Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, December 28, 2007

end of the year

currently i'm listening to once-aku mau. it is bcoz he dedicated this song to me. wanted to know what's the song is all about. the music is pretty nice. can really take me away from reality. thinking n dreaming.. about past n future.. 2007 is almost over. n 2008 is almost opening it's curtains. good bye 2007. the year with a lot of things. happy, sad, tears, anger, bored, loved, missed, lost, patience, blur, sleepy, nervous, sick, tired, over-slept n many more to list.
basically, not juz me i'm sure.. everyone will almost face the same thing in their lives. just the detail stories is different. mmm.. y not i recall what happened to me since i only started blogging in october.

jan-> fever n cough, him : practical : i tension coz i don't understand =<
feb->valentine's day, cermin keta pecah : cried : dad scold : not my fault =(
mac->shopping carnival : haa : my fav =D
apr->coloured & higlighted my hair, annual dinner, AQUARIA : syok nye.. =D
may->anniversary, holiday : JB : fren's wedd, sis gave birth to a cutie baby girl : fay
jun->didn't go to tmn negara, aunt's wedd
jul->acca registration : enrol for class
aug->50th celebration of merdeka, atuk passed away : sad : sick : =(
sep->sunway lagoon : best : dah lame tak pegi, fasting
oct->his birthday, raya + raya + raya
nov->my BIRTHDAY : yahhoooo.. =D
dec->exam.. : takut = , christmas : raining season : blum shopping lagi =<

but of course ade banyak lagi la.. basically ape yang i ingat i tulis la.. previously i used to have a book to record down everything happened in my life.. tapi i dah lame stop that sbb start keje.. then i dah malas.. now starting to do that but in different method.. blogging..

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