Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, December 11, 2007


hallo... hie... here i am again after for about 1 week i did not post anything. bz studying for exam la. yesterday was my exam day. started at 3. luckily my clasmate told me bout 2 hrs b4 exam started that the venue had changed. so i confirmed with my lecturer n another friend of mine. they said yah, it's changed n do go early to find parking lot. if not there wil not be enough spaces. coz a lot of ppl will go there. my exam room was damn cold. rasa cam duduk dalam peti ais. i like menggigil giler2. i dah pakai dua layer of baju. tapi sejuk gak. sum of them even takde sweater pun blh tahan. hisshh... dah la i ade flu. luckily i brought tissue. i managed to answer those qs. so now what i can do is berserah n tawakal kpd Allah sbb i dh jawab pun paper tu. sumwhere in february baru result kuar. insya-Allah. i did my very best. dengan banyak sgt emosi terganggu through out my study week. hehehe...

for almost a week i left my office. so as this month we need to close the accounts faster due to board of directors going for annual leave. so my colleagues like balik late like 9 then i balik tadi pun blum siap lagi. so i settle the things completed everything. wow! hehe.. then tomorrow distribute.

anyway, it's december already. last month of the year. my appraisal form is already being sent. so i have to complete the form then it's time to appraise. alamak... a bit takut la. coz i donno what my boss wil say bout my performance this year. i tau la myself sometimes this month i okay, the other month tak ok. juz wish me best of luck. hopefully tak masuk office political kan.

hopefully whatever happens in the year 2007 will give me some experience to go through my life n make mo more stronger in the future years. sometimes i do feel like wanting to have some time for myself. but my bf slalu ckp what's the purpose of having him around. takleh nak share stories ups n downs. tapi u kno la. girls will alwiz be girls. =)

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