Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, December 19, 2007


don't get me wrong. tadi kan i cakap i happy coz this week i keje 3 days saje. i moody coz last saturday la. hmm.. sometimes rasa cam yela... i yang kena faham ppl's situation. i ni takde sape nak faham. so sumtimes i pun rs nak be alone. sape2 yg rasa dah don't need me tu, blh la cari partner lain or do whatever yg die rasa syok nak buat. i ni kan selfish. slalu buat orang marah, tak pk pasal others, suke complicated kan situation, suke pk things tak habis pastu sumtimes kiddish. mengade2 la. hmm.. i pun dah bnyk change myself in order to get along with ppl. sumtimes i pun pk gak, i ni bnyk buat salah, so tak yah la kawan ngan i lagi....

you kno, in relationships n life, there shud be ups n downs. i rasa i ni pun have very high level of patience. my mum pun slalu cakap biarlah orang nak buat kat kita. kita jgn la buat kat diorang. when the time comes, they will get their pay back. tapi i learned from past, u cannot simpan semuanye dan pendam seorang diri coz nnt u sendiri yg suffer. what do ppl call that? hmm.. mood swing eh..hmm.. not sure la. it connects real close to emotions. so it's gud to have someone close so u can share things out n let it out but don't pick the wrong frens. they will like you when you r happy but not when u r down. nowadays blh kira brape ramai yg really nak kawan ngan kita. but fist all of all it falls on ourselves la. how de we treat them, n how do we carry ourselves will potray the attitude to ppl. n they will decide whether to be your good fren or not.

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