seems to be diam bnyk je. I tanye sket die jawab sket. N he barely start d conversation with me n alwiz show d tight face everytime. Or is it that he is fasting so he's not in d mood. Or i je yg stil dont understand him? Hmm.. I need clues.

My mum? Looks like she's getting better. Must bnyk pray n doa. If ok nnt i nk ask mum's favor to look after zafran n zara plak. Tp hmmm.. Hmmm.. I feel like hugging sumbody tp dunno who to hug.

Mummy being emo. K control pls..dah la.. Lets listen to songs. Mummy will be fine. Insya allah.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Number 3


Happy 3rd Anniversary

It is our 3rd anniversary..
May more wonderful things come ahead..
Love my hubby, chitom n alo so much..

Sunday, August 5, 2012

salam ramadhan

selamat berpuasa...


selamat hari raya...

dot dot dot


Tuesday, July 31, 2012

towards end of leave

I am kind of stressful.. With d conditions at the moment. I am going back to work soon. Juz like few more days. Urgghh..n i tak nak keja lagi dah. I nak stay home jaga my kids at my own place. Sumtimes i juz nak speed up d time. Biler mcm ni pressure. My son's habit plak bile we all marah mula lah pggl atok n wan. Back ups. N at nite bile nk sleep nk ade drama. Sleep nk lmbt aje. I biler nk marah i kena pk few times.. One sbb i kat umah in laws. One sbb he is stil young. One if i tak teach him now i'll regret later. One nnt die jd lemak.. Lagi satu suka sgt main phone n buka tutup pintu.. Geram i..

Tension i.. Pressure pun ade. Biar die mlm ni. I tak nak layan die..

Chow.. Sleep is better now.

Friday, July 13, 2012


Banyak benda yg i pk dlm mind ni... Hmm.. Sumtimes juz wonder shud i share it with sumone or juz share it with my blog je.. Blog tu semestinya la..

I mmg ada thought of quitting job tp financial stability of my cute family blom stabilize sgt. N i tak nak sit at home je. At least i bole generate sket income like rm 500 per month. At least i ada pocket money to move about.. Hmm.. Tp most priority is to find a job in d nearest place like plg jauh is subang la coz i have to consider travelling from klang to kl every day. Bnyk jgk cost dia n lagi satu stress n penat. Nnt smp umah tak sempat nk main ngan may kids..

Talking bout my kids.. Zara dah 37 days ni. Alhamdulillah.. Juz d last few days i got sore throat, batuk n sesema. Tp i kena mkn ubat nk cpt elok so i blh look after my son n dotter. Zara juz ruam kat badan blom kurang sgt. Maybe coz d day is hot kan.. Cian dia. Wan n mummy apply cream kat badan n face dia..

Talking bout chitom, he is now semakin noti.. Ada je benda dia buat kena marah/jentek/puk n mcm2 la.. Dia now pggl i mama... Hahaha.. N dia boleh sebut few words lagi like bapak, adik, atok, adam, kakak, jatuh.. Wan jd yan... Yg cute tu pillow jd lallow.. Hahahaha... Syg dua dua budak cute ni..

Sabar ye.. Insya allah.. Mummy will figure out how to fulfil that only wish..

Oohh.. Lagi satu kan nk share.. I n husband ada time kena marah ngan atok sbb marah cucu dia.. Hey! Not fair ok.. He needs to be scolded. Tu yg kengkadang tu geram je... Ada org back up.

Friday, July 6, 2012

syian chitom mummy... :(

After second delivery of baby girl I ada rs a bit sad sbb my first son asyik nk nangis je... but mummy love u too! Nnt adik dah besar sket u got fren to play with ok... :)

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Happy 2nd bday to my beloved son

Alhamdulillah..pnjg umur n murah rezeki to my son.. Muhamad Zafran Marican. His bday was on 28th June. He is now 2 years old. Mummy takda apa2 gift to give. Mummy will always pray for ur success in life dunia akhirat. Mummy love u very much! N not forgetting adik too.. Or like wat u always call her "dekkkkk...." Dgn penuh manjanya..

Happy Birthday Sayang!

* mummy feel like crying now * :)

Monday, June 25, 2012


I Ada i-pad dah.. Husband buy for me.. Thanx..

Wake up in d middle of d night..

My dotter woke up for her normal feeding time then it's time for her nappy change. Then I cannot sleep. Already took I cup of warm water. Now I am jus browsing d Internet while blogging. Playing game at the same time. Sumtimes at this time I wonder wat other ppl r up to? Well, I'll try to go to sleep after this. Ape yg wat I takleh nk sleep ni? Pk benda bukan2? No laa.. Juz thinking of myself n babies. Sacrification of a mother.. :) Juz want the best for both of them. N to my husband, please don't stop loving me..

Friday, June 22, 2012

Monday, June 18, 2012

Bnyknye benda ni pk

Tau tak apa CIA? Car.. Rumah.. Maid.. Work at new place.. Haishh!!


Dearest daughter has been safely delivered on 7th June 2012. She was named DALIYA ZARA. Alhamdulillah dear skrang Dh 12 days n I Dlm process recovery.. Will post pic of Zara soonest. For Abg jafyan he is still bucuk mummy. Semakin noti ni. Love them both so much!! Dik....dik... Dgn lenggok manjanya... Chommelsss sgt.. N to daydeh mummy love u 2!

Friday, June 1, 2012

last day of the week, beginning of the month

tgh siap2 nak gi work..
hubby not working.. he said ade like demam..
son baru tido balik after isap susu..
alo in tummy.. pusing2.. hehehe..

Thursday, May 31, 2012

last day of May 2012

yerpp.. true 31st May 2012. here it is. lps ni dah masuk bulan june. i pun dh lama tak update blog. kat ofis dh takeh log in. kena block all blogs. kat umah husband outstation so takde chance nak online. my phone not compatible with the new look of blogger. haisshh.. takpela.. nway ni curi2 guna before gi keja. juz took my bath. hehhehe... btw, to share some info.. i dh 37 weeks. kalo ikut due date doctor bagi is 17 june 2012. tapi it can be anytime soon. sgt nervous! wish for all the best. good luck and insyaallah hoping sumenye ok..

Friday, May 4, 2012

mummy is in orange color today


sgt ceria color baju saya..


mood today ok sket. mlm td nangis plak tetiba time sleep. sayang chitom!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

chitom n shades

hahahaha... chomel tak saya mummy... :)

45 days to go

i dh masuk 32 weeks. lagi 45 days to go. lebey kurang sebulan je la. huhuhu... camne ni? bnyk benda yg i dok pk pk ni. risau la mummy.

last weekend weolls pg PD. at first cam tak nak pegi. rasa malas nak travel jauh2 lagi. and at the same time, chitom flu n ruam2. SIL suspect tu allergic. i pk ape benda dia makan? might be sumber kekacang dia kena stop la kot. husband i cam pressure n tension psl all of those things. haiishh.. sumtimes rasa ahhh.. biarlah.. simpan je sorang2 feelings yg i rasa ni. malas nak share ngan sape2.

another update.. --> bout my house. husband dh decide that we will rent that house sbb income tak ckup nak cover expenses. dgn nak send zafran sbb takde org tgk. tapi kan yang.. ni i ade jagk rs malas nak ckp kat u.. i mmg la nak stay at house sdiri. plus ada own privacy tapi like situation tak izin kan i. at the moment. i ade jgk a few times cry and tension psl ni semua.. tapi sbb pk baby in my tummy i tak jadi nak nangis. biarlah.. let d time come.. i juz kena bnyk sabar skarang.. nak story ngan mum pun takleh.. i juz feel like i'm stuck.. uurrgghh!! zafran help mummy!!

lagi satu bila i pk psl zafran n 2nd baby. i juz rasa i'm not being good mother to them lagi. hhmm... HOW? HOW? HOW?

happy may month

holla.. dah new month. hubby saya takde. outstation. so tggl la chitom, mummy n alo.. he'll be back this weekend. i rs sgt nervous when he's out for outstation. wish myself for the best.

Monday, April 23, 2012

my house

lampu n kipas semua dh siap install. dah cuci pun. now i nak tggl survey langsir je la. i dh decide. for living hall and bedrooms sume lain2. hehehe.. maybe i pegi elyza or nagoya. tgk yg mana murah.

new format

it's about a month already from my last post. seems to be a bit busy la. tapi actually bole je blog kat ofis sekejap. anyway this month cam a bit headache la. i still blom decide kat mana nak beranak ni. pastu kat mana nak pantang. pastu nnt sape nak jaga anak i. takkan semua MIL. hmm.. so many things and how to generate extra income. pls help me! i skrang dh going to be 32 weeks already. tggl lagi 4 weeks b4 full term je. risau la saya. pastu skrang ni and kengkadang bnyk terpk benda2 negative. tak elok kan sume tu. haiissh..

Monday, March 26, 2012

happy monday

hari ni sya macam moody sket. makan pun tak selera. ni mkn lauk sup daging je tapi tetiba tak lalu plak. haisshh..

daydeh dah habis outstation for about a month jgk la. syian mummy. emo pun ade kengkadang tu. tapi ye la die kan keja.

chitom baru potong rambut pendek. nanti i post his latest photo. hehehe..

Thursday, March 15, 2012

kristal heights

updates on my house:-

1) dah beli lampu main entrance [cantik] hanging punya tau
2) dah beli kipas hall and bilik [with remote tau]
3) dah beli lampu balkoni [style army sket]
4) lampu bathroom pun dah beli [bulat]

total sume dlm rm1400. tnggl lagi ape ye?

1) lampu luar
2) lampu hall & kitchen
3) lampu balkoni belakang
4) lampu dining
5) lampu walkway

then kow-teem. bole suruh org install kan. yahoo! :)

pastu nak kena cari cabinet plak. yang simple one je la. sbb our stuff banyak giler especially in kitchen. tu pun ade lagi blom angkut from klang lama. bye bye klang lama. so many memories in the house. tapi takpela.. maybe move for better right? think positive mummy. awak tu pregnant.

chitom~ mummy heart u!
alo ~ can't wait to see u!

i'm nervous

when i looked at my baby's countdown i rasa sgt nervous. kat situ tulis lagi 94 days which means like 3 more months to go. o-o. camne. hehehe... baby dlm tummy pun dah nak masuk 7 months. kejap je kan time tu. kalo kira salary lagi 3 bulan then dh smp time. last week i kena wat diabetic test. kena puasa start friday mlm. so b4 tido tu i makan biskut n roti cicah air ovaltine. talking bout malta drink dah lama tak minum milo. sebab my in-laws house tak minum milo. milo 3 in 1 rasanye tak sedap sgt compared to bancuh nye. mmg la i wat tak manis tapi taste milo tu lain. ni kalo pegi makan kat luar baru dpt minum milo or else takde. huhu.. :( back to the diabetic test. masa mula2 amik darah tu, ingat kena amik satu tu ke ape tapi amik sket je kat hujung jari. time puasa 4.1 pastu kena minum air gula then puasa lagi for 2 hours. so sambil menunggu tu husband bwk la jalan2 kat space u8. new shopping mall. very big and dia kata tu environmental green. hmm.. tapi kan kipas dia sgt unik. mall tu besar. surau dia pun cantik. satu floor tu kat one end mmg diorang dh siapkan surau tu. very unik n cantik.
well almost 2 hours dtg blk jumpa nurse tadi. amik reading and naik to 4.8 i was a bit nervous la sbb nak tau results. tp alhamdulillah everything's ok. pastu doctor tu explain bukannye apa. sbb i mentioned that my sis ada case dulu kan so they nak pastikan yang i punya baby pun ok. pastu doctor ada mention lagi most prob i have to go for c-section again. i kalo bole mmg nk normal delivery tapi dia explain sbb umra tu small. facilities tak banyak. tak nak amik risk so they all mmg akan ceasar la. :( camne?? i dh mula pk bukan2. alamak. ke nak kena tuka hospital ni? hanya tuhan yang tau apa yang i rasa at that time. even until now pun i rasa like serba salah. camne ni yang? malas la nak tanye husband i. dia kan sibuk skang ni. at the moment i bnyk doa that i n baby sihat. nnt i will think n decide la.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


dah lama i tak blog. ingat hari tu nak blog masa 29th feb tapi takde masa la plak. sbb date tu dtg 4 tahun sekali je kan. skang ni pun dah masuk bulan march kan. hehehe..

my son baru baik demam. looks like demam campak. risau mummy. i think right every once and then kena cuci things guna dettol. antiseptic. bukan ape. kita try to reduce the risk la kan. syian bucuk mummy. love him so much!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

so many things to think n read

alamak... bnyknye nak kena survey ni.


~ home sweet home ~

~ ldc ~

~ work ~

insyaAllah.. buat satu2 n slow2. yang mane boleh dulu dahulukan yg tu dulu.

never felt like so busy and headache like now. hubby cepat balik sbb got so many things to discuss.. huhu!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

thursday dah

cepat kan masa berlalu. tapi i lagi cepat. ingat hari ni dh friday. hehehe... nway tadi i lunch kat kenny rogers. tersangat la kenyang. and ice lemon tea tu.. mmg tak dpt dinafikan.. sedap kan tapi sebab dh kenyang so tak lah dihabiskan. food as usual 1/4 chicken with 3 side dishes. lalala...

talking bout hubby plak. die sgt happy sbb hari ni it's a wrap for his prius training. well, wishing him all the best lah.. die balik today jgk tapi dunno wat time sbb die ckp car carrier tu smp nilai about 7pm. guess so maybe 11 or 12 at nite. might be time die blk i dh tido. hehehe..

chitom yang chommel.. asik nak berdukung je. bile nk letak.. kontot kaki n nangis ekkkk... gigit pipi kang baru tau.

k la.. i tgh nak kemas2 ni. jap gi nak balik. chiow!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

e eh..

mummy's baby in tummy left like 124 more days to go. hehehe... nervous nye saya. hehehe.. well last weekend ikut husband saya pg nilai. naik prius C. and ade chance drive that car. nervous ok. takut tersalah picit or pijak car yang smart tu. we stayed there for 2 nites. hotel not bad boleh tahan. nice view tapi i tell u the pool not suitable. mmg not suitable sgt sbb lps pg swimiing our bodies kena gatal2. n my husband dh kuar bintat2. i since duduk je. bnyk kat kaki je la. lucky zafran takde sgt. cpt2 masuk room mandi n sabun bnyk2 nak hilangkan gatal tu. pastu i n husband sapu vicks kat bintat tu. n zafran husband lumur lotion n bedak. hisshh.. might be pool die kotor la. next time kalo pg sane lagi tanak mandi kat pool die.

well, here are some of the photos taken there. enjoy!

Friday, February 10, 2012

hhmm....mummy's instinct

ntahla.. dh 2 hari anak i bgn tido time subuh. yesterday i pk maybe sbb the nite b4 tu die tido awal. dlm kul 930mlm. tp mlm tadi i lewat kan sket. dlm almost 11mlm br die tido tau. hmm.. ke is it that he missed his daydeh? tgk pic sebelah ni? hehe.. ye la kot. takpela chitom. tonite daydeh blk. nnt kita gi jln2 ngan daydeh ok. love u two a lot.. XOXOXOXO!