Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, December 30, 2007


after a full week of not dating him, yesterday we went out together. after breakfast, we went to cineleisure to watch "warlords" acted by Jet Li, Andy Lau and Takeshi Kaneshiro. war, strategies, women, money, food... it's the first time for us to catch those epic movies coz i'm not interested to watch unless if i want to watch la.. then.. jalan2.. i bought these selendang. purple + beads. can wear to office one day. bough two more new baju. 70's and baju bunga2.

even though i dah lunch nasi tapi petang tu i stil lapar. both of us stopped by kat mamak to eat tandoori chicken + roti naan, our favourites. then kenyang giler.. balik tu .. mandi.. then online while watching tv. then me n bros tgk video clips kat you tube while karaoke-ing.. hahaha... i slept almost 1am. but kno wat.. i have to eat again coz i'm hungry.. whoosshhh! betapa banyaknye aku makan hari itu.. pastu kurus gak.. hahaha.. orang ckp sbb i punye metabolisme tinggi. ye ke.. i pun tak pegi check on the info bout that... nnt la i survey ye..

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