Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, December 14, 2007

wet friday

y do i say so? know y? coz now it is raining heavily + thunderstorm. ha.. hopefully petang nnt masa i balik keje hujan dah reda.

juz had my lunch. i turun lmbt sket sbb tadi hubby called. i flu lagi la. since sunday that day. guess so.. tension due to exam. i just took my medication n hopefully it will recover soon. that's y i said, i kena start active in sports balik. if not selang 1 or 2 weeks pastu i flu or sore throat.

weekend ni.. i nak wat ape ar? hmm.. might be tgk movie. or might be shopping as i always like to do. nnt i figure out what la. mlm ni nk discuss ngan bob dulu. n most prob hubby. i tot nk pegi klcc tapi dunno yet la sbb my parent nak gi wedding. so, juz wait for my updating tomorrow or later tonite on where is my venue.

arrgghh..nose tgh block la. tak syok langsung... cpt2 la sembuh.

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